Professor John Riddell
- Professor, Director of Research (School of Psychology & Neuroscience)
Room 216 Level 2, Sir James Black Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ
Research interests
Sensory and motor processing mechanism in the spinal cord, mechanisms of neuropathic pain, and plasticity and regeneration following spinal cord injury.
Spinal interneuronal circuits controlling movement.
Regeneration in the spinal cord.
Sensory processing and the mechanisms of pain.
Grants and Awards listed are those received whilst working with the University of Glasgow.
- Using functional MRI to investigate cortical plasticity following facial reanimation surgery
Dr Stephen Plumpton Charitable Trust
2025 - 2025
- Defining the potential for neuromodulation of nociresponsive somatosensory cortex to treat pain
Pain Relief Foundation
2024 - 2027
- The roles of functionally defined populations of lamina I projection neurons
Medical Research Council
2022 - 2024
- What information does laminar fMRI provide about cortical sensorimotor circuits? Validation with electrophysiology and targeted nerve injuries
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
2019 - 2022
- Early diagnosis and intervention of osteoporosis using nanovibrational stimulation
Science and Technology Facilities Council
2018 - 2020
- Neuronal circuits for itch in the spinal dorsal horn
Medical Research Council
2018 - 2021
- Laminar fMRI and restigg-state fMRI in the somatosensory system -- effect of peripheral nerve injury on cortical circuits
Medical Research Council
2018 - 2020
- Laminar fMRI and resting-state fMRI in the somatosensory system -- effect of peripheral nerve injury on cortical circuits
Medical Research Council
2018 - 2020
- Mechanisms of neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: role of the spinothalamic tract
Inspire Foundation
2017 - 2021
- Mechanisms of neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: role of the spinothalamic tract
The Inspire Foundation
2017 - 2023
- Determining the role of calretinin-RorB spinal interneurons in modulating mechanical pain
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
2017 - 2020
- Development of laminar resting state fMRI and investigation of plasticity of cortical networks after peripheral nerve injury
Neurosciences Foundation
2017 - 2018
- The role of NPY-containing inhibitory interneurons in spinal pain pathways
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
2016 - 2019
- Spinal inhibitory interneurons that suppress itch
Medical Research Council
2013 - 2016
- Novel strategies for promoting CNS repair through manipulation of FGF signalling and heparan sulphate proteoglycans
Medical Research Council
2013 - 2015
- Does cellular niche affect the repair potential of mesenchymal stem cells; implications for spinal cord injury?
Medical Research Council
2012 - 2015
- Populations of inhibitory interneurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
2012 - 2015
- How does function in long axonal tracts and local circuits change in the progression from acute to chronic stages of spinal cord injury and how effective are cell transplants?
Spinal Research
2011 - 2014
- Can olfactory mesenchymal stem cells influence the repair potential of olfactory ensheathing cells?
Wings for Life
2010 - 2013
- Confocal microscopic studies in Neuroscience
Wellcome Trust
2010 - 2013
- Do experimental treatments for spinal cord injury induce functional plasticity in spared pathways?
International Spinal Research Trust
2008 - 2011
- Characterisation of olfactory glial and stem cells from human olfactory mucosa
Scottish Executive Health Department
2008 - 2010
- Do transplants of olfactory ensheathing cells promote increased sparing in a spinal cord contusion injury model?
Tenovus Scotland
2007 - 2008
- The role of spinal GluR4 containing AMPA receptors in pain mechanisms
Tenovus Scotland
2007 - 2007
- Molecular mechanisms controlling the regenerative response of dorsal root axons following avulsion injury
Neurosciences Foundation
2006 - 2008
- AMPA receptors in the spinal dorsal horn - synaptic distribution and plasticity in pain states
Wellcome Trust
2006 - 2010
- The use of olfactory epithelial stem cells for CNS repair
Medical Research Council
2004 - 2007
- Spinal mechanisms underlying chronic pain - quantitative physiological characteristics of lamina 1 spinoparabrachial neurones in different..
Wellcome Trust
2004 - 2005
- The actions of group II interneurones in spinal cord circuitry controlling locomotion
Wellcome Trust
2003 - 2007
- Confocal microscopic studies in the spinal cord
Wellcome Trust
2002 - 2005
- An Investigation of Spinal Cord Mechanisms Underlying Neuropathic Pain in Nerve Injury Models in the Rat
Wellcome Trust
2000 - 2006
Supervised Postgraduate Students
- Kayleigh Kanakis (Postgraduate)
- Maya Kommer (Postgraduate)
Research Assistants
- Paula Aragoneses (Research Assistant)
- Andrew Bell (Research Fellow)
- Nils Nothnagel (Research Associate)
- Declan Bolster (Imaging Physics Manager)
- Allan McVie (Chief Technician)
Visiting Collaborator
- Jane Brandon (Visiting Researcher)
Research datasets
Additional information
Grant Advisory Board
- 2001: EU - Expert Evaluator EEC grants
Invited International Presentations
- 2005: Copenhagen, Denmark - Acta Physiologica Scandanavia International Symposium 'Plasticity and regeneration of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system'
- 2003: Fukuoka, Japan - Seminar, Kyushu University
- 2002: Canada - Seminar, Spinal Cord Research Centre, University of Manitoba
- 2002: Paris, France - Invited speaker Federation of European Neurosceince Societies, Satellite symposium
Professional Learned Society
- 1997 - present: British Neuroscience Association - Member
- 1997 - present: Society for Neuroscience - Member
- 1996 - present: European Neuroscience Association - Member
- 1990 - present: Physiological Society - Convenor of Sensorimotor Control Group1994-1999, Organiser of Symposium, Glasgow 1999
Research Fellowship
- 1995 - 1998: McNaught Bequest Fellowship
- 1990 - 1995: Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship