Dr Steven McNair
- Lecturer (School of Psychology & Neuroscience)
R427, 62 Hillhead Street, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, G12 8QB
Wednesdays 10am-12noon, drop-in in person or online: Office hours Zoom meeting link
Research interests
Scholarship interests:
- Mapping and embedding employability in the higher education curriculum
- Supporting psychology students' employability development
- Lived experiences of inclusivity of LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse students in higher education
Dissertation supervision:
I have a preference towards qualitative projects, but I am happy to discuss mixed methods or quantitative approaches where suitable. I would be happy to discuss supervision of Honours and MSc conversion course dissertations on the following topics:
- LGBTQ+ lived experience
- Student's experiences of developing employability/readiness for work and their perceptions experiences of finding graduate employment
- Cyberpsychology, particularly the processes underlying online social interactions
- Developmnent in adulthood and older adulthood, with a focus on lived experiences
Previous research experience:
- Pre-stimulus oscillatory neural correlates of sound pitch and intensity in healthy ageing
- Oscillatory and ERP correlates of audiovisual speech perception in healthy ageing
- Perception of facial expressions of emotion in healthy ageing
- Psychology 1B (Social Psychology topic)
- Social Psychology L3/4/Msc/ODL (Leadership and Cyberpsychology topics)
- Current Issues in Psychology L3/MSC/ODL (LGBTQ+ psychology topic)
- L3/4 Qualitative project
- MSc Research Methods 2
Other teaching/admin roles:
- Honours and MSc dissertation project supervision
- Current Issues in Psychology L3/MSC/ODL Course Lead
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience Employability Network Co-lead
- Adviser of Studies
Professional activities & recognition
Professional & learned societies
- Chartered Member, British Psychological Society
- Fellow (FHEA), Advance HE (HE Academy)