Building on the IUCAA - University of Glasgow (Newton-Bhabha) collaboration towards LIGO India. Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th February 2022.

The objective of this meeting was to bring together members from both the U.K and Indian insitutes involved in the R&D for LIGO-India as well as DAE and STFC members, to discuss how to further collborate and find key opportunities to continue crucial R&D, focussed towards LIGO India and multi-messenger astronomy.


As mentioned in the meeting an overview report would be collated and thus can be found here: Overview report

Monday 7th, February 2022


Day 1 (Mon 7 Feb)

Session Name

Session Aim


14:30-15:00 IST

09:00 - 09:30 GMT

Welcome and Round table Introductions


Giles Hammond (Glasgow) to Chair

15:00- 15:30 IST



Newton Bhabha activities 2017-2021 and discussion

To provide an overview of the UK-India programme undertaken from 2017-2021


Presentation by Giles Hammond (Glasgow): Overview of R&D towards LIGO India, outreach activities and entrepreneurial linkages.


15:30- 16:00 IST




Indian academic institutes in LIGO India and discussion

To get an overview of the current status of IUCAA and IISER related activities in LIGO India.


To identify where there are opportunities for a UK-India focussed R&D programme between academic institutes. MSc programme development


To discuss further opportunities for industry and outreach engagement


Presentation by Prof.Somak Raychaudhury and Prof. Sukanta Bose (IUCAA): to provide an overview of the academic programme, support and training of LIGO India personnel (15 minutes)


Presentation by Umakant Rapol (IISER): to provide an overview on laser stabilisation and linkage to Indian Quantum Technology programme (15 minutes)


16:00– 16:20 IST





16:20- 16:40 IST




Indian academic institutes in LIGO India and discussion (continued)

To get an overview of the current status of TIFR and IIT Madras related activities in LIGO India.


To identify where there are opportunities for a UK-India focussed R&D programme between academic institutes. MSc programme development


To discuss further opportunities for industry and outreach engagement


Presentation by Karthik Raman (TIFR): to provide an overview on coating development and mechanical loss measurement at Hyderabad. TIFR_Presentation



Presentation by Roselyn Jose (IIT Madras): talk on control system activities at IIT Madras  

16:40-17:20 IST

11:10-11:50 GMT

DAE institutes in LIGO India and discussion

To get an overview of the current status of DCSEM/IPR/RRCAT related activities in LIGO India.


To identify where there are opportunities for a UK-India focussed R&D programme (both academic and industrial)


Presentation by Dr Sendhil Raja (RRCAT) on DAE institute activities

17:20- 17:30 IST



Close of Day 1


Giles Hammond (Glasgow) to Chair


Wednesday 9th February 2022


Day 2 (Weds 9 Feb)

Session Name

Session Aim


14:30-14:40 IST

09:00 - 09:10 GMT


Recap of Day One, scene setting and plans for Day 2

Giles Hammond (Glasgow) to chair

14:40 – 15:20 IST

09:10-09:50 GMT

STFC facilities and potential collaborations

To highlight specific facilities and collaborators that could be relevant to LIGO India.


To discuss possible opportunities for an “EPIC style model” around Gravitational Wave astronomy and Multi-Messenger astronomy.


Presentation by John Collier (Central Laser Facility) to provide a UK focus on high power laser development, work towards EPIC and opportunities for collaboration with LIGO India.

STFC_EPIC presentation


Presentation by Ewan Fitzsimons (ATC) to provide an overview of the Astronomy Technology Centre capabilities, work towards LISA, and expertise in astronomical instrumentation.


15:20 – 15:50 IST

09:50-10:20 GMT

Coating/laser development in India (TIFR) and discussion


To highlight the successful model of EPIC and the mechanism of UK/India funding that enabled this project.


To discuss possible links to the LIGO India programme in high power lasers and control


Presentation by M. Krishnamurthy (TIFR) to provide an overview of Extreme Photonics Innovation Centre (EPIC) project, which is a UK-India initiative and a potential model for LIGO India activities.


15:50 – 16:10 IST

10:20-10:40 GMT



16:10 – 16:40 IST

10:40-11:10 GMT

Multi-messenger follow up in India (GROWTH telescope, IIT Bombay) and discussion

To highlight the broader multi-messenger opportunities of a future programme


To discuss possible links to the LIGO India programme


Presentation by Varun Bhalerao (IIT Bombay) to provide an overview of some of the rapid follow-up required for LIGO India and the development of the GROWTH robotic telescope.


16:40- 17:20 IST

11:10- 11:50 GMT

Close of workshop

Discussion session to reflect on the two day workshop and next steps

Giles Hammond (Glasgow) to Chair