Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise Toolkit for Researchers
Remember that impact does not necessarily mean a REF case study – it is something that we all do and can ask for help for; if you are engaging, working with industry, clinicians, policy makers etc etc – it is likely you are being impactful. Looking after your impact is important for PDR, promotion and standing.
This toolkit has been designed to help you as a starting point in identifying the elements of an impact – that might go on to form an impact case (or might not) and useful contacts for support and funding.
Research impact is the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy – communities beyond academia. Research impact must represent an evidenced, measurable effect, change or benefit to:
- activities, attitudes, awareness, behaviour, capacity, opportunity, performance, policy, practice, process or understanding
- an audience, beneficiary, community, constituency, organisation or individuals outwith the institution
- in any geographic location whether locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.
Useful Contacts
Ideas and identification
Support is available at College and University level. The teams can support with the translation/application of new ideas and offer advice and guidance on the research/prototypes/commercial analysis needed to develop your idea. Potential new IP disclosures can be discussed with Rachel.
Dr Louise Mason
College Head of Innovation and Enterprise Services
Rachel Colman
IP & Innovation Manager
Holly McDonald
CIZ Alliance Manager
Linking with Industry/NHS, Holly is the CIZ Alliance Manager and works with both NHS & Industry to encourage collaboration between them and academics. Any initiatives where you would like to invite Industry, Holly can circulate your event to the companies based in the ICE Building.
Holly can also be a point of contact if needing space for spin out.
Angela banks
Industry Engagement Manager
Dr Michaela Petaroudi
Translational Research Officer
When a researcher reaches the point of wanting to work with Industry, Carolyn can support with progress and patent opportunities that may arise.
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)
Patient and public involvement and engagement in our research is incredibly important for researchers to access lay perspectives. PPIE is becoming a crucial part of grant applications and support is available from the MVLS Steering Committee.
Useful links:
The College impact support team can help identify and recognise opportunities for impact and support with impact related activities, ie. Identifying any training, gathering useful evidence to evaluate your impact, etc.
Jim Caryl
REF Impact Officer
When it comes to spinout and IP, MTAs and NDAs will be agreed and signed. More information on types of MTA & NDAs can be found here.
Paul Ellis
Senior Contracts Manager
Sanjana Rae
Contracts Manager
Engagement and outreach
Outreach is another way to evidence impact and gather useful evidence. For enquiries relating to public engagement, outreach and community, there are useful contacts across the University.
Dr Zara Gladman
Public & Community Engagement Advisor
Denise Hooper
Summer School & Taster Week Coordinator
Is involved in school programmes
Susan Grant
Community Engagement coordinator in H&W.
Has links between Community and the University
The MVLS communications support with press releases and communicating significant news stories via digital platforms. They are happy to comment on papers potential for a MVLS tweet through to getting on the BBC. They need to know ahead of publication so they can make the any release on the day of publication.
Ali Howard
Communications Manager
Elizabeth McMeekin
Communications Manager
There are various pots of funding available to support translation and social enterprise. These are underused by our School.
Paper publications
When publications are accepted the next immediate step should be to email the library and while doing cc in the media team who will pick up whether the paper should be highlighted as a news story.
Media team