Student Exchanges

As part of the Newton Bhabha project we encourage PhD students and early career researchers as there is a crucial need for critically skilled students and early career researchers to be trained in all the areas involved in GW, from the astronomy science to the construction and data pipelines. By facilitating the exchanges we can make sure that the generation in charge of LIGO India will have the full support of the community. If you are interested in applying for an exchange position please don’t hesitate in contacting Dr. Mariela Masso Reid


“The U.K. has a proven track record in delivering high-quality technology and outreach activities relating to gravitational wave science, including the delivery of key hardware for the LIGO mirror suspensions. A model of sharing knowledge via staff, postdoc and student exchanges to the U.K., together with trips to Indian institutes, will strengthen and benefit the U.K. and Indian academic communities, providing high quality training of the next generation of scientists and engineers.” - P.I. Prof Giles Hammond