The joint Glasgow/Strathclyde Political Theory Colloquium will be meeting for a mixture of internal and external presentations most Thursdays during Semester 2 this year. All meetings this semester will be in the Hetherington Building, 216, on the University of Glasgow campus at 16:00. The schedule is as follows:
30 January: James Harris (St. Andrews)
6 February: Craig Smith (Glasgow)
13 February: Leah Downey (Cambridge)
27 February: Yiheng Ding (Glasgow)
6 March: Scott Cunnigham (Strathclyde)
13 March: Jeff Howard (UCL)
20 March: Eric MacGilvray (Ohio)
27 March: Elad Carmel (Edinburgh)
Papers are generally circulated in advance. Please email to be added to the colloquium mailing list to receive papers and updates.

First published: 1 January 2025

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