Staff and Students

The Imaging Concepts Group consists of Professor Andy Harvey, Dr. Jonny Taylor, Dr. Caroline Mullenbroich, and Dr. Johannes Courtial.  We conduct research on a range of advanced imaging techniques and their applications.

Academic Staff

Prof. Andrew Harvey, Head of Group

Dr. Jonathan Taylor

Dr. Caroline Muellenbroich

Dr. Johannes Courtial

Research Fellows

Dr. George Brydon

Research Assistants

Dr. Sharika Mohanan

Postgraduate Students

Julia Noorbaksh: Spectral imaging in the retina

Daniel Geddes: Fluorescence lifetime imaging in the retina

Giedré Astrauskaite: Remote focusing for two-photon microscopy

Joel Terry: Computational imaging of the retina

Conall Thompson: 3D computational microscopy on the nanoscale

Maik Locher: Micro-optics: from optical wormholes to medical applications

Steven Moreno: Cardiac imaging utilizing tissue clearing with novel light sheet microscopy  

Lewis Williamson: Temporal characteristics in multiphoton microscopy

Karlin Ross: Beating heart microscopy for biomedical applications

Paul Wagenaar: Computational imaging and situational awareness in infrared

Andrew McAvenue: Computational imaging for conformal surfaces

Jiawen Jiang: Measuring 3D bloodflow in-vivo

Aiven Moorhead: Rapid imaging of single-photon events in living tissue

Weilun Sun: 3D localization microscopy

Honorary Member

Dr. Guillem Carles Santacana, Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow

Group Secretary

Lucy Murray


Dr. Ryo Kinegawa

Dr. Victor Ochoa-Gutierrez: Non-invasive multiplexed blood analysis

Michael Handley: Computational microscopy

Dr. Yongzhuang Zhou: Computational microscopy

Dr. Chas Nelson, LKAS Research Fellow in Data Science

Dr. Daniel Olesker: Computational microscopy

Dr. Fernanda Silva-Alvim (Institute of Molecular, Cell & Systems Biology): CO2 Measurement in Plant Leaves

Dr. Tomas Aidukas: Fourier Ptychography

Dr. Unė Būtaitė: Optical tweezers

Dr. Laura Cowan: Computational imaging in infrared

Dr. Ross Drysdale: Quantitative Optical Imaging of the Eye

Dr. Stuart Wilson: Advanced & Computational Imaging Techniques in Microendoscopy

Dr. Chiara Garbellotto: Compressive sensing applied to light sheet microsocopy

Dr. Pavan Chandra Konda, PhD and post-doctoral research in Fourier ptychography and spectral endoscopy

Dr. Miguel A. Preciado, Post-doctoral research in multi-spectral imaging

Dr. Vytautas Zickus, PhD research in microPIV and light sheet microscopy

Dr. Thomas J. Mitchell, Post-doctoral research in computational light sheet microscopy

Dr. Paul Zammit, PhD and post-doctoral research in computational microscopy

Dr. Marieke Van Der Putten, PhD in oximetry and spectral imaging

Dr. Anthony Corcoran (External: Optos)

Dr. Javier Fernandez-Ramos

Dr. James Foubister (External:Optos)

Dr. Lewis E MacKenzie, PhD in oximetry

Dr. James Downing (2010-2014), (External: ST Microelectronics): super-resolution imaging

Dr. Shouqian Chen (Visiting Researcher), (2014-2015): super-resolution imaging

Dr. Tushar Choudhary (2009-2014): PhD Clinical Applications of Retinal Oximetry

Dr. James Downing (2008-2012) EngD (External: STMicroelectronics) multi-aperture computational imaging

Dr. Alastair Gorman (2005-2012): PhD and post-doctoral research in snapshot spectral imaging and retinal oximetry

Dr. Gez Wong (2007-2011): EngD (External: Selex) Spectral imaging in the thermal infrared

Dr. Gonzalo Muyo (2003-2011): PhD and post-doctoral research in wavefront coding, computational imaging, and retinal oximetry

Dr. Ied Alabboud (2006-2009): PhD in retinal oximetry

Dr. Eirini Theofanidou (2006-2008): Post doctoral researcher in retinal oximetry of rats

Dr. Patrick Harding (2006-2008): EngD (External: Thales Optronics) Image compression

Dr. Beatriz Grafulla (2004-2007): PhD in modelling of mm-wave imaging

Ruth Montgomery (2004-2007): (External: NPL) Research in spectral imaging

Dr. Bertrand Lucotte (2005-2009): PhD in Fourier-optics techniques for increase in depth of field in microscopy and mm-wave imaging

Caroline Steadman (2005-2009): (External: Gooch and Housego) Acousto-optic spectral imaging

Joanne Lawlor (2000-2003): Research in retinal oximetry

Dr. Asloob Mudassar (2000-2006): PhD Structured illumination for imaging beyond the diffraction limit

Sonny Ramachandran (2003-2005): Retinal Oximetrey. Sadly Sonny died of leukaemia on 14th October 2005.

Dr. Colin Fraser (2003-2005): Post-doctoral research in optical-field encryption

Dr. David Fletcher-Holmes (2000-2006): Post-doctoral research in hyperspectral imaging

Dr. Doug Payne (2000-2003): PhD (External: QinetiQ) Holographic 3D imaging 

Dr. Samir Mezouari (1999-2003): PhD and post-doctoral research in wavefront coded Imaging

Dr. Tracy Hanlon (1999-2000): PhD Spectral imaging