Regeneration: 6th Annual PG Conference in Comparative Literature and Translation Studies
Hosted by the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, this one-day conference will explore how the theme of 'regeneration' finds expression in Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. **REGISTRATION NOW OPEN**
School of Modern Languages and Cultures | College of Arts
Date: Friday 14 May 2021
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: Online via Zoom
Category: Conferences
Please note that Zoom links will be sent to registered attendees one or two days before the event.
‘Regeneration’ describes an intersection of the old and the new, signalling creation alongside a degree of continuity. It can be found everywhere – from bodily processes to ecological diversity, urban transformation to the revision and reinterpretation of history. But it is often the result of a crisis, occurring in the aftermath of wars, natural disasters, and of course pandemics. The term ‘regeneration’ is therefore closely associated with suffering, destruction and upheaval, and is at times an indication of loss as well as a sign of potential gain or repair.
Though in many ways intended as a timely call for optimism, this one-day conference sets out to interrogate the challenges involved in regeneration. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to confront problematic aspects of modern society; to reconcile a yearning for the familiar and an aversion to restrictions with a newfound appreciation of simplicity and an acceptance of change. With this context in mind, and drawing on resonant themes in literature and translation, we will explore where, when, how and why regeneration takes place.
** PROGRAMME - all times shown are BST (UK) **
9.15 – 9.20: Welcome & Housekeeping
9.20 – 9.30: Head of School Address
Professor Stephen Forcer, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow
9.30 – 10.10: The Reconciliation of Old and New
Reinterpretation, Renewal and Regeneration in Jewish Tradition: A Look at the Megillat Esther and Passover Haggadah through Graphic Novels
Jordanna Conn, University of Glasgow
Resurrecting (and Rewriting?) an Ode: Navigating Insertions in Sezai Karakoç's Translation of 'Bānat Suʿād’
Gabrielle Russo, University of Oxford
Chair: Andrew Rubens, University of Glasgow
10.10 – 10.20: Break
10.20 – 11.00: Narratives of Spectrality
Can the ghost be resurrected? (Re)translating the spectral memory of Mrs Ramsay in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse
Ziling Bai, University of Manchester
Byron’s Ruins: Dark Ecology, Spectrality and the Regeneration of Greece
Stefan Kalpachev, University of Oxford
Chair: Kristina Åström, University of Glasgow
11.00 – 11.10: Break
11.00 – 12.10: Keynote
In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Glasgow's 1951 Festival of Jewish Arts and the Regeneration of Jewish Culture
Dr. Mia Spiro, University of Glasgow
12.10 – 1.30: Lunch Break
1.30 – 2.10: Twentieth-Century Literature and Translation
The Crisis of Exhaustion in Turn-of-the-Century Germany: Medical and Literary Perspectives on Body Regeneration
Rachel Lehmann, University of Kent
Russian (Re)Translations of Wilde’s Salomé: A Comparative Study
Ekaterina Shatalova, University of Glasgow / Aarhus University
Chair: Andreea Tint, University of Glasgow
2.10 – 2.20: Break
2.20 – 3.20: Keynote
The Jane Eyre Generator
Professor Matthew Reynolds, University of Oxford
3.20 – 3.30: Break
3.30 – 4.10: Translating Existence and Identity
Experiencing Regeneration through Exophony. The Case of Jhumpa Lahiri
Andrea Bergantino, Trinity College Dublin
Recreating Existence in Ibn ʿArabi’s al-Futūhāt al-Makkiyya, “The Meccan Openings”
Beatrice Bottomley, Warburg Institute, University of London
Chair: Lucy McCormick, University of Glasgow
4.10 – 4.15: Break
4.15 – 5.00: Closing Roundtable
Professor Susan Bassnett, University of Glasgow & University of Warwick
Professor Matthew Reynolds, University of Oxford
Organised by Sophie Maddison and Elena Dardano, in collaboration with the Writing in Transit research cluster.
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