Professor Jörg Götte
I joined the University of Glasgow as a lecturer in May 2018 after an itinerant career in Scotland, the Netherlands, England, Germany and China. in Feburary 2020 I was appointed Senior Lecturer and I also hold a Visiting Professorship at Nanjing University.
I first worked at the University of Glasgow as a research assistant in the Optics Group after completion of my PhD at the University of Strathclyde. I then moved to the Netherlands to join the Leids Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde, before being awarded a Newton International Fellowship from the Royal Society. In 2011 I moved back to Germany to work at the Max Planck Institut für die Physik komplexer Systeme for four years.
I was awarded a professorship at the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences of Nanjing University [南京大学], but before I could move there in 2016 I spent 9 months as Research Fellow back here at the University of Glasgow to develop our patent on a new form of rotational spectroscopy for chiral molecules.
I am on the executive editorial board for the Journal of Optics and I was guest editor for a special issue on "Beam shifts" in 2013 and "Twisted waves and fields" in 2019.
I am organising the colloquium of the school, so if you have suggestions for speakers or just generally concerning the colloquium, please contact me.
Selected Publications
Current grants
- EPSRC New Horizons grant "Helicity-dependent quantum phases" 2021-2023
- Levehulme project grant "Disentangling the chiral clutter: "Optically enhanded rotational spectroscopy" 2021-2024
Contact Details
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
Kelvin Building
Room 523
T: +44 141 330 7563