I am Dale Barr, a Senior Lecturer here at the School of Psychology and Neuroscience. My main areas of interest are psycholinguistics, statistical modelling, and cognitive science. Most of my work consists of empirical investigations into the cognitive representations and processes underlying spoken dialogue. I have published work on topics including pragmatics, perspective-taking, lexical processing, cultural evolution, speech rhythm, disfluency, and multimodal signaling. My recent work investigates how language users integrate linguistic and situational information (such as interlocutors' beliefs and goals) within the constraints of real-time dialogue. My research uses a variety of methodologies from visual-world eyetracking, EEG, and MEG to computational modeling and Monte Carlo simulation. I have also contributed to statistical methodology, developing techniques for time-series analysis of visual-world eyetracking data, as well as for linear mixed-effects modeling. I am a founding member of the PsyTeachR teaching team at the University of Glasgow (psyteachr.github.io), which developed an award-winning curriculum promoting reproducible data analysis.



I received a PhD in Psychology from the University of Chicago (USA) in 1999.

Group members

For a list of the people in my research group please visit my staff page and click on "Supervision"