Dr Gaby Mahrholz
- Lecturer (School of Psychology & Neuroscience)
My office hours during term-time can be found on moodle: https://moodle.gla.ac.uk/mod/page/view.php?id=2024760. Outwith term time, please get in touch for individual appointments via Teams or email.
Research interests
I completed my undergraduate degree, postgraduate degrees, and PhD at the University of Glasgow, UK. I’m currently a lecturer on the Learning and Teaching Scholarship track predominantly teaching research methods (Level 1), professional skills (Level 3 & MSc), and perception (MSc).
During my PhD, I investigated how personality and emotion are perceived from vocal stimuli, and how these perceptions change (or do not change) between childhood and early adulthood. My pedagogical research focuses on international students learning experiences in Higher Education. I’m mainly interested in the learning strategies international students apply, and the use of learning development support systems.