Professor Paul Bishop
- Honorary Professorial Research Fellow (School of Modern Languages & Cultures)
R212 Level 2, German, Hetherington Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ
Research interests
Research interests:
- Business and commercial applications of modern languages
- Intercultural approaches to business and commerice
- Intellectual history; modern German thought
- Nietzsche, Jung, Klages
- German reception of thought of antiquity, esp. in the George Circle
- Austrian and German television, radio, social media
Bishop, P. (2024) Figures of Possibility: Aesthetic Experience, Mysticism, and the Play of the Senses By Niklaus Largier, Stanford University Press. 2022. pp. 304. $28.00 (paperback). German Quarterly, 97(2), pp. 291-293. (doi: 10.1111/gequ.12428)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2023) Zarathustra’s Moral Tyranny: Spectres of Kant, Hegel and Feuerbach by Francesca Cauchi, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022, 216 pp., £85.00 Ebook (PDF), ISBN Ebook (PDF) 978-1-3995-0433-1. Oxford German Studies, 52(4), pp. 621-623. (doi: 10.1080/00787191.2023.2273691)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2023) Spiel als Urphänomen des Lebens und als ästhetische Erlösung: Cassirers Auseinendersetzung mit Klages und der Lebensphilosophie - Teil 2. Synthesis Philosophica, 38(1), pp. 37-60. (doi: 10.21464/sp38103)
Bishop, P. (2023) "In the Still World of the Heart" (In des Herzens stille Welt): Reflections on Goethe and Individuation Psychology. In: Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein. Chiron Publications. ISBN 9781685031848
Bishop, P. (2022) The Red Book and other searchers for the soul: The case of Klages and Jung. In: Stein, Murray (ed.) Jung's Red Book For Our Time: Searching for Soul in the Twenty-First Century. Series: An Eranos symposium (Vol. 5). Chiron: Asheville, NC, pp. 235-272. ISBN 9781685031183
Bishop, P. (2022) High noon on Zarathustra's mountain: Zarathustra's midday vision. In: Dunn, George A. and Telli, Mango (eds.) A New Politics for Philosophy: Perspectives on Plato, Nietzsche, and Strauss. Lexington Books: Lanham, pp. 201-221. ISBN 9781498577328
Bishop, P. (2022) Digging Jung: analytical psychology and philosophical archaeology. History of European Ideas, 48(7), pp. 960-979. (doi: 10.1080/01916599.2022.2073742)
Bishop, P. , Dawson, T. and Gardner, L. (Eds.) (2022) The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic: Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780367514983
Bishop, P. (2022) Introduction: is the only way up? In: The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic: Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780367514983 (doi: 10.4324/9781003054139-1)
Bishop, P. (2022) Katabasis in reverse: Heraclitus, the archaic, and the abyss. In: The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic: Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 31-51. ISBN 9780367514983 (doi: 10.4324/9781003054139-4)
Bishop, P. (2022) Analytical psychology and the dialectic of enlightenment. In: Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis: From the Frankfurt School to Contemporary Critique. Series: Philosophy and psychoanalysis. Routledge, pp. 95-114. ISBN 9781032104287 (doi: 10.4324/9781003215301-4)
Bishop, P. (2022) Nietzsche: culture warrior or a sign of the times? Nietzsche-Studien, 51(1), pp. 336-350. (doi: 10.1515/nietzstu-2021-0042)
Bishop, P. (2022) Le rouge et le noir: the genesis and significance of analytical psychology in the Black Books. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 14(2), pp. 147-181. (doi: 10.1163/19409060-bja10019)
Bishop, P. (2022) Stefan George: Nietzsche aus der Sicht Stefan Georges: Ein Horizont, vor dem ein Licht aufgeht? In: Georg, Jutta, Reschke, Renate and Vivarelli, Vivetta (eds.) Nietzsche im Horizont der Literatur. Brill | Fink: Paderborn, pp. 61-79. ISBN 9783770566037 (doi: 10.30965/9783846766033_006)
Bishop, P. (2022) Seeing with the eyes of the spirit. In: Carpani, Stefano (ed.) Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9780367710194 (doi: 10.4324/9781003148982-2)
Bishop, P. (2021) Nietzsche and Klages on the architecture of the mind: making space for the soul. In: Merlini, Fabio and Bernardini, Riccardo (eds.) Eranos Yearbook 74: 2017 - 2018: the Age of Immediacy at the Test of Meaning = L’epoca dell’immediatezza alla prova del senso. Series: Eranos yearbook (74). Daimon Verlag: Einsiedeln. ISBN 9783856307851
Bishop, P. (2020) Ecce Homo and Nietzsche’s concept of character. In: Martin, Nicholas and Large, Duncan (eds.) Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo”. De Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 115-138. ISBN 9783110246544 (doi: 10.1515/9783110246551-010)
Bishop, P. (2020) Holistic enchantment and eternal recurrence: Anaxagoras, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Klages, and Jung on the beauty of it all. In: Main, Roderick, McMillan, Christian and Henderson, David (eds.) Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole. Series: Philosophy and psychoanalysis. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 167-192. ISBN 9780367428747 (doi: 10.4324/9780367855659-8)
Bishop, P. (2020) Goethe, Nietzsche, Varoufakis: why did the Greeks matter — and still do? In: Brusotti, Marco, McNeal, Michael, Schubert, Corinna and Siemens, Herman (eds.) European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche’s Philosophy. De Gruyter: Berlin ; Boston, pp. 19-48. ISBN 9783110605044 (doi: 10.1515/9783110606478-002)
Bishop, P. (2020) Nietzsche, Hobbes and the tradition of political Epicureanism: morality, religion, and the social contract. In: Acharya, Vinod and Johnson, Ryan J. (eds.) Nietzsche and Epicurus: Nature, Health and Ethics. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK ; New York, NY, pp. 110-124. ISBN 9781350086302 (doi: 10.5040/9781350086333.0016)
Bishop, P. (2020) Ludwig Klages and his philosophy of language. Journal of European Studies, 50(1), pp. 17-29. (doi: 10.1177/0047244119892870)
Bishop, P. (2019) May Eros then reign who engendered it all!!: An introduction to Klages on cosmogonic Eros. In: Of Cosmogonic Eros. Theion Publishing: Munich, pp. 9-70. ISBN 9783982065403
Bishop, P. (2019) Rebranding MFL. Linguist, 58(2), pp. 20-22.
Bishop, P. (2019) German Political Thought and the Discourse of Platonism: Finding the Way Out of the Cave. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030045098 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-04510-4)
Bishop, P. (2019) The Roman Mithras Cult: A Cognitive Approach, by Olympia Panagiotidou with Roger Beck, New York, Bloomsbury, 2017, xii + 266 pp., US$114 (hardback), ISBN 978 1 4725 6741 3. Religion, 49(3), pp. 501-504. (doi: 10.1080/0048721X.2019.1600128)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) Is it time to examine the exam? Linguist, 57(5), pp. 14-15.
Bishop, P. (2018) Scotland’s Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity, edited by Peter Hopkins, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017. Religion, (doi: 10.1080/0048721X.2018.1479082)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) The Integrated Self: Augustine, the Bible, and Ancient Thought, by Brian Stock. Religion, 48(2), pp. 338-341. (doi: 10.1080/0048721x.2017.1345565)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) Jung's dialogue with Swiss intellectuals. Oxford German Studies, 47(1), pp. 51-69. (doi: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1409509)
Bishop, P. (2018) The Pope and the Professor: Pius IX, Ignaz von Döllinger, and the Quandary of the Modern Age, by Thomas Albert Howard, New York, Oxford University Press, 2017. Religion, 48(4), pp. 715-717. (doi: 10.1080/0048721X.2018.1479021)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) Wie Hast Du Es Mit Der Religion? Lacan, Jung, and the religious sublime. In: Brown, Robin S. (ed.) Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Routledge, pp. 195-218. ISBN 9781138225336
Bishop, P. (2017) Carl Jung [Translation of Chinese title]. (英) 保罗·比舍普. ISBN 9787531696414
Bishop, P. (2017) "Man muss es so stellen, dass es wirkt: d.h. dass Leben auf Leben wirkt": Winckelmanns und Goethes Vermaechtnis an Nietzsche und Klages. Nietzscheforschung, 24(1), pp. 145-166. (doi: 10.1515/nifo-2017-0011)
Bishop, P. (2017) C.G. Jungs Rotes Buch: Visionen von Tod und Versöhnung als Kulturauftrag der Analytischen Psychologie. Jung Journal: Forum für Analytische Psychologie und Lebenskultur, 20(37), pp. 43-49.
Bishop, P. (2017) Ernst Cassirer: Die Philosophie im Exil und die Heimkehr zur Vernunft. In: Schmitt-Maass, Christoph and Fulda, Daniel (eds.) Vertriebene Vernunft? Aufklärung und Exil nach 1933. Series: Laboratrium Auflkärung (30). Wilhelm Fink: Paderborn, pp. 31-49. ISBN 9783770560622
Bishop, P. (2017) Historical Dictionary of Shamanism, by Graham Harvey and Robert J. Wallis. Religion, 47(4), pp. 745-747. (doi: 10.1080/0048721x.2016.1276751)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2017) Just a moment? Or, the archaic as an expression of the eternal in time. In: Yiassemides, Angeliki (ed.) Time and the Psyche: Jungian Perspectives. Routledge: New York, pp. 87-105. ISBN 9781138120716
Bishop, P. (2017) Ludwig Klages and the Philosophy of Life: A Vitalist Toolkit. Routledge. ISBN 9781138697157
Bishop, P. (2017) The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha, edited by Andrew Gregory and Christopher Tuckett. Religion, 47(2), pp. 312-314. (doi: 10.1080/0048721x.2016.1213094)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2016) On the Blissful Islands: With Nietzsche and Jung: in the Shadow of the Superman. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138791619
Bishop, P. (2016) "We All Walk In Mysteries: We Do Not Know What Is Stirring In The Atmosphere Around Us". [Research Reports or Papers]
Bishop, P. (2016) Postfazione: women around Ludwig Klages. In: Gianni Ardic, Chiara (ed.) La Fuga Degli Dei: Mito, Matriarcato e Immagine in Ludwig Klages. Jouvence: Milan, pp. 295-302. ISBN 9788878015562
Bishop, P. (2016) Nietzsche and Bildung/Paideia. In: Peters, Michael A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer. ISBN 9789812875327
Bishop, P. (2016) Are foreign language skills really a factor in the internationalisation of Scotland's economy? [Research Reports or Papers]
Bishop, P. (2016) Eine 'Kathedrale des Geistes'? Spiritualität und Ästhetik in Jungs Rotem Buch. Analytische Psychologie, 47(186), pp. 431-452.
Bishop, P. (2016) Wie fröhlich ist die Wissenschaft? Nietzsche und die Universität. Jahrbuch für Lebensphilosophie, 8, pp. 55-85.
Bishop, P. (2015) Ramona Coman, Thomas Kostera and Luca Tomini (eds): Europeanization and European Integration: From Incremental to Structural Change and Kenneth Keulman and Agnes Katalin Koós: European Identity: Its Feasibility and Desirability. Journal of European Studies, 45(2), pp. 159-161. [Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2015) Goethe, Nietzsche und die Philosophische Praxis. In: Gutknecht, Thomas, Bennent-Vahle, Heidemarie and Schmalfuss-Plicht, Dietlinde (eds.) Philosophische Praxis als Existenzmitteilung. Series: Jahrbuch der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Philosophische Praxis (IGPP) (6). Lit Verlag: Berlin, pp. 121-136. ISBN 9783643127457
Bishop, P. (2015) Free The Spirit! Kantian, Jungian and neoplatonic resonances in Nietzsche. In: Bamford, Rebecca (ed.) Nietzsche's Free Spirit Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 207-232. ISBN 9781783482177
Bishop, P. (2015) Intuition. In: Segal, Robert A. and von Stuckrad, Kocku (eds.) Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Brill: Leiden, p. 281. ISBN 9789004290433
Bishop, P. (2015) The philosophical contribution of Ludwig Klages. In: Chthonic Gnosis: Ludwig Klages and his Quest foer the Pandaemonic All. Theoin: Munich, pp. 9-43.
Bishop, P. (2014) "Natur und Kunst, sie scheinen sich zu fliehen, / Und haben sich" - im Roten Buch? - "gefunden". In: Maillard, Christine and Liard, Veronique (eds.) Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Pour une reevaluation de son oeuvre = Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Ein neuer Zugang zum Gesamtwerk. Series: Recherches germaniques (9). Recherches germaniques: Strasbourg, pp. 100-115. ISBN 0399-1989
Bishop, P. (2014) Carl Jung. Series: Critical Lives. Reaktion Books: London. ISBN 9781780232676
Bishop, P. (2014) Das Goethe'sche Symbol as Instrument der morphologischen Wandlung in Philosophie und Psychologie: Cassirer, Jung und Klages. In: Maatsch, Jonas (ed.) Morphologie und Moderne: Goethes "anschauliches Denken" in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften seit 1800. Series: Klassik und Moderne (5). Walter de Gruyter: New York, NY and Berlin, pp. 157-175. ISBN 9783110372120
Bishop, P. (2013) From the archaic into the aesthetic: myth and literature in the "Orphic" Goethe. In: Burnett, L., Bahun, S. and Main, R. (eds.) Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious. Karnac Books: London, UK, pp. 189-210. ISBN 9781782200024
Bishop, P. (2013) Jung and the quest for beauty: the red book in relation to German classicism. In: Kirsch, T. and Hogenson, G. (eds.) The Red Book: Reflections on C.G. Jung's Liber Novus. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 11-35. ISBN 9780415659963
Bishop, P. (2013) On reading Jung in German: Jung's significance for Germanistik. In: Kirsch, J. and Stein, M. (eds.) How and Why We Still Read Jung: Personal and Professional Reflections. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 66-85. ISBN 9780415686488
Bishop, P. (2013) Seeing With The Eyes Of The Spirit. [Research Reports or Papers]
Nietzsche, F. (2013) Das griechische Musikdrama; The Greek Music Drama. Contra Mundum Press: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780983697275
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2012) The Archaic: the Past in the Present. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415547550
Bishop, P. ed. (2012) A Companion to Friedrich Nietzsche, Life and Works. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture; Camden House Companion Volumes. Camden House: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9781571133274
Bishop, P. (2012) Jung's Red Book in relation to aspects of German idealism. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 57(3), pp. 335-363. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5922.2012.01974.x)
Bishop, P. (2012) Schopenhauer's Impact on European Literature. In: Vandenabeele, B. (ed.) A Companion to Schopenhauer. Series: Blackwell companions to philosophy (49). Blackwell, pp. 333-348. ISBN 9781405171038
Bishop, P. (2011) The Superman as salamander: symbols of transformation or transformational symbols? International Journal of Jungian Studies, 3(1), pp. 4-20. (doi: 10.1080/19409052.2011.542368)
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2011) The Way of the World. Series: Cultural Studies & the Symbolic. Maney: Leeds, UK. ISBN 97810906549511
Bishop, P. (2011) The dialectic of destruction and creation in the German tradition: a Jungian perspective on Goethe, Nietzsche, Rilke, and George. Jung Journal, 5(4), pp. 60-82. (doi: 10.1525/jung.2011.5.4.60)
Bishop, P. (2011) Reading Goethe at Midlife : Ancient Wisdom, German Classicism, and Jung. Series: Zurich lecture series in analytical psychology. Spring Journal Books: New Orleans, Louisiana. ISBN 9781935528104
Bishop, P. (2011) Remain true to the earth: home and wandering in Nietzsche. Spring Journal, 85,
Bishop, P. (2011) Sinn, Unsinn, Widersinn, Wahnsinn, Übersinn: Selbst- und Gottesvorstellungen im Roten Buch von C.G. Jung. In: Maillard, C. (ed.) Recherches germaniques, Hors série no. 8 (2011), Arts, sciences et psychologie: Autour du Livre rouge de Carl Gustav Jung (1914-1930; Kunst, Wissenschaft und Psychologie: Über das Rote Buch von C.G. Jung (1914-1930),. Université de Strasbourg: Strasbourg, pp. 135-51. ISBN 9782354100391
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2010) Nietzsche and Antiquity [Translation of Chinese title]. ECNU Press. ISBN 9787561780756
Bishop, P. (2010) Creation — That Is the Great Redemption from Suffering, and Life’s Easement, Part 1: ‘What Do Creation and Destruction Mean in Zarathustra’s World?’; Part 2: Tragic Affirmation amid the Creation-and-Destruction of Eternal. In: Meier, I. (ed.) Destruction & Creation: Facing the Ambiguities of Power. Series: Jungian Odyssey (2). Spring: New Orleans, pp. 31-59. ISBN 9781935528067
Bishop, P. (2010) Der späte Rilke und die Tradition der exercices spirituels. In: Leeder, K. and Vilain, R. (eds.) Nach Duino: Studien zu Rainer Maria Rilkes späten Gedichten. Wallstein: Göttingen, Germany, pp. 194-213. ISBN 9783835304253
Bishop, P. (2010) Rilke: thought and mysticism. In: Leeder, K.J. and Vilain, R. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Rilke. Series: Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 159-173. ISBN 9780521879439
Bishop, P. (2010) Social (collective) unconsciousness and mythic scapegoating: C.G. Jung and René Girard. In: Stein, M. and Jones, R.A. (eds.) Cultures and Identities in Transition: Jungian Perspectives. Routledge: New York, NY, USA, pp. 145-156. ISBN 9780415549639
Bishop, P. (2010) The unconscious from the storm and stress to Weimar classicism: the dialectic of time and pleasure. In: Nicholls, A. and Liebscher, M. (eds.) Thinking the Unconscious: Nineteenth-Century German Thought. CUP: London, pp. 26-57. ISBN 9780521897532
Bishop, P. (2009) C.G. Jung and Weimar Classicism: Method and morphology. Harvest: Journal for Jungian Studies, 1, pp. 1-21.
Bishop, P. (2009) Eudaimonism, Hedonism, and Feuerbach’s philosophy of the future. Intellectual History Review, 19(1), pp. 65-81. (doi: 10.1080/17496970902722908)
Bishop, P. (2009) Geist und Leben – Klages und Cassirer: Ernst Cassirers Auseinandersetzung mit Klages und der Lebensphilosophie, Teil 1. In: Jager, D. (ed.) Hestia: Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft 2008/2009. Series: Hestia (23). Königshausen & Neumann: Wurzburg, Germany, pp. 149-174. ISBN 978-3826042973
Bishop, P. (2009) Jung looking at the stars: chaos, cosmos and archetype. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 1(1), pp. 12-24. (doi: 10.1080/19409050802681884)
Bishop, P. (2009) Porträt: Ludwig Feuerbach. Jahrbuch für Lebensphilosophie, 4, pp. 181-203.
Bishop, P. (2008) The timelessness and timeliness of the 'archaic': analytical psychology, 'primordial' thought, synchronicity. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 53(4), pp. 501-523. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5922.2008.00743.x)
Bishop, P. (2008) Analytical Psychology and German Classical Aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller and Jung, Volume 2: The Constellation of the Self. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415430296
Bishop, P. (2008) Schillers Ästhetik in biozentrischer Sicht: Ludwig Klages und der ästhetische Vitalismus. In: Jager, D. (ed.) Hestia: Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft 2004/07. Series: Hestia, 22. Königshausen & Neumann: Würzburg, Germany, pp. 79-108. ISBN 978-3826038556
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R. (Eds.) (2008) The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form: Proceedings of an International Conference held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005. Series: Cultural Studies and the Symbolic. Maney. ISBN 9781904350293
Bishop, P. (2008) 'Elementary aesthetics', hedonist ethics: the philosophical foundations of Feuerbach’s late works. History of European Ideas, 34(3), pp. 298-309.
Bishop, P. (2008) The politics of myth: Cassirer, Bachofen, and Sorel. In: The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form : Proceedings of an International Conference held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005/. Series: Cultural Studies and the Symbolic (3). Maney: Leeds, pp. 219-242. ISBN 9781904350293
Bishop, P. (2008) Psyche and imagination in Goethe and Jung: or, how to live your life and love it, too. In: Rowland, S. (ed.) Psyche and the Arts : Jungian Approaches to Music, Architecture, Literature, Film and Painting. Routledge: New York, pp. 107-116. ISBN 9780415438353
Bishop, P. (2008) Schwärmerei und Geisterseherei, Aufklärung und analytische Psychologie: Kant und Swedenborg aus der Sicht von C.G. Jung. In: Stengel, F. (ed.) Kant und Swedenborg: Zugänge zu einem umstrittenen Verhältnis. Series: Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung (38). Niemeyer, pp. 133-155.
Bishop, P. (2007) Analytical Psychology and German Classical Aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller and Jung, Volume 1: The Development of the Personality. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9781583918081
Bishop, P. (2007) Schillers Ästhetik in biozentrischer Sicht: Ludwig Klages und der ästhetische Vitalismus. Hestia: Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft, 22,
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (Eds.) (2006) The Paths of Symbolic Knowledge: Occasional Papers in Cassirer and Cultural-Theory Studies, Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. Series: Cultural studies and the symbolic. Maney: Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781904350279
Bishop, P. (2006) Aesthetic life and tragic insight in Nietzsche's use of Goethe. Colloquia Germanica, 39, pp. 57-69.
Bishop, P. (2006) A biocentric approach to Weimar aesthetics: Friedrich Schiller and Ludwig Klages. Oxford German Studies, 75(2), pp. 95-108. (doi: 10.1179/174962806X115271)
Bishop, P. (2006) The idea of the numinous in Goethe and Jung. In: Casement, A. and Tacey, D. (eds.) The Idea of the Numinous: Contemporary Jungian and Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Routledge: London, pp. 117-136. ISBN 9781583917831
Bishop, P. (2006) Nationalism and europeanism in German Romantic literature. In: Perkins, M.A. and Liebscher, M. (eds.) Nationalism Versus Cosmopolitanism in German Thought and Culture, 1780-1914: Essays on the Emergence of Europe. Mellen: Lewiston, NY, pp. 93-129. ISBN 9780773455238
Bishop, P. (2005) A Companion to the Works of Stefan George. Ed. Jens Rieckmann. Rochester, NY: Camden House (Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture), 2005. xvi + 257 pp. £65/$90. ISBN 1–57113–214–7. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 41(4), p. 453. (doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqi307)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2005) Reaction and revolution in Thomas Mann. Oxford German Studies, 34(2), pp. 158-172.
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R. (2005) Friedrich Nietzsche and Weimar Classicism. Series: Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Camden House: Rochester, NY. ISBN 9781571132802
Bishop, P. (2004) `An solchen Dingen hab ich schauen gelernt': Rilke's visit to Egypt and the Duineser Elegien. Austrian Studies, 12(1), pp. 65-79.
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2004) Nietzsche and Antiquity: his Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture. Camden House. ISBN 9781571132826
Bishop, P. (2004) Annette von Droste-Hulshoff. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Antoine Wiertz. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Arthur Schopenhauer. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Johann Gottlieb Fichte. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Johann Wolfgang Goethe. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Speaking of symbols: Affinities between Cassirer's and Jung's theories of language. In: Hamlin, C. and Krois, J.M. (eds.) Symbolic Forms and Cultural Studies: Ernst Cassirer's Theory of Culture. Yale University press: New haven, pp. 127-157. ISBN 9780300103298
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R. (2004) Goethe's late verse. In: Mahoney, D.F. (ed.) The Literature of German Romanticism. Series: Camden House history of German literature (8). Camden House, pp. 307-326. ISBN 9781571132369
Bishop, P. (2004) Nietzsche's anti-christianity as a return to (German) classicism. In: Bishop, P. (ed.) Nietzsche and Antiquity : his Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture. Camden House, pp. 441-457. ISBN 9781571132826
Bishop, P. (2003) Social critique and aesthetics in Schopenhauer. History of European Ideas, 29(4), pp. 411-435. (doi: 10.1016/S0191-6599(03)00019-6)
Bishop, P. (2003) C.G. Jung and 'Naturmystik': the early poem ‘Gedanken in Einer Frühlingsnacht’. German Life and Letters, 56(4), pp. 327-343. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0483.00260)
Bishop, P. and Stevenson, R.H. (Eds.) (2003) Cultural Studies and the Symbolic. Series: Occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies. Northern Universities Press: Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781904350033
Bishop, P. (2003) Ein Kind Zarathustras und eine nicht-metaphysische Auslegung der ewigen Wiederkehr. In: Hestia : Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft. Königshausen and Neumann: Bonn, pp. 15-37. ISBN 9783826029226
Bishop, P. (2003) Analysis or synthesis? A Cassirerian problem in the work of Freud and Jung. In: Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (eds.) Cultural Studies and the Symbolic. Series: Occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies. Northern Universities Press, pp. 42-65. ISBN 9781904350033
Bishop, P. (2002) The intellectual world of Thomas Mann. In: Robertson, R. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Thomas Mann. Series: Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge University Press, pp. 22-42. ISBN 9780521653107
Bishop, P. (2002) Jung's answer to Job : a commentary. Brunner-Routledge: Hove. ISBN 1583912401
Bishop, P. (2002) Jung's reception of Freud's Traumdeutung. In: Castein, H. and Görner, R. (eds.) Dream Images in German, Austrian and Swiss Literature and Culture. Series: Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies (University of London) (78). Iudicium, pp. 40-54. ISBN 3891290519
Bishop, P. (2002) The reception of Friedrich Nietzsche in the early work of Ludwig Klages. Oxford German Studies, 31, pp. 129-160.
Bishop, P. (2002) ’Yonder lies the grave-island, the silent island; yonder, too, are the graves of my youth’: A Commentary on Zarathustra's Grave-Song. Orbis Litterarum, 57(5), pp. 317-342. (doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0730.2002.t01-1-570501.x)
Bishop, P. (2001) Heilslehre or Heilsleere? Neue Bahnen in Jung research. In: Schmitt, G. (ed.) Die Welt im Symbol: C.G. Jung Symposium, 7.9.2000-8.9.2000. Series: Universität Oulu: Veröffentlichungen des Germanistischen Instituts (9). University of Oulu: Oulu, Finland, pp. 11-26.
Bishop, P. (2001) Nicholas Boyle, Goethe: the poet and the age, vol. 2, revolution and renunciation, 1790-1803. Goethe Yearbook, 10, pp. 284-290. [Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2000) Freud and Jung: from Traumdeutung to Geist. Schweizer Monatshefte, 80(9), pp. 22-25.
Bishop, P. (2000) An Herderian perspective on Lacanian psychoanalysis. History of European Ideas, 26(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.1016/S0191-6599(00)00014-0)
Bishop, P. (2000) Affinities between Weimar classicism and analytical psychology: Goethe and Jung on the concept of the self. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 36(1), pp. 74-91.
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2000) A Companion to Goethe's Faust: Parts I and II. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture. Camden House: Rochester, NY, USA. ISBN 9781571131621
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (Eds.) (2000) Goethe 2000: Intercultural Readings of his Work: Papers Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Germanistics, 19-21 April 1999. Northern Universities Press: Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781902653259
Bishop, P. (2000) C.G. Jung and the uses of tradition. Harvest: Journal for Jungian Studies, 26(1), pp. 95-117.
Bishop, P. (2000) Freud. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Goethe. In: France, P. (ed.) Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198183594
Bishop, P. (2000) Goethe on the couch: Freud's reception of Goethe. In: Reed, T.J., Swales, M. and Adler, J.D. (eds.) Goethe at 250: London Symposium. Series: Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies (75). Iudicium: Munich, Germany, pp. 156-168. ISBN 9783891290491
Bishop, P. (2000) Kant. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Kant's Third Critique. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Schelling. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Sigmund Freud, The interpretation of dreams, translated by Joyce Crick; introduction and notes by Ritchie Robertson. Translation and Literature, 9(2), pp. 266-272. [Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2000) Synchronicity and Intellectual Intuition in Kant, Swedenborg, and Jung. Series: Problems in contemporary philosophy (46). E. Mellen Press: Lewiston, N.Y., USA. ISBN 9780773475939
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (2000) Goethe's "Chinesisch-Deutsche jahres und tageszeiten": an intercultural glance. In: Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (eds.) Goethe 2000: Intercultural Readings of his Work: Papers Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Germanistics, 19-21 April 1999. Northern Universities Press: Leeds, UK, pp. 80-110. ISBN 9781902653259
Bishop, P. (2000) Intellectual affinities between Goethe and Jung, with special reference to Faust. Publications of the English Goethe Society, pp. 1-19.
Bishop, P. (1999) The erotic. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) The Frankfurt School. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) Sensibility. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) Sincerity. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) Symbolism. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) The World of Stoical Discourse in Goethe's Novel 'Die Wahlverwandtschaften'. Series: Studies in German language and literature (25). E. Mellen Press: Lewiston, N.Y., USA. ISBN 9780773479920
Bishop, P. (2023) Spiel als Urphänomen des Lebens und als ästhetische Erlösung: Cassirers Auseinendersetzung mit Klages und der Lebensphilosophie - Teil 2. Synthesis Philosophica, 38(1), pp. 37-60. (doi: 10.21464/sp38103)
Bishop, P. (2022) Digging Jung: analytical psychology and philosophical archaeology. History of European Ideas, 48(7), pp. 960-979. (doi: 10.1080/01916599.2022.2073742)
Bishop, P. (2022) Nietzsche: culture warrior or a sign of the times? Nietzsche-Studien, 51(1), pp. 336-350. (doi: 10.1515/nietzstu-2021-0042)
Bishop, P. (2022) Le rouge et le noir: the genesis and significance of analytical psychology in the Black Books. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 14(2), pp. 147-181. (doi: 10.1163/19409060-bja10019)
Bishop, P. (2020) Ludwig Klages and his philosophy of language. Journal of European Studies, 50(1), pp. 17-29. (doi: 10.1177/0047244119892870)
Bishop, P. (2019) Rebranding MFL. Linguist, 58(2), pp. 20-22.
Bishop, P. (2018) Is it time to examine the exam? Linguist, 57(5), pp. 14-15.
Bishop, P. (2018) Jung's dialogue with Swiss intellectuals. Oxford German Studies, 47(1), pp. 51-69. (doi: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1409509)
Bishop, P. (2017) "Man muss es so stellen, dass es wirkt: d.h. dass Leben auf Leben wirkt": Winckelmanns und Goethes Vermaechtnis an Nietzsche und Klages. Nietzscheforschung, 24(1), pp. 145-166. (doi: 10.1515/nifo-2017-0011)
Bishop, P. (2017) C.G. Jungs Rotes Buch: Visionen von Tod und Versöhnung als Kulturauftrag der Analytischen Psychologie. Jung Journal: Forum für Analytische Psychologie und Lebenskultur, 20(37), pp. 43-49.
Bishop, P. (2016) Eine 'Kathedrale des Geistes'? Spiritualität und Ästhetik in Jungs Rotem Buch. Analytische Psychologie, 47(186), pp. 431-452.
Bishop, P. (2016) Wie fröhlich ist die Wissenschaft? Nietzsche und die Universität. Jahrbuch für Lebensphilosophie, 8, pp. 55-85.
Bishop, P. (2012) Jung's Red Book in relation to aspects of German idealism. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 57(3), pp. 335-363. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5922.2012.01974.x)
Bishop, P. (2011) The Superman as salamander: symbols of transformation or transformational symbols? International Journal of Jungian Studies, 3(1), pp. 4-20. (doi: 10.1080/19409052.2011.542368)
Bishop, P. (2011) The dialectic of destruction and creation in the German tradition: a Jungian perspective on Goethe, Nietzsche, Rilke, and George. Jung Journal, 5(4), pp. 60-82. (doi: 10.1525/jung.2011.5.4.60)
Bishop, P. (2011) Remain true to the earth: home and wandering in Nietzsche. Spring Journal, 85,
Bishop, P. (2009) C.G. Jung and Weimar Classicism: Method and morphology. Harvest: Journal for Jungian Studies, 1, pp. 1-21.
Bishop, P. (2009) Eudaimonism, Hedonism, and Feuerbach’s philosophy of the future. Intellectual History Review, 19(1), pp. 65-81. (doi: 10.1080/17496970902722908)
Bishop, P. (2009) Jung looking at the stars: chaos, cosmos and archetype. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 1(1), pp. 12-24. (doi: 10.1080/19409050802681884)
Bishop, P. (2009) Porträt: Ludwig Feuerbach. Jahrbuch für Lebensphilosophie, 4, pp. 181-203.
Bishop, P. (2008) The timelessness and timeliness of the 'archaic': analytical psychology, 'primordial' thought, synchronicity. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 53(4), pp. 501-523. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5922.2008.00743.x)
Bishop, P. (2008) 'Elementary aesthetics', hedonist ethics: the philosophical foundations of Feuerbach’s late works. History of European Ideas, 34(3), pp. 298-309.
Bishop, P. (2007) Schillers Ästhetik in biozentrischer Sicht: Ludwig Klages und der ästhetische Vitalismus. Hestia: Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft, 22,
Bishop, P. (2006) Aesthetic life and tragic insight in Nietzsche's use of Goethe. Colloquia Germanica, 39, pp. 57-69.
Bishop, P. (2006) A biocentric approach to Weimar aesthetics: Friedrich Schiller and Ludwig Klages. Oxford German Studies, 75(2), pp. 95-108. (doi: 10.1179/174962806X115271)
Bishop, P. (2005) Reaction and revolution in Thomas Mann. Oxford German Studies, 34(2), pp. 158-172.
Bishop, P. (2004) `An solchen Dingen hab ich schauen gelernt': Rilke's visit to Egypt and the Duineser Elegien. Austrian Studies, 12(1), pp. 65-79.
Bishop, P. (2003) Social critique and aesthetics in Schopenhauer. History of European Ideas, 29(4), pp. 411-435. (doi: 10.1016/S0191-6599(03)00019-6)
Bishop, P. (2003) C.G. Jung and 'Naturmystik': the early poem ‘Gedanken in Einer Frühlingsnacht’. German Life and Letters, 56(4), pp. 327-343. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0483.00260)
Bishop, P. (2002) The reception of Friedrich Nietzsche in the early work of Ludwig Klages. Oxford German Studies, 31, pp. 129-160.
Bishop, P. (2002) ’Yonder lies the grave-island, the silent island; yonder, too, are the graves of my youth’: A Commentary on Zarathustra's Grave-Song. Orbis Litterarum, 57(5), pp. 317-342. (doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0730.2002.t01-1-570501.x)
Bishop, P. (2000) Freud and Jung: from Traumdeutung to Geist. Schweizer Monatshefte, 80(9), pp. 22-25.
Bishop, P. (2000) An Herderian perspective on Lacanian psychoanalysis. History of European Ideas, 26(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.1016/S0191-6599(00)00014-0)
Bishop, P. (2000) Affinities between Weimar classicism and analytical psychology: Goethe and Jung on the concept of the self. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 36(1), pp. 74-91.
Bishop, P. (2000) C.G. Jung and the uses of tradition. Harvest: Journal for Jungian Studies, 26(1), pp. 95-117.
Bishop, P. (2000) Intellectual affinities between Goethe and Jung, with special reference to Faust. Publications of the English Goethe Society, pp. 1-19.
Bishop, P. (2019) German Political Thought and the Discourse of Platonism: Finding the Way Out of the Cave. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030045098 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-04510-4)
Bishop, P. (2017) Carl Jung [Translation of Chinese title]. (英) 保罗·比舍普. ISBN 9787531696414
Bishop, P. (2017) Ludwig Klages and the Philosophy of Life: A Vitalist Toolkit. Routledge. ISBN 9781138697157
Bishop, P. (2016) On the Blissful Islands: With Nietzsche and Jung: in the Shadow of the Superman. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138791619
Bishop, P. (2014) Carl Jung. Series: Critical Lives. Reaktion Books: London. ISBN 9781780232676
Bishop, P. ed. (2012) A Companion to Friedrich Nietzsche, Life and Works. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture; Camden House Companion Volumes. Camden House: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9781571133274
Bishop, P. (2011) Reading Goethe at Midlife : Ancient Wisdom, German Classicism, and Jung. Series: Zurich lecture series in analytical psychology. Spring Journal Books: New Orleans, Louisiana. ISBN 9781935528104
Bishop, P. (2008) Analytical Psychology and German Classical Aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller and Jung, Volume 2: The Constellation of the Self. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415430296
Bishop, P. (2007) Analytical Psychology and German Classical Aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller and Jung, Volume 1: The Development of the Personality. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9781583918081
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R. (2005) Friedrich Nietzsche and Weimar Classicism. Series: Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Camden House: Rochester, NY. ISBN 9781571132802
Bishop, P. (2002) Jung's answer to Job : a commentary. Brunner-Routledge: Hove. ISBN 1583912401
Bishop, P. (2000) Synchronicity and Intellectual Intuition in Kant, Swedenborg, and Jung. Series: Problems in contemporary philosophy (46). E. Mellen Press: Lewiston, N.Y., USA. ISBN 9780773475939
Bishop, P. (1999) The World of Stoical Discourse in Goethe's Novel 'Die Wahlverwandtschaften'. Series: Studies in German language and literature (25). E. Mellen Press: Lewiston, N.Y., USA. ISBN 9780773479920
Book Sections
Bishop, P. (2023) "In the Still World of the Heart" (In des Herzens stille Welt): Reflections on Goethe and Individuation Psychology. In: Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein. Chiron Publications. ISBN 9781685031848
Bishop, P. (2022) The Red Book and other searchers for the soul: The case of Klages and Jung. In: Stein, Murray (ed.) Jung's Red Book For Our Time: Searching for Soul in the Twenty-First Century. Series: An Eranos symposium (Vol. 5). Chiron: Asheville, NC, pp. 235-272. ISBN 9781685031183
Bishop, P. (2022) High noon on Zarathustra's mountain: Zarathustra's midday vision. In: Dunn, George A. and Telli, Mango (eds.) A New Politics for Philosophy: Perspectives on Plato, Nietzsche, and Strauss. Lexington Books: Lanham, pp. 201-221. ISBN 9781498577328
Bishop, P. (2022) Introduction: is the only way up? In: The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic: Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780367514983 (doi: 10.4324/9781003054139-1)
Bishop, P. (2022) Katabasis in reverse: Heraclitus, the archaic, and the abyss. In: The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic: Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 31-51. ISBN 9780367514983 (doi: 10.4324/9781003054139-4)
Bishop, P. (2022) Analytical psychology and the dialectic of enlightenment. In: Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis: From the Frankfurt School to Contemporary Critique. Series: Philosophy and psychoanalysis. Routledge, pp. 95-114. ISBN 9781032104287 (doi: 10.4324/9781003215301-4)
Bishop, P. (2022) Stefan George: Nietzsche aus der Sicht Stefan Georges: Ein Horizont, vor dem ein Licht aufgeht? In: Georg, Jutta, Reschke, Renate and Vivarelli, Vivetta (eds.) Nietzsche im Horizont der Literatur. Brill | Fink: Paderborn, pp. 61-79. ISBN 9783770566037 (doi: 10.30965/9783846766033_006)
Bishop, P. (2022) Seeing with the eyes of the spirit. In: Carpani, Stefano (ed.) Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9780367710194 (doi: 10.4324/9781003148982-2)
Bishop, P. (2021) Nietzsche and Klages on the architecture of the mind: making space for the soul. In: Merlini, Fabio and Bernardini, Riccardo (eds.) Eranos Yearbook 74: 2017 - 2018: the Age of Immediacy at the Test of Meaning = L’epoca dell’immediatezza alla prova del senso. Series: Eranos yearbook (74). Daimon Verlag: Einsiedeln. ISBN 9783856307851
Bishop, P. (2020) Ecce Homo and Nietzsche’s concept of character. In: Martin, Nicholas and Large, Duncan (eds.) Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo”. De Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 115-138. ISBN 9783110246544 (doi: 10.1515/9783110246551-010)
Bishop, P. (2020) Holistic enchantment and eternal recurrence: Anaxagoras, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Klages, and Jung on the beauty of it all. In: Main, Roderick, McMillan, Christian and Henderson, David (eds.) Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole. Series: Philosophy and psychoanalysis. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 167-192. ISBN 9780367428747 (doi: 10.4324/9780367855659-8)
Bishop, P. (2020) Goethe, Nietzsche, Varoufakis: why did the Greeks matter — and still do? In: Brusotti, Marco, McNeal, Michael, Schubert, Corinna and Siemens, Herman (eds.) European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche’s Philosophy. De Gruyter: Berlin ; Boston, pp. 19-48. ISBN 9783110605044 (doi: 10.1515/9783110606478-002)
Bishop, P. (2020) Nietzsche, Hobbes and the tradition of political Epicureanism: morality, religion, and the social contract. In: Acharya, Vinod and Johnson, Ryan J. (eds.) Nietzsche and Epicurus: Nature, Health and Ethics. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK ; New York, NY, pp. 110-124. ISBN 9781350086302 (doi: 10.5040/9781350086333.0016)
Bishop, P. (2019) May Eros then reign who engendered it all!!: An introduction to Klages on cosmogonic Eros. In: Of Cosmogonic Eros. Theion Publishing: Munich, pp. 9-70. ISBN 9783982065403
Bishop, P. (2018) Wie Hast Du Es Mit Der Religion? Lacan, Jung, and the religious sublime. In: Brown, Robin S. (ed.) Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Routledge, pp. 195-218. ISBN 9781138225336
Bishop, P. (2017) Ernst Cassirer: Die Philosophie im Exil und die Heimkehr zur Vernunft. In: Schmitt-Maass, Christoph and Fulda, Daniel (eds.) Vertriebene Vernunft? Aufklärung und Exil nach 1933. Series: Laboratrium Auflkärung (30). Wilhelm Fink: Paderborn, pp. 31-49. ISBN 9783770560622
Bishop, P. (2017) Just a moment? Or, the archaic as an expression of the eternal in time. In: Yiassemides, Angeliki (ed.) Time and the Psyche: Jungian Perspectives. Routledge: New York, pp. 87-105. ISBN 9781138120716
Bishop, P. (2016) Postfazione: women around Ludwig Klages. In: Gianni Ardic, Chiara (ed.) La Fuga Degli Dei: Mito, Matriarcato e Immagine in Ludwig Klages. Jouvence: Milan, pp. 295-302. ISBN 9788878015562
Bishop, P. (2016) Nietzsche and Bildung/Paideia. In: Peters, Michael A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer. ISBN 9789812875327
Bishop, P. (2015) Goethe, Nietzsche und die Philosophische Praxis. In: Gutknecht, Thomas, Bennent-Vahle, Heidemarie and Schmalfuss-Plicht, Dietlinde (eds.) Philosophische Praxis als Existenzmitteilung. Series: Jahrbuch der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Philosophische Praxis (IGPP) (6). Lit Verlag: Berlin, pp. 121-136. ISBN 9783643127457
Bishop, P. (2015) Free The Spirit! Kantian, Jungian and neoplatonic resonances in Nietzsche. In: Bamford, Rebecca (ed.) Nietzsche's Free Spirit Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 207-232. ISBN 9781783482177
Bishop, P. (2015) Intuition. In: Segal, Robert A. and von Stuckrad, Kocku (eds.) Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Brill: Leiden, p. 281. ISBN 9789004290433
Bishop, P. (2015) The philosophical contribution of Ludwig Klages. In: Chthonic Gnosis: Ludwig Klages and his Quest foer the Pandaemonic All. Theoin: Munich, pp. 9-43.
Bishop, P. (2014) "Natur und Kunst, sie scheinen sich zu fliehen, / Und haben sich" - im Roten Buch? - "gefunden". In: Maillard, Christine and Liard, Veronique (eds.) Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Pour une reevaluation de son oeuvre = Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Ein neuer Zugang zum Gesamtwerk. Series: Recherches germaniques (9). Recherches germaniques: Strasbourg, pp. 100-115. ISBN 0399-1989
Bishop, P. (2014) Das Goethe'sche Symbol as Instrument der morphologischen Wandlung in Philosophie und Psychologie: Cassirer, Jung und Klages. In: Maatsch, Jonas (ed.) Morphologie und Moderne: Goethes "anschauliches Denken" in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften seit 1800. Series: Klassik und Moderne (5). Walter de Gruyter: New York, NY and Berlin, pp. 157-175. ISBN 9783110372120
Bishop, P. (2013) From the archaic into the aesthetic: myth and literature in the "Orphic" Goethe. In: Burnett, L., Bahun, S. and Main, R. (eds.) Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious. Karnac Books: London, UK, pp. 189-210. ISBN 9781782200024
Bishop, P. (2013) Jung and the quest for beauty: the red book in relation to German classicism. In: Kirsch, T. and Hogenson, G. (eds.) The Red Book: Reflections on C.G. Jung's Liber Novus. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 11-35. ISBN 9780415659963
Bishop, P. (2013) On reading Jung in German: Jung's significance for Germanistik. In: Kirsch, J. and Stein, M. (eds.) How and Why We Still Read Jung: Personal and Professional Reflections. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 66-85. ISBN 9780415686488
Bishop, P. (2012) Schopenhauer's Impact on European Literature. In: Vandenabeele, B. (ed.) A Companion to Schopenhauer. Series: Blackwell companions to philosophy (49). Blackwell, pp. 333-348. ISBN 9781405171038
Bishop, P. (2011) Sinn, Unsinn, Widersinn, Wahnsinn, Übersinn: Selbst- und Gottesvorstellungen im Roten Buch von C.G. Jung. In: Maillard, C. (ed.) Recherches germaniques, Hors série no. 8 (2011), Arts, sciences et psychologie: Autour du Livre rouge de Carl Gustav Jung (1914-1930; Kunst, Wissenschaft und Psychologie: Über das Rote Buch von C.G. Jung (1914-1930),. Université de Strasbourg: Strasbourg, pp. 135-51. ISBN 9782354100391
Bishop, P. (2010) Creation — That Is the Great Redemption from Suffering, and Life’s Easement, Part 1: ‘What Do Creation and Destruction Mean in Zarathustra’s World?’; Part 2: Tragic Affirmation amid the Creation-and-Destruction of Eternal. In: Meier, I. (ed.) Destruction & Creation: Facing the Ambiguities of Power. Series: Jungian Odyssey (2). Spring: New Orleans, pp. 31-59. ISBN 9781935528067
Bishop, P. (2010) Der späte Rilke und die Tradition der exercices spirituels. In: Leeder, K. and Vilain, R. (eds.) Nach Duino: Studien zu Rainer Maria Rilkes späten Gedichten. Wallstein: Göttingen, Germany, pp. 194-213. ISBN 9783835304253
Bishop, P. (2010) Rilke: thought and mysticism. In: Leeder, K.J. and Vilain, R. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Rilke. Series: Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 159-173. ISBN 9780521879439
Bishop, P. (2010) Social (collective) unconsciousness and mythic scapegoating: C.G. Jung and René Girard. In: Stein, M. and Jones, R.A. (eds.) Cultures and Identities in Transition: Jungian Perspectives. Routledge: New York, NY, USA, pp. 145-156. ISBN 9780415549639
Bishop, P. (2010) The unconscious from the storm and stress to Weimar classicism: the dialectic of time and pleasure. In: Nicholls, A. and Liebscher, M. (eds.) Thinking the Unconscious: Nineteenth-Century German Thought. CUP: London, pp. 26-57. ISBN 9780521897532
Bishop, P. (2009) Geist und Leben – Klages und Cassirer: Ernst Cassirers Auseinandersetzung mit Klages und der Lebensphilosophie, Teil 1. In: Jager, D. (ed.) Hestia: Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft 2008/2009. Series: Hestia (23). Königshausen & Neumann: Wurzburg, Germany, pp. 149-174. ISBN 978-3826042973
Bishop, P. (2008) Schillers Ästhetik in biozentrischer Sicht: Ludwig Klages und der ästhetische Vitalismus. In: Jager, D. (ed.) Hestia: Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft 2004/07. Series: Hestia, 22. Königshausen & Neumann: Würzburg, Germany, pp. 79-108. ISBN 978-3826038556
Bishop, P. (2008) The politics of myth: Cassirer, Bachofen, and Sorel. In: The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form : Proceedings of an International Conference held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005/. Series: Cultural Studies and the Symbolic (3). Maney: Leeds, pp. 219-242. ISBN 9781904350293
Bishop, P. (2008) Psyche and imagination in Goethe and Jung: or, how to live your life and love it, too. In: Rowland, S. (ed.) Psyche and the Arts : Jungian Approaches to Music, Architecture, Literature, Film and Painting. Routledge: New York, pp. 107-116. ISBN 9780415438353
Bishop, P. (2008) Schwärmerei und Geisterseherei, Aufklärung und analytische Psychologie: Kant und Swedenborg aus der Sicht von C.G. Jung. In: Stengel, F. (ed.) Kant und Swedenborg: Zugänge zu einem umstrittenen Verhältnis. Series: Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung (38). Niemeyer, pp. 133-155.
Bishop, P. (2006) The idea of the numinous in Goethe and Jung. In: Casement, A. and Tacey, D. (eds.) The Idea of the Numinous: Contemporary Jungian and Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Routledge: London, pp. 117-136. ISBN 9781583917831
Bishop, P. (2006) Nationalism and europeanism in German Romantic literature. In: Perkins, M.A. and Liebscher, M. (eds.) Nationalism Versus Cosmopolitanism in German Thought and Culture, 1780-1914: Essays on the Emergence of Europe. Mellen: Lewiston, NY, pp. 93-129. ISBN 9780773455238
Bishop, P. (2004) Annette von Droste-Hulshoff. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Antoine Wiertz. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Arthur Schopenhauer. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Johann Gottlieb Fichte. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Johann Wolfgang Goethe. In: Murray, C.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York. ISBN 157958361X
Bishop, P. (2004) Speaking of symbols: Affinities between Cassirer's and Jung's theories of language. In: Hamlin, C. and Krois, J.M. (eds.) Symbolic Forms and Cultural Studies: Ernst Cassirer's Theory of Culture. Yale University press: New haven, pp. 127-157. ISBN 9780300103298
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R. (2004) Goethe's late verse. In: Mahoney, D.F. (ed.) The Literature of German Romanticism. Series: Camden House history of German literature (8). Camden House, pp. 307-326. ISBN 9781571132369
Bishop, P. (2004) Nietzsche's anti-christianity as a return to (German) classicism. In: Bishop, P. (ed.) Nietzsche and Antiquity : his Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture. Camden House, pp. 441-457. ISBN 9781571132826
Bishop, P. (2003) Ein Kind Zarathustras und eine nicht-metaphysische Auslegung der ewigen Wiederkehr. In: Hestia : Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft. Königshausen and Neumann: Bonn, pp. 15-37. ISBN 9783826029226
Bishop, P. (2003) Analysis or synthesis? A Cassirerian problem in the work of Freud and Jung. In: Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (eds.) Cultural Studies and the Symbolic. Series: Occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies. Northern Universities Press, pp. 42-65. ISBN 9781904350033
Bishop, P. (2002) The intellectual world of Thomas Mann. In: Robertson, R. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Thomas Mann. Series: Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge University Press, pp. 22-42. ISBN 9780521653107
Bishop, P. (2002) Jung's reception of Freud's Traumdeutung. In: Castein, H. and Görner, R. (eds.) Dream Images in German, Austrian and Swiss Literature and Culture. Series: Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies (University of London) (78). Iudicium, pp. 40-54. ISBN 3891290519
Bishop, P. (2001) Heilslehre or Heilsleere? Neue Bahnen in Jung research. In: Schmitt, G. (ed.) Die Welt im Symbol: C.G. Jung Symposium, 7.9.2000-8.9.2000. Series: Universität Oulu: Veröffentlichungen des Germanistischen Instituts (9). University of Oulu: Oulu, Finland, pp. 11-26.
Bishop, P. (2000) Freud. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Goethe. In: France, P. (ed.) Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198183594
Bishop, P. (2000) Goethe on the couch: Freud's reception of Goethe. In: Reed, T.J., Swales, M. and Adler, J.D. (eds.) Goethe at 250: London Symposium. Series: Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies (75). Iudicium: Munich, Germany, pp. 156-168. ISBN 9783891290491
Bishop, P. (2000) Kant. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Kant's Third Critique. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. (2000) Schelling. In: Konzett, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of German Literature. Fitzroy Dearborn: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9781579581381
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (2000) Goethe's "Chinesisch-Deutsche jahres und tageszeiten": an intercultural glance. In: Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (eds.) Goethe 2000: Intercultural Readings of his Work: Papers Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Germanistics, 19-21 April 1999. Northern Universities Press: Leeds, UK, pp. 80-110. ISBN 9781902653259
Bishop, P. (1999) The erotic. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) The Frankfurt School. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) Sensibility. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) Sincerity. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Bishop, P. (1999) Symbolism. In: Murray, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, UK. ISBN 9781579581442
Book Reviews
Bishop, P. (2024) Figures of Possibility: Aesthetic Experience, Mysticism, and the Play of the Senses By Niklaus Largier, Stanford University Press. 2022. pp. 304. $28.00 (paperback). German Quarterly, 97(2), pp. 291-293. (doi: 10.1111/gequ.12428)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2023) Zarathustra’s Moral Tyranny: Spectres of Kant, Hegel and Feuerbach by Francesca Cauchi, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022, 216 pp., £85.00 Ebook (PDF), ISBN Ebook (PDF) 978-1-3995-0433-1. Oxford German Studies, 52(4), pp. 621-623. (doi: 10.1080/00787191.2023.2273691)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2019) The Roman Mithras Cult: A Cognitive Approach, by Olympia Panagiotidou with Roger Beck, New York, Bloomsbury, 2017, xii + 266 pp., US$114 (hardback), ISBN 978 1 4725 6741 3. Religion, 49(3), pp. 501-504. (doi: 10.1080/0048721X.2019.1600128)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) Scotland’s Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity, edited by Peter Hopkins, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017. Religion, (doi: 10.1080/0048721X.2018.1479082)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) The Integrated Self: Augustine, the Bible, and Ancient Thought, by Brian Stock. Religion, 48(2), pp. 338-341. (doi: 10.1080/0048721x.2017.1345565)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2018) The Pope and the Professor: Pius IX, Ignaz von Döllinger, and the Quandary of the Modern Age, by Thomas Albert Howard, New York, Oxford University Press, 2017. Religion, 48(4), pp. 715-717. (doi: 10.1080/0048721X.2018.1479021)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2017) Historical Dictionary of Shamanism, by Graham Harvey and Robert J. Wallis. Religion, 47(4), pp. 745-747. (doi: 10.1080/0048721x.2016.1276751)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2017) The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha, edited by Andrew Gregory and Christopher Tuckett. Religion, 47(2), pp. 312-314. (doi: 10.1080/0048721x.2016.1213094)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2015) Ramona Coman, Thomas Kostera and Luca Tomini (eds): Europeanization and European Integration: From Incremental to Structural Change and Kenneth Keulman and Agnes Katalin Koós: European Identity: Its Feasibility and Desirability. Journal of European Studies, 45(2), pp. 159-161. [Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2005) A Companion to the Works of Stefan George. Ed. Jens Rieckmann. Rochester, NY: Camden House (Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture), 2005. xvi + 257 pp. £65/$90. ISBN 1–57113–214–7. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 41(4), p. 453. (doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqi307)[Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2001) Nicholas Boyle, Goethe: the poet and the age, vol. 2, revolution and renunciation, 1790-1803. Goethe Yearbook, 10, pp. 284-290. [Book Review]
Bishop, P. (2000) Sigmund Freud, The interpretation of dreams, translated by Joyce Crick; introduction and notes by Ritchie Robertson. Translation and Literature, 9(2), pp. 266-272. [Book Review]
Edited Books
Bishop, P. , Dawson, T. and Gardner, L. (Eds.) (2022) The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic: Katábasis and Depth Psychology. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780367514983
Nietzsche, F. (2013) Das griechische Musikdrama; The Greek Music Drama. Contra Mundum Press: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780983697275
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2012) The Archaic: the Past in the Present. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415547550
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2011) The Way of the World. Series: Cultural Studies & the Symbolic. Maney: Leeds, UK. ISBN 97810906549511
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2010) Nietzsche and Antiquity [Translation of Chinese title]. ECNU Press. ISBN 9787561780756
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R. (Eds.) (2008) The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form: Proceedings of an International Conference held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005. Series: Cultural Studies and the Symbolic. Maney. ISBN 9781904350293
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (Eds.) (2006) The Paths of Symbolic Knowledge: Occasional Papers in Cassirer and Cultural-Theory Studies, Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. Series: Cultural studies and the symbolic. Maney: Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781904350279
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2004) Nietzsche and Antiquity: his Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture. Camden House. ISBN 9781571132826
Bishop, P. and Stevenson, R.H. (Eds.) (2003) Cultural Studies and the Symbolic. Series: Occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies. Northern Universities Press: Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781904350033
Bishop, P. (Ed.) (2000) A Companion to Goethe's Faust: Parts I and II. Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture. Camden House: Rochester, NY, USA. ISBN 9781571131621
Bishop, P. and Stephenson, R.H. (Eds.) (2000) Goethe 2000: Intercultural Readings of his Work: Papers Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Germanistics, 19-21 April 1999. Northern Universities Press: Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781902653259
Research Reports or Papers
Bishop, P. (2016) "We All Walk In Mysteries: We Do Not Know What Is Stirring In The Atmosphere Around Us". [Research Reports or Papers]
Bishop, P. (2016) Are foreign language skills really a factor in the internationalisation of Scotland's economy? [Research Reports or Papers]
Bishop, P. (2013) Seeing With The Eyes Of The Spirit. [Research Reports or Papers]
Paul welcomes applications for postgraduate research in the following areas:
- Business and commercial applications of modern languages
- Intercultural approaches to business and commerce
- Intellectual history (esp. Nietzsche, Jung, Klages, psychoanlaysis, analytical psychology)
- European political thought
- Austrian and German television, radio, social media
- Garcia Villanueva, Eneida
‘It could not be any other way’ or: how child language brokering toddled into our family language policy (to stay!)
Convener Comparative Literature 1A.
German language tuition across all levels;
German literature and culture tuition across all levels;
Comparative Literature tuition across all levels;
SMLC MSc in Translation Studies.
This year's Honours course
European Political Thought (Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Adorno, Habermas)
Previous courses at Honours level:
- Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra
- Modern German Thought II
- Freud and Jung
- Mann and Kafka (short stories)
- Modern German Novel (Mann and Kafka)
- Modern German Novel (Kafka and Hesse)
- Modern German Lyric (Rilke, George, Benn)
- Literature and Film
- Goethe, Faust II
- German Mysticism (incl. Hildegard von Bingen, Mechthild von Magdeburg, Tauler, Seuse, & Eckhart)
At Postgraduate level:
- SMLC MSc in Translation Studies
Additional information
Paul is a member of:
- the Advisory Board of Spring: Journal of Archetype and Culture
- the Editorial Board of International Journal of Jungian Studies
- the Advisory Board of Journal of European Studies
- the Special Advisory Board of Journal of Analytical Psychology
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