Ms Eneida Garcia Villanueva
- Widening Participation Postgraduate Tutor (External Relations)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant (Translation Studies), Affiliate (Spanish) (School of Modern Languages & Cultures)
71 Southpark Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8LE
I am currently a doctoral candidate working on a project exploring Family Language Policy and Child Language Brokering in the Scottish context. See my PhD student profile.
In 2018, I received Early Career Researcher funding through the AHRC-OWRI Creative Multilingualism project. This ongoing project All the World is Our Stage: primary pupils never lost in translanguaging continues to find success under its own momentum — see Research Interests and Publications sections for further information.
In parallel to my research interests, I have a lifelong passion for teaching with teaching experience spanning over two decades. Since 2015, I have also been delivering GTCS-accredited professional teacher trainer courses — see Teaching section for further information.
Before beginning my research career, in 2006 I started a successful Translation and Interpreting business, and maintain my links and involvement with the languages industry in Scotland and the wider UK. With the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) I was elected to Council, acted as the Secretary of its Scottish Society and coordinated the HE Language Partnership Scheme in Scotland, facilitating a professional partnership between the five main T&I studies providers in Scotland – including our own SMLC – and CIOL.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), a Chartered Linguist, and fully registered with the GTCS for secondary Spanish, additionally holding provisional registration for ESOL — see Additional Information section for further information.
Research interests
My current research interests lie in applied linguistics, translation and interpreting studies, sociolinguistics, language learning and teaching, and multilingualism with a special focus on:
- Child language brokering
- Language ideologies and language policy
- Translanguaging
- 1+2 approach to language learning
- Educational research
- Non-professional interpreting and translation and the ethics of PSI
I am a Multilingual Advisory Board Member for John Benjamins Target Online, and a peer reviewer
Current Research Projects
Principal Investigator, All the World is Our Stage, 2018–present
This OWRI-funded project celebrates linguistic diversity and reflects on the multilingual, multicultural and superdiverse society represented in Glasgow today. This multilingual performance supports the teaching and learning journey of primary schooling in non-affluent areas of the city. Acknowledging that embedding every community language in the curriculum is not feasible, we specifically focus on creating contexts where the languages spoken at home enjoy the same status as those taught at school.
The public engagement activity of this project ranges from extraordinary school and local authority engagement, to taking the multilingual performance ‘All the World is Our Stage: primary pupils never lost in translanguaging’ to the Scottish Parliament. During lockdown, the project received additional funding and a series of mini webinars has been produced and published fostering knowledge exchange and contributing to the legacy of Creative Multilingualism.
See Publications for other outputs.
Doctoral Project
Within my PhD, I investigate the language ideologies and linguistic practices of Spanish speaking families in contemporary Scotland, using a critical ethnographic sociolinguistic approach.
Additional Information
I am member of the
- Language and Society Cluster (SocioLang)
- Language Teaching Scholarship Cluster
- Histories and Subjectivities Cluster
- Glasgow Latin American Research Network (GLARN)
- Centre for Comparative Literature and Translation
Please see my PhD student profile for additional information.
- 2024 SGSAH Modern Languages Discipline+ Catalyst PGR Community Building and Public Engagement Fund award for Writing Retreat with a Beat♩♫♬ in collaboration with UoE PGR
- 2023 UofG College of Arts 3-month fully-funded PhD Extension
- 2022 UofG College of Arts Research Support Award (RSA)
- 2021 UofG SMLC Research Fund award for 'All the World is Our Stage' website
- 2021 College of Arts PGR Community Building and Public Engagement Fund award
- Writing Retreat with a Beat♩♫♬ a writing virtual space with music for PGRs and academics
- 2020 AHRC–OWRI Creative Multilingualism Funding Extension
- All the World is Our Stage: primary pupils never lost in translanguaging Webinar Series
- 2019 ISSOTL International Collaborative Writing Group Travel Award
- 2019 ISSOTL International Collaborative Emerging Scholar Award
- 2018 AHRC–OWRI Creative Multilingualism Early Career Researcher Funding
- PI: All the World is Our Stage: primary pupils never lost in translanguaging
- 2018–22 UofG College of Arts Postgraduate Scholarship, full fee waiver and stipend
- 2018 HWU School of Social Sciences Postgraduate Scholarship, full fee waiver and stipend
Previous Committees and Other Roles
- Coordinator 1+2 Training collab. Local Authority and Head of Languages, UWS (2016–18)
- Lead Language Immersion Days for Higher and Advanced Higher, UWS (2017–18)
- Liaison Officer (Languages & Education) PGDEs Programme Board; Learning and Teaching Committee BAs; Education and UG and PGDE Programmes; Member Languages Section Learning & Teaching Committee, UWS (2015–18)
Course Coordination
- Convener Level 2 Spanish BAs Education and PGDE Primary and Secondary, UWS (2016–18)
- Co-convener Level 1 & 2 Spanish BAs Education, UWS (2015–18)
Supervision and Mentorship
- Supervisor
- MSc Translation dissertation – UofG, 2022/23
- Honours Language project for non-Arts – UofG, 2019/20
- Third year student summer work placement abroad – UWS, 2017/18
- Mentor
- Erasmus + interns BAs Education – UWS, 2015–18
- Club En español initiative led by Erasmus+ Interns – UWS, 2015–18
- Students on placement in Secondary Education– CEC, 2014/15
Assessor and Developer Roles
- Moderator MSc Advanced Translation and Language Study (Spa > En), 2020/21
- Examiner DELE All Levels Instituto Cervantes, 2016–
- Developer PLL resources and materials, LFEE GTCS-Accredited, 2015/16
- Content Developer, Voice Over, Translator, City of Edinburgh Council, 2014–18
- Examiner CIOL DPSI (SQCF Level 10), 2011–20
Course Delivery
Teaching 2024/25
Spanish into English Advanced Translation and Language Study Teaching on the MSc in Translation Studies
For a comprehensive overview of my teaching experience and activities, please contact me for a detailed CV.
Additional information
Esteem Indicators
- FCIL Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL)
- SCILT Roll of Honour for AtWiOS Research Impact – Languages Week Scotland 2022
- Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Estelle Brisard Memorial Prize 2021 Winner
- Shortlisted Student Teaching Awards 2021 'Outstanding Contribution to Teaching' (Video available) and 'Best feedback' (Video available)
- Postgraduate Leadership Programme 20PGRs and ECRs selected UofG-wide, 2021
- Fellow Higher Education Academy FHEA AdvanceHE Direct application, 2019
- Scottish Government SIG Wider Engagement Network Member, 2017–20
- Working Group FE/HE & UCMLS/SCILT Joint Initiatives Member, 2017/18
- UCMLS Regional Cross-Sector Hub West Hub Member, 2015–20
Academic Impact and Public Engagement
Selected Knowledge Exchange and Public Engagement Activities
- YouTube Playlist for SERA ECR Network
- ECR journey and writing advice for Estelle Brisard Memorial Prize
- ‘Creative language learning: using pedagogical translanguaging to celebrate multilingualism and home languages’ co-presented practitioners & parents SCILT Creative Spring series, 2023
- Keynote TeachMeet Modern Foreign Language Icons The National TeachMeet Network, 2022
- Online Multilingual Performances Fife & West Lothian LAs ~100 attendees, 2022
- YouTube Playlist advice from UofG academics supporting Writing Retreat with a Beat♩♫♬
- TiLT webinar ‘A virtual multilingual performance to celebrate language learning and linguistic diversity in isolation’ Association for Language Learning (ALL), 2021
- ‘Autonomy and self-regulation: co-creation to mitigate the impact of COVID and support Honours students’. Online workshop UofG College of Arts, 2021
- AtWiOS and translanguaging presentation to PGDE students University of Strathclyde, 2020
Conference Organiser / Administration
- Co-organiser & Discussion facilitator ‘On the move: children and family’s communication and wellbeing’ Seminar Univ. Stirling, February 2019
- Co-organiser AGM 2018 Conférence Internationale Permanente d’Instituts Universitaires De Traducteurs et Interprètes (CIUTI) HWU, May 2018
Professional activities beyond the University
- Elected Member CIOL Council (2018–20 resigned from post)
- Scotland-wide Coordinator CIOL HE Language Partnership Scheme, 2017–20
- Secretary CIOL Scottish Society, Twitter Content Manager & Events Coordinator, 2016–19
Professional memberships
- CIOL Fellow: English, Catalan 2023–
- [Nov '12 MCIL; Nov '10 ACIL]
- SERA Member 2022–
- IATIS Member 2021–
- Anglo-Catalan Society Member 2019–
- BAAL Member, BAAL Linguistic Ethnography Forum SIG Member 2018–
- IAPTI Member 2017–
- CIOL Chartered Linguist, Interpreter 2017–
- SALT Member 2016–
- ITI English 2010–
- GTCS: Spanish, ESOL 2009–
Translation and Interpreting Practice
Freelance Linguist Spanish (A) English (B) Catalan and French (C)
- Professional website – EneidaLinguist
- Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT)
- Conference Interpreting
- Translation and Transcription
- Cinema Industry
- Vetted by Vetting Unit FCO Services 2016–
- Counter Terrorist Check (CTC) Clearance 2012–
- Enhanced Disclosure Scotland 2008–