Dr Ide Haghi

  • Lecturer (Modern Foreign Languages)


I have been involved in English language education in the UK and abroad for the past fifteen years. My career began as a general English instructor, and, later, an educational advisor, and a teacher trainer. I  subsequently took on a new role as an EAP tutor, initially in EMI contexts, then, later, in the UK. 

I joined English Academic Study as a lecturer (TESOL/TEAP/EAP) in 2020. Prior to this role, I worked as a Teaching Fellow in Applied Linguistics-TESOL at Newcastle university and the University of Sheffield as well as a Senior Teaching Fellow at IOE, University College London. In these roles, I was the module convener for a number of modules including Teaching English for Academic Purposes, Language Testing and Assessment, Discourse Analysis and Materials and Curriculum Development as well as supervising PG students in Applied Linguistics and TESOL programmes. 

I am currently lecturing in a range of courses at SMLC including Writing in Arts and Humanities and Academic English Courses as well as TESOL MA courses as part of a joint programme with School of Education. I also supervise PhD students investigating English language education at teritiary level. 


PhD, Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick

MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL, University of Warwick (Distinction)

MSc in Psychology, University of Glasgow (2022-2024)

BA, English Language and Literature 



Research interests

English for Academic Purposes

Language Assessment and Testing (assessing listening for academic purposes and Formative Assessment and feedback)

Language Programme Evaluation (with a specific interest in EAP provision)

Materials Design and Development

Genre Analysis (academic and non-academic texts) 

Students' Psychological Engagement in EAP courses 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 11.


MacDiarmid, C. and Haghi, I. (2024) Analysing learner needs for effective EAP instruction. In: Topkaya, E.Z. and Çelik, H. (eds.) Teaching English for Academic Purposes: Theory into Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031725456 (In Press)

Morrison, B. , MacDiarmid, C. , Williams, A. and Haghi, I. (Eds.) (2024) Proceedings of the 2021 BALEAP Conference: Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in EAP Teaching. Garnet Education. ISBN 9781782609384


Haghi, I. (2023) International students’ emotional engagement with, and well-being during, an online EAP pre-sessional course. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 3(2), pp. 97-114. (doi: 10.3828/ijeap.2023.6)

MacDiarmid, C. , Haghi, I. , Di Giallonardo, S., Simbolon, N., Lam, D. and Budzenski, M. (2023) Designing a collaborative EMI and EAP teacher professional development MOOC for vocational Indonesian higher education teachers. BALEAP Conference 2023: Caution! EAP under Deconstruction, University of Warwick, UK, 19-21 Apr 2023.


Haghi, S. and Tuersely, I. (2020) Academic articles textual features and students’ understanding of and engagement with such texts; a case of STEM subjects. [Research Reports or Papers] (In Press)

Haghi, S. (2020) Integrating Assessment into Early Language Learning and Teaching [review of the book by D. Prosic-Santovac and S. Rixon (eds) (2019)]. Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Today, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)


Haghi, S. (2019) Rethinking the Second Language Listening Test: From Theory to Practice. [Review of the book by Field, J. (2019)]. Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Today, 2, pp. 33-34. [Book Review]


Haghi, S. (2018) The role of visual stimuli in listening test for academic purposes. In: A Best of SIGs Publication. IATEFL: Kent, UK, pp. 416-427.


Haghi, S. and Sharpling, G. (2017) Formative assessment to promote self-regulated learning in EAP. In: Stewart, T. (ed.) TESOL Voices: Higher Education. TESOL Press: Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 39-49. ISBN 9781942799771


Haghi, S. (2016) The role of visual stimuli in listening test for academic purposes. TEASIG Newsletter, 58, pp. 16-20.


Haghi, S. (2015) Assessment of or for learning? Developing a new approach to assessment as a teacher-researcher: a guide for in-service teacher training programmes. English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal, 17, pp. 5-12.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 12:44:25 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 11.


Haghi, I. (2023) International students’ emotional engagement with, and well-being during, an online EAP pre-sessional course. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 3(2), pp. 97-114. (doi: 10.3828/ijeap.2023.6)

Haghi, S. (2016) The role of visual stimuli in listening test for academic purposes. TEASIG Newsletter, 58, pp. 16-20.

Haghi, S. (2015) Assessment of or for learning? Developing a new approach to assessment as a teacher-researcher: a guide for in-service teacher training programmes. English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal, 17, pp. 5-12.

Book Sections

MacDiarmid, C. and Haghi, I. (2024) Analysing learner needs for effective EAP instruction. In: Topkaya, E.Z. and Çelik, H. (eds.) Teaching English for Academic Purposes: Theory into Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031725456 (In Press)

Haghi, S. (2018) The role of visual stimuli in listening test for academic purposes. In: A Best of SIGs Publication. IATEFL: Kent, UK, pp. 416-427.

Haghi, S. and Sharpling, G. (2017) Formative assessment to promote self-regulated learning in EAP. In: Stewart, T. (ed.) TESOL Voices: Higher Education. TESOL Press: Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 39-49. ISBN 9781942799771

Book Reviews

Haghi, S. (2020) Integrating Assessment into Early Language Learning and Teaching [review of the book by D. Prosic-Santovac and S. Rixon (eds) (2019)]. Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Today, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

Haghi, S. (2019) Rethinking the Second Language Listening Test: From Theory to Practice. [Review of the book by Field, J. (2019)]. Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Today, 2, pp. 33-34. [Book Review]

Edited Books

Morrison, B. , MacDiarmid, C. , Williams, A. and Haghi, I. (Eds.) (2024) Proceedings of the 2021 BALEAP Conference: Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in EAP Teaching. Garnet Education. ISBN 9781782609384

Research Reports or Papers

Haghi, S. and Tuersely, I. (2020) Academic articles textual features and students’ understanding of and engagement with such texts; a case of STEM subjects. [Research Reports or Papers] (In Press)

Conference or Workshop Item

MacDiarmid, C. , Haghi, I. , Di Giallonardo, S., Simbolon, N., Lam, D. and Budzenski, M. (2023) Designing a collaborative EMI and EAP teacher professional development MOOC for vocational Indonesian higher education teachers. BALEAP Conference 2023: Caution! EAP under Deconstruction, University of Warwick, UK, 19-21 Apr 2023.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 12:44:25 2025 GMT.


British Council Research into Reading Grants Scheme, United Kingdom (2017-2018)

ETS ‘TOEFL Researcher/Practitioner’ Grant, United States (2015-2016)

BALEAP Social Justice in EAP Practice Funding (2022)

University of Glasgow-Early Career Mobility Scheme (2022-2023)

University of Glasgow, Chancellor's Fund (2022-2024)


Current PhD supervision:

Miaomiao Ding 

Communicative language teaching in a three-dimensional virtual environment

  • Tang, Yuxuan
    Unravelling Motivational Dynamics: Exploring the Role of Achievement Goal Orientation in Dialogic Peer Feedback in the L2 Writing Classroom
  • Zhou, Jingwen
    Investigating collaboration between content and language teachers in English Medium Instruction (EMI) in China

Professional activities & recognition

Prizes, awards & distinctions

  • 2015: ‘Highly Commanded’ Master’s Dissertation title for Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award (Cambridge Assessment)

Professional & learned societies

  • 2019 - 2021: Social Media Coordinator, IATEFLTEASIG
  • 2020 - 2022: Membership & Nominations Chair, UKALTA

Selected international presentations

  • 2020: International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) (Groningen, the Netherlands)
  • 2019: Language Testing Forum (UKALTA) (University of Swansea, UK)
  • 2019: BALEAP (University of Leeds, UK)
  • 2016: BAAL TEASIG Conference (University of Reading)
  • 2015: EALTA Annual Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • 2015: LTRC Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada)
  • 2015: IATEFL Annual Conference & Exhibition (Manchester, UK)


