Dr Helen McKelvey
- Lecturer in French (French)
Hetherington Building, University Gardens, Glasgow, Glasgow City, Scotland, G12 8QQ
I am a Lecturer in French in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. Before moving to Glasgow in August 2022, I was Lecturer in French at Queen's University Belfast. I studied for a BA in French and History, a MRes in Arts and Humanities, and PhD (2021) in French at Queen's University Belfast, with a thesis that examined the use of religious imagery in early nineteenth-century narratives of slavery.
Research interests
I'm interested primarily in depictions of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and in 19th Century Studies more broadly. Taking the lens of Postcolonialism, my research investiagtes the intersection of literature and religion, and how these relate to depictions of race and otherness. As such, my research includes empire and the legacies of colonialism, and seeks to understand the complex afterlife of nineteenth century in the present day.
I teach on a range of courses in French language and culture and Comparative Literature, both at pre-honours and honours level, including convening French Language 1 Non-beginners.
Professional activities & recognition
Professional & learned societies
- 2021: Web Officer, ASMCF