Student Societies
GU Psych Soc
The Psychology Society is open to anyone who is studying or has an interest in Psychology. Their main aim is to raise awareness about important psychology related issues by holding events and talks.
GU Psych Soc also organise lots of social events throughout the year which is a great way to meet other students on your course. Their most popular social events are the annual Subcrawl and the themed Psychology Ball.
More information about GU Psych Soc including social media links.
Glasgow Neuro Society
We are a student led society who aim to raise awareness of current neuroscience research, allowing members to keep up with advances and breakthroughs in the field, and aim to create lifelong connections with students at the university. Membership is open to students at the university studying a neuroscience degree or have a keen interest. Being a member allows you to join us at our social events such as pub quizzes, weekly catchups, assignment help and exam revision, and we also send members a bi-weekly newsletter that keeps you up to date with what has been happening! Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any further questions, and we look forward to seeing you.
More information about the Glasgow Neuroscience Society.
LGBTQ+ Psychology Network
The LGBTQ Psychology Network is open to staff and students across UofG to join. The network runs monthly events and seminars during term-time, including talks and film nights. LGBTQ staff in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience also provide Rainbow Office Hours in each semester where students can talk to an LGBTQ member of staff.
Race and Equality Network
This network is a collective of staff and students based in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Glasgow who are people of colour (POCs) or their allies who hold shared values of inclusion, representation, and diversity. The goal of the network is to provide a safe space to discuss issues such as systemic racism in Psychology, and what it is like being a person of colour in our School. The network aims to highlight issues, achievements, offer mentorship, and to educate staff and students to provide a representative and inclusive learning and working experience for all.
The network also provides people with lived experience of poor representation to discuss and collaborate on opportunities to diversify and decolonise the Psychology curriculum and engage in scholarship around this area.
Neurodiversity Network
Founded by the School of Psychology and Neuroscience’s Dr Chiara Horlin and Dr Elliot Spaeth of the Academic Development Service, their mission is to provide awareness, representation, and promote inclusion of neurodiversity in higher education. The Network is a collective of interdisciplinary staff and students with lived experience of neurodiversity who endeavour to share resources, information and research about neurodiversity to the University community and beyond. They particularly wish to provide opportunities to co-collaborate with neurodivergent staff and students (current and prospective), as well as connecting with community stakeholders, and both the global neurodiversity movement and higher education community.