Dr Martin Schauss

  • Lecturer in Comparative Literature (Comparative Literature)

Research interests

My research ties together late modernist, experimental and intermedial forms of literature in the twentieth and twenty-first century with his interest in ecology, waste, resources, and energy. I'm interested in how we ‘read’ materiality and the nonhuman in literature, and what it means to think of literary production as ecological.


post-1945 and contemporary literatures

ecocriticism/environmental humanities/energy humanities

experimental and intermedial writing

comparative studies/world literatures/critical theory

global modernisms/avant-garde


Current Project:

My current project, 'Intermedial Ecologies: Contemporary Experimental Literatures and the Resources of Ecopoetics', concentrates on contemporary transnational writing that experiments with intermedial forms—across different media, digital languages, platforms and sites. I trace shifts in modes of ecological storytelling that put pressure on conceptions around cultural production and the role of art in the time of climate catastrophe. Focusing especially on energy, waste, and built environment/civic spaces, the project analyses how ecopoetics as a border-crossing practice navigates the resources as its disposal to address and rearrange ecological thinking and policy.


Monograph (under contract):

Forsaken Things: The Politics of the Nonhuman in Beckett, Sebald and Tokarczuk (De Gruyter)


Past research:

PhD (Warwick), Like a Thing Forsaken: Beckett, Sebald, and the Politics of Materiality


Prior publications



COMPLIT1001 Comparative Literature 1A

COMPLIT4003 Theories of Reading

COMPLIT5030 Introduction to Comparative Literature

COMPLIT5031 Comparative Literature in Practice

MODLANG5009 Transnational Constructions of Gender


COMPLIT4015 Writing Subjects

COMPLIT5036 Reading Workshop in Comparative Literature