2012 publications

D Abou-Ras, B Schaffer, M Schaffer, S S Schmidt, R Caballero, T Unold
"Direct insight into grain boundary reconstruction in polycrystalline Cu (In,Ga)Se2 with atomic resolution"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 075502-1 - 075502-5, 2012

M A Basith, S McVitie, D McGrouther, J N Chapman
"Reproducible domain wall pinning by non-topographic features in a ferromagnetic nanowire"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232402-1 – 232402-5, 2012

N Bergeard, J P Jamet, A Mougin, J Ferre, J Gierak,  E Bourhis, R Stamps
“Dynamic fluctuations and two-dimensional melting at the spin reorientation transition”
Phys Rev B, 86, 09443, 2012

Z Budrikis, J P Morgan, J Akerman,  A Stein,  P Politi,  S Langridge C H Marrows,  R L Stamps
“Disorder Strength and Field-Driven Ground State Domain Formation in Artificial Spin Ice:
Experiment, Simulation, and Theory”
PRL 109, 037203, 2012

Z Budrikis, P Politi, R L Stamps
“A network model for field and quenched disorder effects in artificial spin ice”
New Journal of Physics 14, 045008, 2012

Z Budrikis, P Politi , R L Stamps
“Disorder regimes and equivalence of disorder types in artificial spin ice”
J Appl Phys 111, 07E109 , 2012

Z Budrikis, K L Livesey, J P Morgan, J Akerman, A Stein,  S Langridge, C H Marrows,  R L Stamps
“Domain dynamics and fluctuations in artificial square ice at finite temperatures”
New Journal of Physics, 14, 035014, 2012

S J Denholme, P S Dobson, J M R Weaver, I MacLaren and D H Gregory
"Growth and characterisation of titanium sulphide nanostructures by surface-assisted vapour transport methods; from trisulphide ribbons to disulphide nanosheets"
Int. J. Nanotechnology 9, 23-38, 2012

G Fiedler, J Fidler, J Lee, T Schrefl, R L Stamps, H B Braun, D. Suess
“Direct calculation of the attempt frequency of magnetic structures using the finite element method”
J Appl Phys 111, 093917, 2012

K Gallacher, P Velha, D J Paul, I MacLaren, M Myronov, and D R Leadley
"Ohmic contacts to n-type germanium with low specific contact resistivity"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 022113, 2012

C Greenshields, R L Stamps, S Franke-Arnold
“Vacuum Faraday effect for electrons”
New Journal of Physics, 14, 103040, 2012

V Gunawan , R L Stamps
“Mixed modes of surface polaritons in a PML-type magnetoelectric multiferroic with canted spins”
J Phys Condensed Matter 24, 406003, 2012

V Gunawan ,  R L Stamps
“Ferromagnetic resonance shifts from electric fields: Field-enhanced screening charge in ferromagnet/ferroelectric multilayers”
Phys Rev B 85, 104411, 2012

P J Metaxas, R L Stamps, J P Jamet, J Ferré, V Baltz , B Rodmacq
“Expansion and relaxation of magnetic mirror domains in a Pt/Co/Pt/Co/Pt multilayer with antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling
J Phys Condens Matter. 24, 024212, 2012

I M Reaney, I MacLaren, L Wang, B Schaffer, A J Craven, K Kalantari, I Sterianou, S Miao, S Karimi, D C Sinclair
"Defect chemistry of Ti-doped antiferroelectric Bi0.85 Nd0.15FeO3"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 182902-1 - 182902-3, 2012

P Robb, M Finnie, P Longo, A J Craven
"Experimental evaluation of interfaces using atomic-resolution high angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging"
Ultramicroscopy, 114, 11-19, 2012

P Robb, M Finnie, A J Craven
"Modelling of AlAs/GaAs interfacial structures using high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) image simulations"
Ultramicroscopy, 118, 53-60, 2012

P Robb, M Finnie, A J Craven
"Characterisation of InAs/GaAs short period superlattices using column ratio mapping in aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy"
Micron, 43, 1068-1072, 2012

T Saerbeck,  N Loh, D Lott,  B P Toperverg, A M Mulders,  M Ali, B J Hickey, A P J Stampfl, F Klose, R L Stamps
“Specular and off-specular polarized neutron reflectometry of canted magnetic domainsin loose spin coupled CuMn/Co multilayers”
Phys Rev B, 85, 01441, 2012

M Schaffer, B Schaffer, Q Ramasse
"Sample preparation for atomic-resolution STEM at low voltages by FIB"
Ultramicroscopy, 114, 62-71, 2012

D S Schmool, F J T Goncalves,  A Apolinario,  N de Sousa, N A  Sobolev, F  Casoli,  F Albertini,  P  Lupo, R L Stamps, C  Hu
“Modeling Exchange-Spring Layered Systems With Perpendicular Anisotropy Using Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements”
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48, 4081, 2012