Student Experience Team
There are many members of staff at the School of Social & Environmental Sustainability that support the overall Student Experience on Campus. You can find out more information below.
Find out more about the Student Led Experience Fund.
Jeanna Baxter
Student Engagement Coordinator
Jeanna is responsible for ensuring the student voice is represented effectively throughout the School’s activities. She organises a variety of social events throughout the academic year, as well as opportunities to collect student feedback.
To contact Jeanna, please email:
Laura Davidson
Student Experience and Ops Manager
Laura is responsible for the strategic direction of student experience within the School and Campus.
To contact Laura, please email:
Dr David Clelland
Chair of the Staff-Student Liaison Committee
David is the Chair of the Staff-Student Liaison Committee (known as SSLC). These meetings allow students to air their views to the academics that run their department on issues like course content, teaching and resources, and usually happen three per year.
To find out more about SSLC or becoming a Class Rep, visit: Student Representative webpages