Regular Events
Talks and Seminar Series
Seminar Series
Many of our staff members regularly invite eminent psychologists from other universities or institutions to present the current progress of their research. These events normally take place in our seminar room every Friday afternoon at 3:30pm. It is usually followed by a cheese and wine social gathering, kindly provided by the school or institute.
Cognitive Neuroscience Talks
The Cognitive Neuroscience talks are usually held fortnightly on Wednesdays at 1pm in the Seminar room. Staff and postgraduates working in the fields such as Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Neuropsychology and Neuroscience are invited to present some of their current research. All staff and students are very welcome to attend the meetings. See the 2013 debate on "Studies of large-scale brain networks - saviour or hype?".
Psychology Grand Rounds
Psychology Grand Rounds (PGR) is designed to promote an active research culture across the School and Institute by providing a common platform for all to present both ongoing research, and any other aspect of work that would benefit from cross-disciplinary discussion (e.g., development of new teaching methods, controversial/impactful papers, development of grant applications). To promote knowledge exchange, speakers are asked to invite 2-3 expert guests (internal or external) to stimulate and guide discussion.
Neuroscience & Psychology Postgraduate Society Seminars
Neuroscience & Psychology Postgraduate Society seminars are held at noon on Fridays. Each week a different member of the RA or PG community within the department present either some of their current research, or their research plans, to the group.
cScan Rounds
The Language and Social Interactions Group Meetings are usually held weekly on Fridays at 1pm in the seminar room. Internal staff and postgraduates, and invited speakers from different institutions present their current research. All staff and students are very welcome to attend.
Perception, Action & Cognition Occasional Talks
These talks have an interdisciplinary flavour and will deal broadly with concepts related to psychological science and its application to issues in the world. Scheduling will be ad hoc with the goal of hosting a talk approximately once a month.
CCNI Debates
These debates are focused on current topics in Neuroscience and are based on a small set of selected and representative speakers. The idea is that each speaker informs the debate with a topical (~30 min) presentation of their own views followed by a moderated discussion. Past debates have successfully explored the topics of mirror neurons or the link between BOLD and neural activity and attracted wide interest within the UK.
Research Days
These events are jointly hosted by the Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology and the School of Psychology. The format is typically a series of short presentations highlighting the breadth of research performed across the fields of neuroscience and psychology. Presentations cover both ongoing and novel research, include both basic research and clinically motivated studies, and span neurophysiology and anatomy to cognitive neuroimaging, psychophysics and behavioural studies in psychology. These events provide opportunities for students and researchers to learn about the work of others and to foster interactions and discussions across disciplines and research methods.
Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience
This seminar series is a joint endeavour between the Psychology and the Philosophy Department. The aim is to promote interdisciplinary discussions and to communicate the research done in both departments. We meet every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 4pm, with alternately someone from Philosophy speaking in Psychology (Meeting Room level 6) and someone from Psychology presenting in Philosophy (Caird Room, 67/69 Oakfield Avenue). All staff and students are welcome to attend.
Journal Clubs
Methods and Meta-science
Weekly meeting for the Psychology/Neuroscience community. This is intended to provide a regular, informal venue for staff, postgrads and associated hangers-on to discuss statistical matters related to ongoing research and teaching.
Autism Journal Club
The Autism Journal Club is usually held monthly on the first Monday of the month. Staff and postgraduates working in the fields of Autism are invited to present some of their current research. All staff and students are very welcome to attend the meetings.
Critical Oscillations Club
The goal of the Critical Oscillations Club is to discuss ideas, ongoing projects or papers related to the role of oscillations in sensory information coding and perception. This includes experimental and theoretical work. Presentations and discussions are informal.
Decision Making Journal Club
The goal of the Decision Making journal club is to dissect and critically evaluate recent papers in the field of decision science (broadly construed). We will draw on a diverse set of topics ranging from human neuroimaging, animal electrophysiology as well as behavioural and computational accounts of decision making. We will be meeting on a weekly basis (on Tuesdays at 12pm) in the meeting room on the 6th floor at 58 Hillhead Street. The journal club is open to all staff and students. If you are interested in presenting a paper please get in touch with Chris Retzler.
functional MRI Journal Club
The Muckli lab fMRI journal club is open to all collaborators, interested staff, and students. The meeting is held weekly on Fridays at 11am in the meeting room (sign up for mailing list to receive up-to-date scheduling). Participants highlight cutting edge papers that are relevant to the lab (5-15min/paper). Papers mainly cover recent fMRI brain imaging results and methodological developments (fMRI methods, including MVPA, Retinotopic mapping, vision, predictive coding), although interesting behavioural and theoretical results may also be reported. Each highlighted paper leads to stimulating discussion and debate.
MEG Reading Group
In the MEG user meeting we discuss issues related to all aspects of MEG research in the CCNi. This covers logistics, booking, status of the system but also questions related to optimisation of workflow or analysis. In addition, we have presentations about ongoing projects or relevant papers.
Perception Journal Club
The Perception Journal Club is usually held monthly on Mondays at 4pm in the Seminar room. Staff and postgraduates working in the fields of Perception are invited to present some of their current research. All staff and students are very welcome to attend the meetings.
Sleep Research Group Meetings
The sleep research group meetings are an informal forum to discuss current topics and published papers in sleep research, and preliminary data and projects. Topics discussed include: animal physiology and circadian timing, human sleep and its disorders, and mental health and treatment implications.