Professor Sarah Croke
I am a theoretical physicist, interested in quantum information, quantum foundations, and related areas. Quantum information is a broad and interdisciplinary field sitting somewhere at the boundary between mathematics, computer science, and theoretical and experimental physics. Working in this field I have enjoyed learning parts of all of these, but remain a physicist, and am most interested in understanding quantum theory and its implications.
I have been at the University of Glasgow since September 2013. Before that I spent almost 6 years in Waterloo, Ontario, at the Perimeter Institute, where I was first a postdoctoral fellow and later a PSI fellow.
Contact details
Tel: 0141 330 4717
Room 528, Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.
Selected publications
Measurement with indefinite causal order and the Sagnac Interferometer, S.M. Barnett, S. Croke, and S. Franke-Arnold, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, in press (2024).
Quantum algorithm for gravitational-wave matched filtering, S. Gao, F. Hayes, S. Croke, C. Messenger, and J. Veitch, Physical Review Research 4, 023006 (2022) (doi:
Multipartite subspaces containing no locally inaccessible information, S. Croke, Physical Review A 106, 032421 (2022) (doi:
Basis-independent tomography and non-separability witnesses of pure complex vectorial light fields by Stokes projections, A. Selyem, C. Rosales-Guzmán, S. Croke, A. Forbes, and S. Franke-Arnold, Physical Review A 100, 063842 (2019) (doi:
Is coherence catalytic?, J. Vaccaro, S. Croke, and S. Barnett, Journal of Physics A 51, 414008 (2018) (doi:
PT-symmetric Hamiltonians and their application in quantum information, S. Croke, Physical Review A 91, 052113 (2015) (doi:
Streaming universal distortion-free entanglement concentration, R. Blume-Kohout, S. Croke, and D. Gottesman, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60, 334-350 (2014) (doi:
Quantum data gathering, R. Blume-Kohout, S. Croke and M. P. Zwolak, Scientific Reports 3, 1800 (2013) (doi:
Longer-baseline telescopes using quantum repeaters, D. Gottesman, T. Jennewein, and S. Croke; Physical Review Letters 109, 070503 (2012) (doi:
Maximum confidence quantum measurements, S. Croke, E. Andersson, S. M. Barnett, C. R. Gilson, and J. Jeffers; Physical Review Letters 96, 070401 (2006) (doi: