Research & Teaching
- Ahmed, Dr Ajaz (Research Associate)
- Awan, Dr Ashar (Research Associate)
- Beck, Dr Anna (Senior Lecturer in Education)
- Bloor, Dr Michelle (Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science and Risk)
- Boese, Dr Karen (Lecturer)
- Borthwick, Dr David (Lecturer)
- Breslin Davda, Dr Frances (Research Assistant)
- Burns, Dr Neil (Lecturer in Ecology)
- Camps, Dr Diana (Lecturer in Education)
- Clelland, Dr David (Lecturer in Rural Regeneration)
- Cortes-Romero, Dr Nuria (Research Associate)
- de Jong, Dr Anna (Senior Lecturer)
- Foley, Dr Elizabeth (Lecturer in Mathematics)
- Franks, Dr Benjamin (Senior Lecturer (Social and Political Philosophy))
- Gillespie, Dr Steven (Senior Lecturer)
- Hanscomb, Dr Stuart (Senior Lecturer)
- Henderson, Dr Lizanne (Senior Lecturer in History)
- Humbracht, Dr Michael (Research Associate)
- Hunt, Ms Charlotte (Research Assistant)
- Hunter, Dr Alistair (Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Policy)
- Krawczyk, Dr Marian (Lecturer in Health and Social Policy (End of Life))
- Lundie, Professor David (Professor of Education)
- MacLeod, Dr Donald (Senior Lecturer)
- Maxwell, Dr Steven (Research Associate in Health and Social Sector Leadership)
- Muir, Dr Michael (Lecturer)
- Nthambi, Dr Mary (Research Associate)
- Odena, Professor Oscar (Professor of Education)
- Okeke-Ogbuafor, Dr Nwamaka (Lecturer in Global Sustainable Development)
- Oxley, Dr Emily (Lecturer in Language and Literacy Education)
- Ozdemir Umutlu, Dr Gokce (Senior Lecturer in Tourism)
- Quinn, Dr Samuel (Research Associate)
- Renaud, Professor Fabrice (Professor in Environmental Risk/Community Resilience, Head of School, Social & Environmental Sustainability)
- Richards, Dr Naomi (Senior Lecturer)
- Riganti, Professor Patrizia (Professor in Tourism)
- Roy, Mr Debashis (Research Assistant)
- Shand, Professor Douglas (Professor)
- Shannon, Dr Lee (Research Associate)
- Shi, Dr John Xiaogang (Senior Lecturer in Hydrology)
- Shirazi, Dr Shaista (Senior Lecturer in Education)
- Sohel, Dr MD Sarwar (Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science & Sustainability)
- Stevenson, Mrs Sarah (Lecturer in Education)
- Tiberghien, Dr Guillaume (Senior Lecturer)
- Tortajada, Professor Cecilia (Professor in Practice - Environmental Innovation)
- Vincent, Dr Michele (Lecturer)
- Welden, Dr Natalie (Lecturer in Environmental Science and Sustainability)
- Whitelaw, Dr Alexander (Senior Lecturer)
- Wong, Dr Gary (Senior Lecturer in Education)
- Wood, Professor Bethan (Professor of Ecology/ Deputy Head of School (Staff and Student Experience))
- Xu, Dr Jiren (Lecturer in Remote Sensing & GIS)
- Zhang, Miss Zhengxin (Research Assistant)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Boese, Miss Alexandra (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Dumfries)
- Fauziah, Ms Amanda (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Foulkes, Miss Carrie (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Muirhead, Mrs Margaret (Associate Tutor)
- Murali, Mr Akash (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Dumfries)
- Murphy, Miss Anne (Lecturer)
- O'Neill, Mrs Patricia (Associate Tutor)
- Ollier, Mr Benjamin (Tutor - Dumfries)
- Roy, Mr Debashis (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Dumfries)
- Scott, Ms Elle (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Dumfries)
- Xu, Ms Zixin (PGR Events Intern)
- Zhao, Miss Jinyu (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Dumfries)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Biggar, Mrs Claire (PA to the Head of School)
- Brown, Mr Brian (School Administrator)
- Davies, Mrs Jeanna (Student Engagement Coordinator)
- Firth, Mr Mark (Administrative Officer)
- Hall, Miss Emily (Administrative Officer)
- LaBrash, Mrs Kerri (Administrative Officer)
- Mackay, Miss Ailsa (Business Development Manager)
- McCreadie, Miss Amy (Outreach & External Engagement Coordinator)
- Montgomerie, Mrs Laura (Student Experience and Ops Manager)
- Nash, Mrs Katherine (Operations Co-ordinator)
- Nicol, Mr Craig (Head of Professional Services)
- Skinner, Miss Freya (Events and Dissemination Lead - National Centre for Resilience (NCR))
- Walker, Miss Heather (Programme Administrator)
- Watt, Mrs Erin (Administrative Officer (Erasmus Mundus))
- Ashley, Ms Jayne (Affiliate)
- Balogh, Dr Ruth (Affiliate Senior Research Fellow)
- Beattie, Mrs Tracey (Affiliate)
- Bejarano, Dr Adriana (Affiliate)
- Bibby, Dr Miriam (Affiliate)
- Carrasco, Dr Jose (Affiliate Researcher)
- Clark, Professor David (Affiliate)
- Dai, Ms Meng (Sponsored Researcher)
- Davies, Mrs Yeolande (Affiliate)
- Gibbons, Mr Gwilym (Visiting Lecturer)
- Griffin, Dr Larry (Affiliate)
- Hill, Professor Carol (Affiliate)
- Hogarth, Dr Jan (Affiliate)
- Jessop, Dr Ralph (Affiliate, Cover for colleague)
- Johnston, Professor Sean (Affiliate Research Fellow)
- Lawton, Dr Ricky (Affiliate Senior Research Fellow)
- Liu, Dr Xiangling (Affiliate)
- Maxwell, Mr David (Teaching Fellow (Affiliate))
- McCubbin, Mrs Nicola (Affiliate)
- O'Mahony, Professor Seamus (Affiliate)
- Qiu, Dr Yangzi (Affiliate)
- Quinn, Dr Samuel (Affiliate)
- Rideout, Dr Andrew (Affiliate)
- Rinaldi, Mr Carlo (Affiliate)
- Ringrose, Professor Susan (Affiliate)
- Salehjee, Dr Saima (Affiliate)
- Shen, Mr Dongliang (Visiting scholar)
- Taylor, Professor Rex (Affiliate Research Fellow)
- Yao, Mr Song (Affiliate, Visiting Researcher)
Honorary & Visiting
- Murray, Professor Virginia (Honorary Professor)