Number of items: 33.
Simpson, J. R.
Between skin(s), between daiths: caesura, animality and comedy in thirteenth-century Christian-Jewish relations.
In: Gilbert, J. and Griffin, M. (eds.)
The Futures of Medieval French: Essays in Honour of Sarah Kay.
Series: Gallica (46).
D.S. Brewer: Suffolk, UK, pp. 287-300.
ISBN 9781843845959
(doi: 10.1017/9781800101746.023)
Simpson, J. R.
Motion, contact and profanity in Rutebeuf’s tales of ‘Charlot Le Juif’: (not) going there, (not) touching that.
Forum for Modern Language Studies, 56(4),
445- 467.
(doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqaa001)
Simpson, J. R.
Melly and Merlin: locating little voices in Paris BnF fr. 24432.
In: Tudor, A. P. and Burr, K. L. (eds.)
Shaping Identity in Medieval French Literature: the Other Within.
University Press of Florida: Gainesville, FL, pp. 106-120.
ISBN 9780813056432
(doi: 10.5744/florida/9780813056432.003.0009)
Simpson, J. R.
Hearing and regarding animal pain in Heinrich’s Reinhart Fuchs and Kaulbach’s Reineke Fuchs illustrations.
Oxford German Studies, 47(1),
pp. 17-34.
(doi: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1409507)
Maxwell, K. and Simpson, J.
Page, performance and play in medieval transmission and reinterpretation: presence and absence in the Oxford ‘Roland’ and Guillaume de Machaut’s 'Le Livre Du Voir Dit'.
In: Derkert, J. (ed.)
XVI Nordic Musicological Congress. Stockholm 2012. Proceedings.
Stockholms Universitet, pp. 144-153.
ISBN 9789197696166
Simpson, J. R.
Ways we allegorize now: transforming texts and bodies from the Roman De Renart to Daniel Paul Schreber’s Memoirs and Chris Morris’s Four Lions.
Exemplaria, 26(2),
pp. 178-198.
(doi: 10.1179/1041257314Z.00000000049)
Roach, A. and Simpson, J.
In: Roach, A. P. and Simpson, J. R. (eds.)
Heresy and the Making of European Culture: Medieval and Modern Perspectives.
Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 1-27.
ISBN 9781472411815
Simpson, J.
Dogging Cornwall’s 'secret freaks': Béroul on the limits of European orthodoxy.
In: Roach, A. and Simpson, J. (eds.)
Heresy and the Making of European Culture: Medieval and Modern Perspectives.
Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 207-235.
ISBN 9781472411815
Roach, A.P. and Simpson, J. (Eds.)
Heresy and the Making of European Culture: Medieval and Modern Perspectives.
ISBN 9781472411815
Simpson, J.
L'Oeuvre et l'ombre des géants: fantômes et ruines dans le 'Couronnement de Louis'.
In: Hüe, D. (ed.)
Lectures du 'Couronnement de Louis'.
Series: Didact français.
Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 179-192.
ISBN 9782753528185
Simpson, J. R.
Turning verse conversions? Mise en page and metre in Rutebeuf’s 'Le Miracle de Théophile'.
Pecia, 16,
pp. 17-40.
(doi: 10.1484/J.PECIA.5.105410)
Simpson, J.
Aucassin, Gauvain, and (Re)Ordering Paris, BnF, fr. 2168.
French Studies, 66(4),
pp. 451-466.
(doi: 10.1093/fs/kns149)
Simpson, J.
“Uns uers si mals”: H.R. Giger et les animaux de cour dans la Chanson de Roland.
In: Alvar, C. and Carta, C. (eds.)
In Limine Romaniae: Chanson de Geste et Épopée Européenne.
Peter Lang: Bern, Switzerland, pp. 39-60.
ISBN 9783034310659
Simpson, J.
Beast epic.
In: Greene, R. (ed.)
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth Edition.
Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ, pp. 128-129.
ISBN 9780691133348
Simpson, J.
Beast fables.
In: Hourihane, C. (ed.)
The Grove Encyclopedia of Medieval Art and Architecture.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780195395365
Simpson, J.
Humour and the Obscene.
In: Burgwinkle, W., Hammond, N. and Wilson, E. (eds.)
The Cambridge History of French Literature.
Cambridge University Press: New York, NY, USA, pp. 111-120.
ISBN 9780521897860
Simpson, J.R.
'Oem walschedi?' Touching on tongues, teeth and skin in Van den vos Reynaerde.
Queeste, 18(1),
pp. 32-57.
Simpson, J.
Not that innocent? Singing to Daddy’s little treasure in 'Éric et Énide'.
French Studies Bulletin, 32(118),
pp. 1-4.
(doi: 10.1093/frebul/ktr001)
Simpson, J. R. and MacDonald, E. (Eds.)
Mangling Cultures: Conflict, Dissonance and Interpretation in Modern Language Studies.
Series: Tous Azimuts.
Glasgow French and German Publications: Glasgow.
ISBN 9780852619179
Peacock, N.
Molière and his manglers: the cultural politics of le patrimoine thèâtral?
In: MacDonald, E. and Simpson, J. (eds.)
The Culture Mangle: Conflict, Dissonance and Interpretation in Modern Language Studies.
Series: Tous azimuts (4).
University of Glasgow French and German: Glasgow, pp. 71-96.
ISBN 9780852619179
Simpson, J.
Arthur’s Scots scars: The last legion.
In: MacDonald, E. and Simpson, A. (eds.)
The Culture Mangle: Conflict, Dissonance and Interpretation in Modern Language Studies.
Series: Tous Azimuts (4).
University of Glasgow French and German publications: Glasgow, pp. 156-186.
ISBN 9780852619179
Simpson, J. and MacDonald, E.
Introduction: culture mangling: conflict and dissonance in modern language studies.
In: MacDonald, E. and Simpson, J. (eds.)
The Culture Mangle: Conflict, Dissonance and Interpretation in Modern Language Studies.
Series: Tous Azimuts (4).
University of Glasgow French and German publications: Glasgow, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 9780852619179
Simpson, J.
Kings and Feudalism.
In: Gaunt, S. and Kay, S. (eds.)
Cambridge Companion to Medieval French Literature.
Series: Cambridge Companions to Literature.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 197-209.
ISBN 9780521861755
(doi: 10.1017/CCOL9780521861755)
Simpson, J.
Lion-heart of darkness? The black book of the court in Le Chevalier au Lion.
Nottingham French Studies, 46(3),
pp. 49-61.
Simpson, J.
Troubling arthurian histories: court culture, performance and scandal in Chrétien de Troyes's Erec et Enide.
Series: Medieval and early modern French studies, 5.
Peter Lang: Bern.
ISBN 9783039113859
Simpson, J.
F**king peasants: presence, status and sexuality in Renart et Bertot.
In: Tudor, A., Hindley, A. and Levy, B.J. (eds.)
Grant Risee?: The Medieval Comic Presence: Essays in Memory of Brian J. Levy.
Series: Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe (11).
Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 319-335.
ISBN 9782503516981
Simpson, J.
The fox and the lion's share: tyranny, textuality and jouissance in the Roman de Renart.
In: Horn, J. and Russell-Watts, L. (eds.)
Possessions: Essays in French Literature, Cinema, and Theory.
Series: Modern French Identities (24).
Peter Lang: Oxford, pp. 21-36.
ISBN 9783039100057
Simpson, J.
Fantasy, Identity and Misrecognition in Medieval French Narrative.
P. Lang.
ISBN 3906766160
Simpson, J.
All's fair in love and war: conflicts and continuities in 'Anseis de Carthage'.
In: Ailes, M., Bennett, P. E. and Pratt, K. (eds.)
Reading Around the Epic: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Wolfgang van Emden.
Series: King's College London medieval studies (14).
King's College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies: London, pp. 129-148.
ISBN 9780952211969
Simpson, J.R.
Animal Body, Literary Corpus: The Old French 'Roman de Renart'.
Series: Faux Titre, 110.
Rodopi: Amsterdam, NL.
ISBN 9051839766
Simpson, J.
The gifts of the Roland: the old French Gui de Bourgogne.
In: Pratt, K. (ed.)
Roland and Charlemagne in Europe: Essays on the Reception and Transformation of a Legend.
Series: King's College London medieval studies (12).
King's College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies: London, pp. 31-65.
ISBN 9780952211945
Simpson, J.
Renart's dynasty: generation and structuring in 'Renart empereur'.
Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society for the Study of Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau, 8,
pp. 77-100.
(doi: 10.1075/rein.8.06sim)
Simpson, J.
Sinful narrative in the 'Roman de Renart'.
Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society for the Study of Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau, 5,
pp. 183-194.
(doi: 10.1075/rein.5.15sim)
This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 21:10:06 2025 GMT.