University of Glasgow Physics Society
Glasgow University Physics Society, better known as ‘Physoc’, is a society for anyone studying, or just interested in, physics.
We organise guest lectures about cutting-edge research; socials where you can meet other people equally intrigued by the Uncertainty Principle as you do the Gay Gordons (at our Ceilidh – dancing is encouraged, but not obligatory at other Physoc events), and we maintain an extensive library of physics textbooks, so there’s no need to trek across the road to check whether that equation has a squared or a cubed term.
(Extracted from: Glasgow University Physics Society
University of Glasgow Astronomy Society
We host frequent guest lectures, observing nights, solar observing and social events, in addition to carrying out a schedule of public outreach events in collaboration with the School. Most of the events are held in the School of Physics and Astronomy’s facilities, but our membership is open to anyone.
We are a group of enthusiastic individuals, inviting people from all degree disciplines to join us in our interstellar journey.
(Extracted From: University of Glasgow Astronomy Society:
Glasgow Women In Physics
Glasgow Women in Physics (GWiP) aims to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for all in our regular events covering science, work and life. The GWiP is run by students and staff working within the department and we organise informal events fortnightly, which include coffee breaks, talks, and panel discussions.
We are proud of achieving an excellent gender balance in our open-to-all events and a varied audience ranging from undergrad students to our head of school. Our speakers are euqally varied and cover important topics such as career advice from inside and outside of academia, work life balance and, of course, physics. The talks have enhanced the experience of everyone working and studying in our school through informal interaction with peers, mentors, and role models.
Women in STEM
The Women in STEM (WiSTEM) society here at Glasgow is a student-led society for students of any degree who are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
We include students from many subjects areas within STEM, including from Physics and Astronomy, and aim connect women through socials, academic events and outreach events to keep encouraging young women into STEM careers and break stereotypes in the industry!
We hold panel debates, networking days and workshops to develop our members’ skills. These events allow for the stories and opinions of women in this sector to be heard and inspire our members.
Although this year might be slightly different due to Corona, we have plenty of ideas and ways to continue with our events safely, and to keep helping our members boost their CVs and maintain the WiSTEM community.
How to join Physoc
Where can I join?
- Freshers’ Week - You can join Physoc at the SRC Freshers’ Fair, either at the Physoc or Astrosoc stall.
- Kelvin Building – Find us in Room 332 of the Kelvin (Physics) building (it’s on a short corridor up some steps and adjacent to a computer cluster).
- At an event – You can join at any of our events; just talk to a committee member, or join at the ticket desk.
What does it cost?
A year’s student membership to Physoc is available for just £3, but if you join Astrosoc at the same time, we’ll give you a £1 discount, so you can join both for £5!
What do I get?
You get free access to all of our guest lectures, lending privileges from our society library, and discounted prices on social events that we organize, including our annual ceilidh.
You also get a FREE ticket to our Beer and Doughnuts social, where you can meet your fellow members, partake in a rather silly pub quiz and enjoy FREE alcohol and FREE toroidal baked goods.
Do I need to be a student?
No! Any member of the university is welcome to join, including staff and academics!
Visit Physoc today for more information!
How to join Astrosoc
- Freshers’ Week - You can join Physoc at the SRC Freshers’ Fair, either at the Physoc or Astrosoc stall.
- Kelvin Building – Find us in Room 332 of the Kelvin (Physics) building (it’s on a short corridor up some steps and adjacent to a computer cluster) from 12pm to 2pm on weekdays.
- At an event – You can join at any of our events
A year’s student membership to Astrosoc is available for just £3, but if you join Physoc at the same time, we’ll give you a £1 discount, so you can join both for £5!
Membership of Glasgow University Astronomy Society is open to all. You don’t need to study astronomy, physics, or even a science to take advantage of our observing evenings, guest lectures, and social events.
Visit Astrosoc today for more information!
How to join GWiP
Join us on facebook or on twitter (@GlasgowWiP) or better the reading room (Room 255) in the Kelvin building for our next event! For more information or if you have any questions or ideas for future events contact
**Everyone is welcome**
How to join WiSTEM
Feel free to message us on Facebook or email us with any questions!
Instagram: @wistemglasgow
Facebook: @wistemglasgow
LinkedIn: Women in STEM at University of Glasgow