About the School of Modern Languages & Cultures

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC) stands for a better world through teaching, scholarship and research in languages and cultures.

SMLC programmes embrace the subject areas of Catalan, Chinese, Comparative Literature, English for Academic Study, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Translation Studies. Through our International Mobility Programmes we teach a range of other languages including Arabic, Japanese, and Ukrainian.

The School aims to foster a culture of excellence in research in each area of its activities, thereby supporting a wider intellectual environment in which to provide learning and teaching of the highest quality. In doing so the School aims to participate fully in the University of Glasgow's mission to play a leading role in the intellectual, professional, commercial and cultural life of the local, national, and international communities to which it belongs and with which it interacts. The School also aims to be an open and inclusive place where students and staff can come together for a range of activities, from research seminars, poetry readings and debating competitions to cultural events and social occasions.

The School has over 150 members of staff, of whom around 75 are academics engaged in teaching, scholarship, and research. Many of our colleagues are first language speakers of the languages they teach, and our programmes are backed by Native Language Teachers in all subject areas. Degree courses at Honours level are offered in Comparative Literature, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, often in combination with other subjects and, together with Czech, Polish, Mandarin and Catalan, as single courses within another degree. There are taught postgraduate courses in Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, and TESOL (delivered jointly with the School of Education). English for Academic Study offers a range of courses to support students' development of English language skills within an academic environment.

SMLC staff are located primarily in the Hetherington Building on Bute Gardens. Student facilities in the Hetherington include a computer cluster, a student common room, and a large silent study area. The University Main Library houses a well-stocked collection of books, periodicals and audio visual material within its Languages Resource Library (Level 4 of the Main Library). The School also has an Annex on 52 Hillhead Street, which provides rooms for some School teaching and events as well as some staff office space.

School Roles

Athena Swan

Dr Julia Hartley

Centre for Comparative Literature and Translation

Professor Michael Syrotinksi

Complaints Officer

Mr Matthew Hastings

Deputy Research & Knowledge Exchange Convenor 

Dr Shanti Graheli

Director Stirling Maxwell Centre

Professor Billy Grove

Deputy Director Stirling Maxwell Centre

Dr Luis Gomes

Disability Officer

Dr Tatiana Heise / Dr Nick Mayhew

Dissertation Convenor

Dr Olivier Salazar-Ferrer

Early Career Representative

Dr Magdalena Kampert / Dr Alessia Zinnari

Employability Officer

Mr Riccardo Galgani

Exams and Assessment Officer

Dr Azariah Alfante

Good Cause Honours/Post Graduate

Professor Sheila Dickson

Good Cause Non-Honours

Dr Lise Tannahill

Graduate Studies Convenor

Dr Mirna Solic

Internationalisation Officer

Dr Ramona Fotiade

Learning and Teaching Convenor

Dr Greg Kerr


Dr Ramona Fotiade

Postgraduate Tutor

Dr Ide Haghi

Postgraduate Taught Convenor

Dr Elwira Grossman

Plagiarism Officer

Dr John Bates

Quality Officer


Research & Knowledge Exchange Convenor

Dr Jackie Clarke  

Research Integrity Advisor

Dr Elwira Grossman

Residence Abroad Coordinator

Dr Jamie Rann

School Impact Lead

Dr Guillem Colom-Montero

School Liaison and Recruitment Officer

Ms Monica Legazpi -Iglesias

School REF Lead

Prof Bernie O'Rourke

Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching (TELT) Officer

Mrs Jolanta Hudson

Language Resource Library

The Language Resource Collection (LRC), previously the Language Resource Library (LRL), has moved to Level 4 of the Library.