Number of items: 35.
Hunter, A.
The intersection of migration and ageing: overview and implications for the broader gerontological field.
Issue Focus, 5(3),
pp. 49-60.
Shrestha, S., Arora, S., Hunter, A. and Debesay, J.
Aging in place or aging out of place? Family caregivers’ perspectives on care for older Pakistani migrants in Norway.
European Journal of Ageing, 21,
(doi: 10.1007/s10433-024-00832-y)
Shrestha, S., Arora, S., Hunter, A. and Debesay, J.
The morality of care: female family caregivers’ motivations for providing care to older migrants.
Qualitative Health Research,
(doi: 10.1177/10497323241280239)
(Early Online Publication)
Hunter, A. and Torres, S.
Deploying an ageing-astute lens in migration studies: current research and future directions.
International Migration, 62(4),
pp. 296-300.
(doi: 10.1111/imig.13301)
Shrestha, S., Hunter, A. , Debesay, J. and Arora, S.
Intergenerational ambivalence among families with a migrant background caring for older relatives.
Journal of Migration and Health, 10,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jmh.2024.100244)
Torres, S. and Hunter, A. (Eds.)
Handbook on Migration and Ageing.
Series: Elgar handbooks in migration.
Edward Elgar.
ISBN 9781839106767
Hunter, A.
Return and circular migration in later life.
In: Torres, Sandra and Hunter, Alistair (eds.)
Handbook on Migration and Ageing.
Series: Elgar handbooks in migration.
Edward Elgar, pp. 183-195.
ISBN 9781839106767
(doi: 10.4337/9781839106774.00025)
Hunter, A. and Böcker, A.
Older refugees and internally displaced people.
In: Torres, Sandra and Hunter, Alistair (eds.)
Handbook on Migration and Ageing.
Series: Elgar handbooks in migration.
Edward Elgar, pp. 151-161.
ISBN 9781839106767
(doi: 10.4337/9781839106774.00022)
Torres, S. and Hunter, A.
Migration and ageing: the nexus and its backdrop.
In: Torres, Sandra and Hunter, Alistair (eds.)
Handbook on Migration and Ageing.
Series: Elgar handbooks in migration.
Edward Elgar, pp. 1-12.
ISBN 9781839106767
(doi: 10.4337/9781839106774.00006)
Hunter, A.
Minorities in, minorities out: cemeteries, religious adversity and the French body politic in contemporary and historical perspective.
In: Maddrell, Avril, Kmec, Sonja, Uteng, Tanu Priya and Westendorp, Mariske (eds.)
Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries.
Series: IMISCOE research series (IMIS).
Springer: Cham, pp. 105-121.
ISBN 9783031282836
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28284-3_6)
Shrestha, S., Arora, S., Hunter, A. and Debesay, J.
Changing dynamics of caregiving: a meta-ethnography study of informal caregivers’ experiences with older immigrant family members in Europe.
BMC Health Services Research, 23,
(doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09023-4)
Hunter, A. and McCallum Guiney, F.
Misrecognised as Muslim: the racialisation of Christians of Middle Eastern heritage in the UK.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
(doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2022.2157803)
(Early Online Publication)
Böcker, A. and Hunter, A.
Older refugees and internally displaced people in African countries: findings from a scoping review of literature.
Journal of Refugee Studies,
(doi: 10.1093/jrs/feac023)
(Early Online Publication)
Hunter, A. and McCallum Guiney, F.
The quest for equal citizenship: Middle Eastern Christian narratives of migration and inclusion in the United Kingdom.
Mashriq and Mahjar, 8(1),
pp. 15-43.
(doi: 10.24847/v8i12020.288)
Hunter, A. and Meer, N.
Is Scotland different on race and migration?
Scottish Affairs, 27(3),
pp. 382-387.
(doi: 10.3366/scot.2018.0249)
Hunter, A.
Conclusion: The returns from theory and a new approach to home.
Retirement Home? Ageing Migrant Workers in France and the Question of Return.
Series: IMISCOE research series.
Springer, pp. 179-198.
ISBN 9783319649757
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64976-4_8)
Hunter, A.
Older migrants: inequalities of ageing from a transnational perspective.
In: Westwood, Sue (ed.)
Ageing, Diversity and Inequality: Social Justice Perspectives.
Series: Routledge advances in sociology.
Routledge: London, pp. 194-209.
ISBN 9780415786690
Hunter, A.
Retirement Home? Ageing Migrant Workers in France and the Question of Return.
Series: IMISCOE research series.
Springer: Cham.
ISBN 9783319649757
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64976-4)
Böcker, A. and Hunter, A.
Legislating for transnational ageing: a challenge to the logics of the welfare state.
European Journal of Ageing, 14(4),
pp. 353-363.
(doi: 10.1007/s10433-017-0431-6)
Hunter, A.
Cemeteries, secularism, and religious difference in France.
Ciobanu, R. O. and Hunter, A.
Older migrants and (im)mobilities of ageing: an introduction.
Population, Space and Place, 23(5),
(doi: 10.1002/psp.2075)
Hunter, A. and Ammann, E. S. (Eds.)
Final Journeys: Migrant End-of-life Care and Rituals in Europe.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138749702
Hunter, A.
Staking a claim to land, faith and family: burial location preferences of Middle Eastern Christian migrants.
In: Hunter, Alistair and Ammann, Eva Soom (eds.)
Final Journeys: Migrant End-of-life Care and Rituals in Europe.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138749702
Hunter, A. and Ammann, E. S.
Migrant end-of-life care and rituals in Europe: an introduction.
In: Hunter, Alistair and Ammann, Eva Soom (eds.)
Final Journeys: Migrant End-of-life Care and Rituals in Europe.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138749702
Galal, L. P., Hunter, A. , Sparre, S. L., McCallum, F. and Wozniak-Bobinska, M.
Middle Eastern Christian spaces in Europe: multi-sited and super-diverse.
Journal of Religion in Europe, 9(1),
pp. 1-25.
(doi: 10.1163/18748929-00901002)
Hunter, A.
Deathscapes in diaspora: contesting space and negotiating home in contexts of post-migration diversity.
Social and Cultural Geography, 17(2),
pp. 247-261.
(doi: 10.1080/14649365.2015.1059472)
Hunter, A.
Emotional or instrumental? Narratives of home among North and West African seniors in France.
In: Walsh, Katie and Näre, Lena (eds.)
Transnational Migration and Home in Older Age.
Series: Routledge research in transnationalism (33).
Routledge: New York, pp. 75-86.
ISBN 9781138887862
Hunter, A.
Staking a claim to land, faith and family: burial location preferences of Middle Eastern Christian migrants.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(2),
pp. 179-194.
(doi: 10.1080/07256868.2016.1141759)
Hunter, A. and Ammann, E. S.
End-of-life care and rituals in contexts of post-migration diversity in Europe: an introduction.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(2),
pp. 95-102.
(doi: 10.1080/07256868.2016.1142052)
Hunter, A.
"Family values": Remittance dependency and the dilemma of late-in-life return.
Hommes et Migrations, 1309,
pp. 117-125.
Caponio, T., Hunter, A. and Verbeek, S.
(De)constructing expertise: comparing knowledge utilization in the migrant integration “crisis”.
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 17(1),
pp. 26-40.
(doi: 10.1080/13876988.2014.889902)
Hunter, A.
Empowering or impeding return migration? ICT, mobile phones, and older migrants’ communications with home.
Global Networks, 15(4),
pp. 485-502.
(doi: 10.1111/glob.12091)
Hunter, A. and Boswell, C.
Comparing the political functions of independent commissions: the case of UK migrant integration policy.
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 17(1),
pp. 10-25.
(doi: 10.1080/13876988.2014.896117)
Hunter, A. and Boswell, C.
Research-policy dialogues in the United Kingdom.
In: Scholten, Peter, Entzinger, Han, Penninx, Rinus and Verbeek, Stijn (eds.)
Integrating Immigrants in Europe: Research-Policy Dialogues.
Series: IMISCOE research series.
Springer: Cham, pp. 233-251.
ISBN 9783319162553
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16256-0_13)
Hunter, A.
Theory and practice of return migration at retirement: the case of migrant worker hostel residents in France.
Population, Space and Place, 17(2),
pp. 179-192.
(doi: 10.1002/psp.610)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 13:04:36 2025 GMT.