My name is Alessio Fracasso and I am a Senior Lecturer here in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience. My research interests involve ultra-high-field neuroimaging of the visual sysem, working on sensory-motor coupling and also the neuroanatomical bases of clinical conditions such as schizophrenia and chronic arthritis.


I completed a BSc and MSc in Cognitive and Psychobiological Sciences in the Department of psychology, Padua, Italy. After that I undertook a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Trento, following by postdoctoral work at utrecht University, in the Netherlands, where I gained experience in structurla and functional MRI and computational modelling at 3T and 7T. In 2018 I came to Glasgow.

Group members

For a list of the people in my research group please visit my staff page and click on "Supervision"