My name is Kate Jeffery: I am a Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience here at the School of Psychology & Neuroscience, and currently Head of School. My research works on how sensory information is assembled by the brain into more complex, cognitive representations of the world. It focuses on the “cognitive map,” which is formed by the hippocampus and associated structures and underlies our sense of direction and sense of place. I am also interested in the link between architecture and the representation of space in the brain. For more about my research and other activities please visit my lab webpage (link above).


I am a medically qualified neuroscientist from New Zealand. I moved to the UK in 1990 to undertake PhD studies with Richard Morris (Edinbrgh) before moving to London in 1993 to take up a postdoctoral position with John O'Keefe at University College London. I then set up my own research group in the Division of Psychology & Languages at UCL, as well as a research cluster known as the Instiitute of Behavioural Neuroscience,and eventually became Vice Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Brain Sciences. I moved to Glasgow in 2022 to become Head of School for Psychology & Neuroscience. 


Group members

For a list of the people in my research group please visit my staff page and click on "Supervision"