Dr. Greti Iulia Ivana has joined the School of Social & Political Sciences in January as a Lecturer in Digital Society.

Dr. Ivana’s areas of expertise include social theory (especially social phenomenology, relational sociology, intersectionality and symbolic interactionism) and qualitative research methodology (both traditional and digital). Empirically, her main research interests are the transformations of personal social relations in the context of digitalization, experiences of spatiality and temporality online, embodiment, highly skilled intra-European migration, and negotiations of relational and physical distance. 

Dr. Ivana’s work has been published in reputable journals, among which The Sociological Review, Symbolic Interaction, and Human Studies.

She is also the author of the book Social Ties in Online Networking (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Ivana was based at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University in Sweden. There, besides teaching and research, she was an active member of the Economic Sociology Lab and the Cultural Matters Group. She holds a PhD. in Information and Knowledge Society from IN3-UOC in Barcelona. 

First published: 19 February 2019

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