Stirling Maxwell Centre Autumn 2023 Seminar Series

Stirling Maxwell Centre Autumn 2023 Seminar Series

College of Arts School of Modern Languages and Cultures Stirling Maxwell Centre
Date: Thursday 05 October 2023 - Thursday 02 November 2023
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Venue: Various
Category: Public lectures
Speaker: Various (see below)

Goya’s Caprichos and EmblemsMaría de los Dolores Cabrero Rodríguez-Jalón (Complutense University, Madrid)
Thursday, 5 October 2023, 5 p.m., Special Collections Seminar Room and online.

C. L. R. James’s Toussaint Louverture: The Story of the Only Successful Slave Revolt in History
Nic Watts and Sakina Karimjee (independent adaptors and illustrators)
Thursday, 26 October 2023, 5 p.m., John Smith’s Bookshop (Fraser Building) and online.

Early Modern Diplomacy and French Festival Culture (book launch)
Bram van Leuveren (Leiden University)
Thursday, 2 November 2023, 5 p.m., Special Collections Seminar Room and online.

All welcome!

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