2003 publications
A Borowiec, M MacKenzie, G C Weatherly, H K Haugen
"Femtosecond laser pulse ablation of GaAs and InP: Studies utilising scanning and transmission electron microscopy"
Applied Physics A, 77, 411-417, 2003
A Borowiec, M MacKenzie, G C Weatherly, H K Haugen
"Transmission and scanning electron microscopy studies of single femtosecond laser pulse ablation of silicon"
Applied Physics A, 76, 201-207, 2003
K J Kirk, S McVitie, A R Long, E Skuras
"Magnetization of Co elements sensed by semiconductor transport magnetometry and transmission electron microscopy"
J Appl Phys 93, 7906 - 7908, 2003
M Kirschner, D Suess, T Schrefl, J Fidler, J N Chapman
"Micromagnetic calculation of bias field and coercivity of polycrystalline ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic layers"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 39, 2735 - 2737, 2003
A Kundrotaite, J N Chapman, M Rahman
"Lorentz microscipy analysis of arrays of rhombic elements
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 39, 5, 2672 - 2674, 2003
C K Lim, G Yi, J N Chapman, W A P Nicholson, S McVitie, C D W Wilkinson
"TEM studies of the switching characteristics of small permalloy elements as a function of field orientation"
J Phys D: Appl Phys, 36, 3099 - 3102, 2003
M F Luo, D A MacLaren, I G Shuttleworth, W Allison
Preferential sub-surface occupation of atomic hydrogen on Cu(111)
Chemical Physics Letters 381, 654-659, 2003
D A MacLaren, H T Goldrein, B Holst, W Allison
"Phase-stepping optical profilometry of atom mirrors"
J Phys D: Appl Phys 36, 1842-1849, 2003
D A MacLaren, B Holst, D J Riley and W Allison
"Focusing Elements and Design Considerations for a Scanning Helium Microscope (SHeM) "
Surf Rev Lett 10, 249-255, 2003
I MacLaren, Comment on: 'Oriented domains in a thin film of La08Sr02MnO3 prepared by laser molecular-beam epitaxy' by XL Ma, YL Zhu, XM Meng, HB Lu, F Chen, ZH Chen, GZ Yang, and Z Zhang,
Phil Mag A, 83 (2003) 929-932
I MacLaren, R M Cannon, R Voytovych, M A Gülgün, N Popescu-Pogrion, C Scheu, U Täffner, and M Rühle,
"Abnormal Grain Growth in Yttria-Doped Alumina containing Si impurities"
J Am Ceram Soc 86, 650-659, 2003
D W McComb, A J Craven, L Chioncel, A I Lichtenstein, F T Docherty
"Effect of short-range magnetic ordering on electron energy-loss spectra in spinels"
Phys Rev B, 68, 224420-1 - 224420-5, 2003
D J O'Connor, D A MacLaren, T C Q Noakes, P Bailey, W Allison, P C Dastoor,
"Growth and Alloying of Submonolayer Cu on Pt (12 12 11)"
Vacuum 73, 115-121, 2003
A T Paxton, A J Craven, J M Gregg, D W McComb
"Bandstructure approach to near edge structure"
Journal of Microscopy 210, 35-44, 2003
D J Riley, M Mann, D A MacLaren, P C Dastoor, W Allison, K B K Teo, G A J Amaratunga, W Milne
"Helium detection via field ionization from carbon nanotubes"
NanoLetters 3, 1455-1458, 2003
M J Rosemary, V Suryanarayanan, P Ganapati Reddy, I MacLaren, S Baskaran, T Pradeep
"Ciprofloxacin@SiO2 : fluorescent nanobubbles"
Proc Indian Acad Sci (Chem Sci) 115, 703-709, 2003
M Sayer, A D Stratilatov, J Reid, L Calderin, M J Stott, X Yin, M MacKenzie, T J N Smith, J A Hendry, S D Langstaff
"Structure and composition of silicon-stabilized tricalcium phosphate"
Biomaterials, 24, 369-382, 2003
J A Wilson, A J Craven
"Improving the analysis of small precipitates in HSLA steels using a plasma cleaner and ELNES"
Ultramicroscopy 94, 197-207, 2003