Number of items: 35.
Jessop, R.
Learned ignorance: opposing the scientificizing hegemony through Santos, Pope, and Hamilton.
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55(2),
pp. 409-421.
(doi: 10.1111/1467-9752.12559)
Jessop, R.
Subverting modernity in Carlyle's "Signs of the Times" and "Past and Present".
In: Kerry, P. E., Pionke, A. D. and Dent, M. (eds.)
Thomas Carlyle and the Idea of Influence.
Farleigh Dickinson University Press: Cranbury, NJ.
ISBN 9781683930655
Jessop, R.
Peter Pan's make-believe: place, uncertainty, and wonder.
In: Bold, V. and Nash, A. (eds.)
Gateway to the Modern: Resituating J.M. Barrie.
Series: Occasional papers (Association for Scottish Literary Studies) (18).
Scottish Literature International, pp. 133-154.
ISBN 9781908980021
Jessop, R.
Representing humanity, the mechanical metaphor, and acts of memory.
Imaginaires, 17,
pp. 43-69.
Jessop, R.
Resisting the Enlightenment's instrumentalist legacy: James, Hamilton, and Carlyle on the mechanization of the human condition.
History of European Ideas, 39(5),
pp. 631-649.
(doi: 10.1080/01916599.2012.735137)
Jessop, R.
Coinage of the term environment: a word without authority and Carlyle's displacement of the mechanical metaphor.
Literature Compass, 9(11),
pp. 708-720.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1741-4113.2012.00922.x)
Jessop, R.
Thomas Brown: negotiating a position between Hume and Reid.
Metascience, 21(2),
pp. 337-341.
(doi: 10.1007/s11016-011-9600-y)[Book Review]
Jessop, R.
Counter-cultural scepticisms of the long enlightenment: Hume, Reid, Hamilton, Carlyle, Dickens and beyond.
Journal of Scottish Thought, 4,
pp. 75-94.
Jessop, R.
Cairns Craig, Intending Scotland: Explorations in Scottish Culture since the Enlightenment (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009).
Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 8,
pp. 225-231.
(doi: 10.3366/jsp.2010.0011)
Jessop, R.
Shooting the Enlightenment: a brave new era for Carlyle?
In: Kerry, P.E. and Hill, M. (eds.)
Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle’s Contribution to the Philosophy of History, Political Theory, and Cultural Criticism.
Farleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, NJ, pp. 62-84.
ISBN 9780838642238
Jessop, R.
The logic of Sir William Hamilton: tunnelling through sand to place the keystone in the Aristotelic Arch.
In: Gabbay, D.M. and Woods, J. (eds.)
British Logic in the Nineteenth Century.
Series: Handbook of the History of Logic, 4.
Elsevier, pp. 93-163.
ISBN 0444516107
Jessop, R.
Undesirable passions: utopia's emotionless rationality.
In: Van Eemeren, F.H. (ed.)
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation.
Sic Sat, International Center for the Study of Argumentation: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 705-711.
ISBN 9789051709162
Jessop, R.
Carlyle's agnosticism: "an altar to the unknown and unknowable God".
Literature and Belief, 25(1-2),
pp. 381-433.
Jessop, R.
Brown, Thomas.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, p. 39.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Cooper, Thomas.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 103-104.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Erskine, Thomas.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 151-152.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Hume, David.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 227-228.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Laing, David.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, p. 266.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Leslie, John.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, p. 279.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Lushington, Vernon.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, p. 298.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Masson, David.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 310-311.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Montague, Anna Dorothea.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 334-335.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Nietzsche, Friedrich.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 349-350.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Reid, Thomas.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, pp. 388-389.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
Spedding, Thomas Story [and] Spedding, James.
In: Cumming, M. (ed.)
The Carlyle Encyclopedia.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, USA, p. 437.
ISBN 9780838637920
Jessop, R.
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle, Vol.28.
Scottish Studies Review, 4(2),
pp. 140-142.
[Book Review]
Jessop, R.
Carlyle, Thomas.
In: Mander, W.J. and Sell, A.P.F. (eds.)
The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers.
Thoemmes Continuum: Bristol, UK, pp. 206-212.
ISBN 9781855069558
Jessop, R.
Scottish philosophical springs of a Romantic literature: Keats’s "older" contemporary Carlyle.
In: Barfoot, C.C. (ed.)
Victorian Keats and Romantic Carlyle: The Fusions and Confusions of Literary Periods.
Series: DQR studies in literature, 27.
Rodopi: Amsterdam, pp. 103-119.
ISBN 9789042005884
Jessop, R.
Metaphor’s prodigious influence: Carlyle’s 'Signs of the Times’ and Sartor Resartus.
Scottish Literary Journal, 24(2),
pp. 46-58.
Jessop, R.
Carlyle and Scottish Thought.
Macmillan: Basingstoke.
ISBN 9780333634288
Jessop, R.
Viragos of the periodical press: Constance Gordon-Cumming, Charlotte Dempster, Margaret Oliphant, Christian Isobel Johnstone.
In: Gifford, D. and McMillan, D. (eds.)
A History of Scottish Women’s Writing.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 216-231.
ISBN 9780748609161
Jessop, R.
"A strange apartment": the watch-tower in Carlyle's Sartor Resartus.
Studies in Scottish Literature, 29(1),
pp. 118-132.
Jessop, R.
Carlyle’s Scotch scepticism: writing from the Scottish tradition.
Carlyle Studies Annual(16),
pp. 23-35.
Jessop, R.
Introduction to The Merry Wives of Windsor.
In: Alexander, P. (ed.)
Complete Works of William Shakespeare.
Series: Collins classics.
HarperCollins: Glasgow, pp. 57-58.
ISBN 9780004704753
Jessop, R.
'Carlyle’s "Wotton Reinfred": They talked of Scotch philosophy'.
Carlyle Studies Annual, 12(3),
pp. 9-15.
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