Dr Judith Jackson

  • Lecturer (School of Psychology & Neuroscience)

email: Judith.Jackson@glasgow.ac.uk

Room 406, 62 Hillhead Street, Glasgow

Import to contacts

My office hours are typically in-person on Thursdays from 3pm-4pm during semester. Please check for online hours, and any temporary changes to this schedule here: https://sway.office.com/m5NNDrR02mIZyLEZ?ref=Link

Research interests

I am predominantly a cognitive psychologist with interests in the effects of alcohol on memory. Specifically, I study the impact of alcohol-induced memory blackouts on episodic memory performance. I am also interested in the links between student alcohol consumption and wellbeing.

I completed my undgergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Stirling, followed by an MSc in Human Cognitive Neuropsychology at the University of Edinburgh. My PhD research was conducted at the University of Stirling.
