Gender Equality among Staff

Academic Staff

Our percentage of female academic staff members has doubled since 2005, and currently ~20% of our academics are female, which suggests that the number of female academics is gradually heading for a number similar to the percentage amongst our students.  This number is, however, on average larger than the percentage of female research assistants and research fellows (13%), so we are paying special attention to the PhD student to researcher transition, to try and increase these numbers.

Female percentage among the academic staff

Looking into more detail as a function of staff grade, it is clear that the number of female staff at Professor grade has increased slightly over the last ten years, and it is clear that female staff members are promoted to the higher grades, but ‌‌there is little scope for further growth in female representation at senior levels without an increase in recruitment of female staff into starting positions (lecturer / university teacher).

Female and Male numbers in academic staff at all levels

Research Associates and Research Fellows

The proportion of female RAs and RFs, as noted above are lower than for all other staff or student types and the reasons for this are under investigation.

Female percentage among RAs and RFs

Female and Male numbers as Research Associates / Fellows