Dr Sara Sereno
- Reader (School of Psychology & Neuroscience)
R523 Level 5, 58 Hillhead Street, Glasgow, G12 8qb
Research interests
Obtained the following qualifications - 1986 B.S.Psychology, Northern Illinois University, USA; 1991 M.S.Psychology, University of Massachusetts, USA; 1993 Ph.D.Psychology, University of Massachusetts, USA. She is a member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society and the Psychonomic Society. Her research interests include Cognitive Neuroscience of Reading: brain evoked potentials and eye movements.
Please visit my lab page.
Yao, B., Scott, G. G., Bruce, G., Monteith-Hodge, E. and Sereno, S. C. (2024) Emotion processing in concrete and abstract words: evidence from eye fixations during reading. Cognition and Emotion, (doi: 10.1080/02699931.2024.2367062) (PMID:38961837) (Early Online Publication)
Taylor, J. E. , Rousselet, G. and Sereno, S. C. (2024) Can prediction error explain predictability effects on the N1 during picture-word verification? Imaging Neuroscience, 2, pp. 1-24. (doi: 10.1162/imag_a_00131)
Taylor, J. E. , Rousselet, G. A. , Scheepers, C. and Sereno, S. C. (2023) Rating norms should be calculated from cumulative link mixed effects models. Behavior Research Methods, 55, pp. 2175-2196. (doi: 10.3758/s13428-022-01814-7) (PMID:36103049) (PMCID:PMC10439063)
Yao, B., Taylor, J. E. and Sereno, S. C. (2022) What can size tell us about abstract conceptual processing? Journal of Memory and Language, 127, p. 104369. (doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2022.104369)
Hand, C. J. , Scott, G. G., Brodie, Z. P., Ye, X. and Sereno, S. C. (2021) Tweet valence, volume of abuse, and observers’ dark tetrad personality factors influence victim-blaming and the perceived severity of twitter cyberabuse. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100056. (doi: 10.1016/j.chbr.2021.100056)
Taylor, J. E., Beith, A. and Sereno, S. C. (2020) LexOPS: An R package and user interface for the controlled generation of word stimuli. Behavior Research Methods, 52, pp. 2372-2382. (doi: 10.3758/s13428-020-01389-1) (PMID:32394182)
Sereno, S. C. , Hand, C. J. , Shahid, A., Mackenzie, I. G. and Leuthold, H. (2020) Early EEG correlates of word frequency and contextual predictability in reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 35(5), pp. 625-640. (doi: 10.1080/23273798.2019.1580753)
Scott, G. G., Brodie, Z. P., Wilson, M. J., Ivory, L., Hand, C. J. and Sereno, S. C. (2020) Celebrity abuse on Twitter: the impact of tweet valence, volume of abuse, and dark triad personality factors on victim blaming and perceptions of severity. Computers in Human Behavior, 103, pp. 109-119. (doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2019.09.020)
Scott, G. G., Keitel, A. , Becirspahic, M., Yao, B. and Sereno, S. C. (2019) The Glasgow Norms: ratings of 5,500 words on 9 scales. Behavior Research Methods, 51(3), pp. 1258-1270. (doi: 10.3758/s13428-018-1099-3) (PMID:30206797)
Sereno, S. C. , Hand, C. J. , Shahid, A., Yao, B. and O'Donnell, P. J. (2018) Testing the limits of contextual constraint: Interactions with word frequency and parafoveal preview during fluent reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(1), pp. 302-313. (doi: 10.1080/17470218.2017.1327981) (PMID:28481189) (PMCID:PMC6159772)
Yao, B., Keitel, A. , Bruce, G., Scott, G. G., O'Donnell, P. J. and Sereno, S. C. (2018) Differential emotional processing in concrete and abstract words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44(7), pp. 1064-1074. (doi: 10.1037/xlm0000464) (PMID:29431458)
Sereno, S. C. , Scott, G. G., Yao, B., Thaden, E. J. and O'Donnell, P. J. (2015) Emotion word processing: does mood make a difference? Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1191. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01191)
Scott, G., O'Donnell, P. and Sereno, S. C. (2014) Emotion words and categories: evidence from lexical decision. Cognitive Processing, 15(2), pp. 209-215. (doi: 10.1007/s10339-013-0589-6)
Yao, B., Scott, G. G., McAleer, P. , O'Donnell, P. J. and Sereno, S. C. (2014) Familiarity with interest breeds gossip: contributions of emotion, expectation, and reputation. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e104916. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104916) (PMID:25119267) (PMCID:PMC4132070)
Yao, B., Vasiljevic, M., Weick, M., Sereno, M.E., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2013) Semantic size of abstract concepts: it gets emotional when you can’t see it. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e75000. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075000) (PMID:24086421) (PMCID:PMC3783453)
Scott, G.G., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2012) Emotion words affect eye fixations during reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(3), pp. 783-792. (doi: 10.1037/a0027209)
Hand, C.J. , O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2012) Word-initial letters influence fixation durations during fluent reading. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 85. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00085) (PMID:22485100) (PMCID:PMC3317262)
Scott, G.G., Sereno, S.C. and O’Donnell, P.J. (2012) Is a mean machine better than a dependable drive? It’s geared toward your regulatory foc. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, p. 268. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00268)
Gaspar, C., Pernet, C., Rousselet, G. and Sereno, S. (2011) Co-registration of EEG and eye movements: effects of context on stimulus processing. In: 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, France, 28 Aug - 1 Sept 2011,
Hand, C.J. , Miellet, S., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2010) The frequency-predictability interaction in reading: it depends where you’re coming from. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(5), pp. 1294-1313. (doi: 10.1037/a0020363) (PMID:20854004)
Miellet, S., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2009) Parafoveal magnification: visual acuity does not modulate the perceptual span in reading. Psychological Science, 20(6), pp. 721-728. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02364.x)
Sereno, S.C., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, M.E. (2009) Size matters: bigger is faster. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(6), pp. 1115-1122. (doi: 10.1080/17470210802618900)
Scott, G.G., O'Donnell, P.J., Leuthold, H. and Sereno, S.C. (2009) Early emotion word processing: evidence from event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 80(1), pp. 95-104. (doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2008.03.010)
Sereno, S.C. and O'Donnell, P.J. (2009) Participant and word gender in age of acquisition effects: The role of gender socialization. Sex Roles, 61(7-8), pp. 510-518. (doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9649-x)
Sereno, S. (2007) English versus French: A psychological reality to word order preferences?: Full Research Report. ESRC End of Award Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sereno, S. (2007) Parafoveal Magnification: A new paradigm for reading research: Full Research Report ESRC End of Award Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sereno, S.C. , O'Donnell, P.J. and Rayner, K. (2006) Eye movements and lexical ambiguity resolution: Investigating the subordinate-bias effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32(2), pp. 335-350. (doi: 10.1037/0096-1523.32.2.335) (PMID:16634674)
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (2003) Measuring word recognition in reading: eye movements and event-related potentials. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7(11), pp. 489-493. (doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2003.09.010)
Sereno, S.C. , Brewer, C.C. and O'Donnell, P. (2003) Context effects in word recognition: Evidence for early interactive processing. Psychological Science, 14(4), pp. 328-333. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9280.14471)
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (2000) Spelling-sound regularity effects on eye fixations in reading. Perception and Psychophysics, 62(2), pp. 402-409.
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (2000) The when and where of reading in the brain. Brain and Cognition, 42(1), pp. 78-81.
Posner, M.I., Abdullaev, Y.G., McCandliss, B.D. and Sereno, S.C. (1999) Neuroanatomy, circuitry and plasticity of word reading. NeuroReport, 10(3),
Sereno, S.C. , Rayner, K. and Posner, M.I. (1998) Establishing a time-line of word recognition: evidence from eye movements and event-related potentials. NeuroReport, 9(10), pp. 2195-2200.
Rayner, K., Sereno, S.C. and Raney, G.E. (1996) Eye movement control in reading: A comparison of two types of models. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22(5), pp. 1188-1200.
Rayner, K., Sereno, S. , Lesch, M. F. and Pollatsek, A. (1995) Phonological codes are automatically activated during reading: evidence from an eye movement priming paradigm. Psychological Science, 6(1), pp. 26-32. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1995.tb00300.x)
Sereno, S.C. (1995) Resolution of lexical ambiguity: Evidence from an eye movement priming paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21(3), pp. 582-595. (doi: 10.1037//0278-7393.21.3.582) (PMID:7602263)
Sereno, S.C. , Pacht, J.M. and Rayner, K. (1992) The effect of meaning frequency on processing lexically ambiguous words: evidence from eye fixations. Psychological Science, 3(5), pp. 296-300. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1992.tb00676.x)
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (1992) Fast priming during eye fixations in reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance(18), pp. 173-184.
Yao, B., Scott, G. G., Bruce, G., Monteith-Hodge, E. and Sereno, S. C. (2024) Emotion processing in concrete and abstract words: evidence from eye fixations during reading. Cognition and Emotion, (doi: 10.1080/02699931.2024.2367062) (PMID:38961837) (Early Online Publication)
Taylor, J. E. , Rousselet, G. and Sereno, S. C. (2024) Can prediction error explain predictability effects on the N1 during picture-word verification? Imaging Neuroscience, 2, pp. 1-24. (doi: 10.1162/imag_a_00131)
Taylor, J. E. , Rousselet, G. A. , Scheepers, C. and Sereno, S. C. (2023) Rating norms should be calculated from cumulative link mixed effects models. Behavior Research Methods, 55, pp. 2175-2196. (doi: 10.3758/s13428-022-01814-7) (PMID:36103049) (PMCID:PMC10439063)
Yao, B., Taylor, J. E. and Sereno, S. C. (2022) What can size tell us about abstract conceptual processing? Journal of Memory and Language, 127, p. 104369. (doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2022.104369)
Hand, C. J. , Scott, G. G., Brodie, Z. P., Ye, X. and Sereno, S. C. (2021) Tweet valence, volume of abuse, and observers’ dark tetrad personality factors influence victim-blaming and the perceived severity of twitter cyberabuse. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100056. (doi: 10.1016/j.chbr.2021.100056)
Taylor, J. E., Beith, A. and Sereno, S. C. (2020) LexOPS: An R package and user interface for the controlled generation of word stimuli. Behavior Research Methods, 52, pp. 2372-2382. (doi: 10.3758/s13428-020-01389-1) (PMID:32394182)
Sereno, S. C. , Hand, C. J. , Shahid, A., Mackenzie, I. G. and Leuthold, H. (2020) Early EEG correlates of word frequency and contextual predictability in reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 35(5), pp. 625-640. (doi: 10.1080/23273798.2019.1580753)
Scott, G. G., Brodie, Z. P., Wilson, M. J., Ivory, L., Hand, C. J. and Sereno, S. C. (2020) Celebrity abuse on Twitter: the impact of tweet valence, volume of abuse, and dark triad personality factors on victim blaming and perceptions of severity. Computers in Human Behavior, 103, pp. 109-119. (doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2019.09.020)
Scott, G. G., Keitel, A. , Becirspahic, M., Yao, B. and Sereno, S. C. (2019) The Glasgow Norms: ratings of 5,500 words on 9 scales. Behavior Research Methods, 51(3), pp. 1258-1270. (doi: 10.3758/s13428-018-1099-3) (PMID:30206797)
Sereno, S. C. , Hand, C. J. , Shahid, A., Yao, B. and O'Donnell, P. J. (2018) Testing the limits of contextual constraint: Interactions with word frequency and parafoveal preview during fluent reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(1), pp. 302-313. (doi: 10.1080/17470218.2017.1327981) (PMID:28481189) (PMCID:PMC6159772)
Yao, B., Keitel, A. , Bruce, G., Scott, G. G., O'Donnell, P. J. and Sereno, S. C. (2018) Differential emotional processing in concrete and abstract words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44(7), pp. 1064-1074. (doi: 10.1037/xlm0000464) (PMID:29431458)
Sereno, S. C. , Scott, G. G., Yao, B., Thaden, E. J. and O'Donnell, P. J. (2015) Emotion word processing: does mood make a difference? Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1191. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01191)
Scott, G., O'Donnell, P. and Sereno, S. C. (2014) Emotion words and categories: evidence from lexical decision. Cognitive Processing, 15(2), pp. 209-215. (doi: 10.1007/s10339-013-0589-6)
Yao, B., Scott, G. G., McAleer, P. , O'Donnell, P. J. and Sereno, S. C. (2014) Familiarity with interest breeds gossip: contributions of emotion, expectation, and reputation. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e104916. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104916) (PMID:25119267) (PMCID:PMC4132070)
Yao, B., Vasiljevic, M., Weick, M., Sereno, M.E., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2013) Semantic size of abstract concepts: it gets emotional when you can’t see it. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e75000. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075000) (PMID:24086421) (PMCID:PMC3783453)
Scott, G.G., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2012) Emotion words affect eye fixations during reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(3), pp. 783-792. (doi: 10.1037/a0027209)
Hand, C.J. , O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2012) Word-initial letters influence fixation durations during fluent reading. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 85. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00085) (PMID:22485100) (PMCID:PMC3317262)
Scott, G.G., Sereno, S.C. and O’Donnell, P.J. (2012) Is a mean machine better than a dependable drive? It’s geared toward your regulatory foc. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, p. 268. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00268)
Hand, C.J. , Miellet, S., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2010) The frequency-predictability interaction in reading: it depends where you’re coming from. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(5), pp. 1294-1313. (doi: 10.1037/a0020363) (PMID:20854004)
Miellet, S., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, S.C. (2009) Parafoveal magnification: visual acuity does not modulate the perceptual span in reading. Psychological Science, 20(6), pp. 721-728. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02364.x)
Sereno, S.C., O'Donnell, P.J. and Sereno, M.E. (2009) Size matters: bigger is faster. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(6), pp. 1115-1122. (doi: 10.1080/17470210802618900)
Scott, G.G., O'Donnell, P.J., Leuthold, H. and Sereno, S.C. (2009) Early emotion word processing: evidence from event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 80(1), pp. 95-104. (doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2008.03.010)
Sereno, S.C. and O'Donnell, P.J. (2009) Participant and word gender in age of acquisition effects: The role of gender socialization. Sex Roles, 61(7-8), pp. 510-518. (doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9649-x)
Sereno, S.C. , O'Donnell, P.J. and Rayner, K. (2006) Eye movements and lexical ambiguity resolution: Investigating the subordinate-bias effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32(2), pp. 335-350. (doi: 10.1037/0096-1523.32.2.335) (PMID:16634674)
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (2003) Measuring word recognition in reading: eye movements and event-related potentials. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7(11), pp. 489-493. (doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2003.09.010)
Sereno, S.C. , Brewer, C.C. and O'Donnell, P. (2003) Context effects in word recognition: Evidence for early interactive processing. Psychological Science, 14(4), pp. 328-333. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9280.14471)
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (2000) Spelling-sound regularity effects on eye fixations in reading. Perception and Psychophysics, 62(2), pp. 402-409.
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (2000) The when and where of reading in the brain. Brain and Cognition, 42(1), pp. 78-81.
Posner, M.I., Abdullaev, Y.G., McCandliss, B.D. and Sereno, S.C. (1999) Neuroanatomy, circuitry and plasticity of word reading. NeuroReport, 10(3),
Sereno, S.C. , Rayner, K. and Posner, M.I. (1998) Establishing a time-line of word recognition: evidence from eye movements and event-related potentials. NeuroReport, 9(10), pp. 2195-2200.
Rayner, K., Sereno, S.C. and Raney, G.E. (1996) Eye movement control in reading: A comparison of two types of models. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22(5), pp. 1188-1200.
Rayner, K., Sereno, S. , Lesch, M. F. and Pollatsek, A. (1995) Phonological codes are automatically activated during reading: evidence from an eye movement priming paradigm. Psychological Science, 6(1), pp. 26-32. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1995.tb00300.x)
Sereno, S.C. (1995) Resolution of lexical ambiguity: Evidence from an eye movement priming paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21(3), pp. 582-595. (doi: 10.1037//0278-7393.21.3.582) (PMID:7602263)
Sereno, S.C. , Pacht, J.M. and Rayner, K. (1992) The effect of meaning frequency on processing lexically ambiguous words: evidence from eye fixations. Psychological Science, 3(5), pp. 296-300. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1992.tb00676.x)
Sereno, S.C. and Rayner, K. (1992) Fast priming during eye fixations in reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance(18), pp. 173-184.
Research Reports or Papers
Sereno, S. (2007) English versus French: A psychological reality to word order preferences?: Full Research Report. ESRC End of Award Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sereno, S. (2007) Parafoveal Magnification: A new paradigm for reading research: Full Research Report ESRC End of Award Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Conference Proceedings
Gaspar, C., Pernet, C., Rousselet, G. and Sereno, S. (2011) Co-registration of EEG and eye movements: effects of context on stimulus processing. In: 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, France, 28 Aug - 1 Sept 2011,
Grants and Awards listed are those received whilst working with the University of Glasgow.
- The roles of emotion, frequency, and concreteness in word processing: An investigation using EEG and eye tracking
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
2014 - 2016
- Review and initial validation of psychometric test management tools (SFC voucher 16)
Scottish Funding Council
2014 - 2014
- Fluent reading and the brain: co-registration and statistical decomposition of eye fixations and anatomically-based electrophysiology
Economic and Social Research Council
2010 - 2012
- Parafoveal magnification - a new paradigm for reading research
Economic and Social Research Council
2006 - 2007
- English versus French: A psychological reality to word order preferences?
Economic and Social Research Council
2005 - 2006
Research datasets
Taylor, J. , Beith, A. and Sereno, S. (2021) LexOPS: An R package and user interface for the controlled generation of word stimuli. [Data Collection]