Flying While Muslim and Driving While Black: Examining the Differences in Racialized Surveillance and Policing for African American Muslims

With Dr Saher Selod, Simmons University

16.00-17.30pm GMT (Online)

Hosted by: Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power


In this talk, Dr Saher Selod will examine how being Black and Muslim guides the types of racialized policing and surveillance that men and women encounter, and how race, ethnicity and gender inform the types of policing and surveillance they experience. Dr Selod will explore how federal security and local policing operate under different racialized constructions of threat: the construct of the ‘terrorist’ is a racial one that drives counterterrorism policies that mark Muslims as dangerous to national security, while the War on Drugs has marked African Americans as drug offenders and violent domestic criminals, making them susceptible to hyper policing.​

This lecture will take place online. Please register to attend, and a joining link will be sent to you on the day of the event.

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First published: 1 January 2025

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