New Staff 2020

Published: 14 December 2020

Welcome from all to our new Head of School and new lecturers in Translation Studies and EAS, as well as a new member of our administrative team.

Professor Stephen Forcer joined the University in June 2020, and in August took over as Head of School from Professor Vicente Pérez De León. Stephen joins Glasgow from the University of Birmingham, where he was Head of the Department of Modern Languages over 2015-2018. His teaching and research focus on the French and European avant-garde, and his publications deal especially with Dada and surrealism. Drawing on interests in dark humour, cultural responses to trauma, experimentation and other avant-garde characteristics, he is part of a new AHRC Scoping Grant looking at the use of the performing arts in tackling social violence in Sierra Leone and South Africa, in partnership with in-country NGOs. He has bungled his way through a few Zoom lectures in Semester 1, and in Semester 2 he is looking forward to teaching French language.

The English for Academic Study (EAS) team warmly welcomed Richard (Ted) Colclough, Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes in March 2020. Ted had worked previously at the University of Liverpool. He has been working on Pre-sessional programmes and, in common with many, considering how to adapt courses for delivery online. Ted’s scholarship interests relate to English for Specific Academic Purposes and disciplinary differences. He looks forward to meeting more colleagues in person when the opportunity presents itself.

On 4th May, we welcomed Dr Ide (SaeedeHaghi to the EAS team as a Lecturer in EAP/TEAP/TESOL. Ide had taught on the Masters in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and Applied linguistics at Newcastle University and Sheffield University, and on EAP courses in the UK and Turkey.  Her particular research interests includes TEAP (Teaching English for Academic Purposes), in-sessional provision and language assessment.   

Dr Jonathan Evans joined the school as Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies in August 2020. His research focuses on the circulation and translation of non-hegemonic ideas and media. Recent articles by Dr Evans have been published in journals such as Translation and Interpreting StudiesFeminist Media Studies and Analog Game Studies. He is currently Co-Investigator on an AHRC funded project analysing the translation and reception of LGBT+ cinema in China. He convenes the MSc Translation Studies and contributes elsewhere in the school.

Nicole Smith joined us on 6th January as a School Administrator Assistant in the Professional Services Team to help provide support for the Pre-sessional English programme and also to focus on some operational support within the School. Nicole graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2017 and has extensive experience in working closely with student support following her work in the University of Glasgow Registration and Enrolment Team.

We were delighted with the news that Cara Graham, Senior Learning & Teaching Administrator, gave birth to a beautiful little girl on Saturday 26 September. Named Riley Spence Graham and weighing in at 6lb 15 oz, both Mum and baby are thriving.

Also welcomed to the SMLC family this year was baby Úna Frances Kelly, daughter to Catriona Cassidy, Tutor in French, and Widening Participation and Postgraduate Tutor for External Relations. Una was born on 15th of November, weighing in at 6lb 8oz.


The last newborn to join us was Rosa Ellen Brines, born 1 December. Rosa is the first grandchild of Carolyn Donaldson, our posgraduate administrator.















First published: 14 December 2020

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