The Institute for Gravitational Research, supported by STFC funding, is focused on gravitational astrophysics enabled by gravitational wave detector technology, and analysis of gravitational wave signals.

Gravitational Astrophysics
The detection of gravitational radiation has initiated a whole new branch of astronomy: observational gravitational astrophysics. The Institute for Gravitational Research is at the forefront of exploring this new and exciting field.

The IGR leads research contributing to:
and informs the design of future detectors. IGR-developed enabling technology includes:

Knowledge Exchange and Public Outreach
As with other cutting edge scientific endeavours, the work that we do can lead to technology that is useful in industry and beyond.
We have a rich and vibrant outreach programme across schools, science festivals and the public in Scotland and beyond.

Collaborative Projects
At any one time we are involved in many different collaborations, ranging from single researcher-to-researcher links to the largest international organisations such as LIGO and the Einstein Telescope. Follow this link to see some notable examples.

Study or Work with us
Postal address
Institute for Gravitational Research
Kelvin Building
University Avenue
G12 8QQ
General enquiries
Tel: +44-141-330-3340
Email: phas-igr-secretary@glasgow.ac.uk
How to find us
The Institute for Gravitational Research is located in the Kelvin Building, located on the main university campus.
- Google map link
- The University . The Kelvin Building is to the east of the Square and the main (Gilbert Scott) building.