Mr Craig Mather
- Clinical Senior Lecturer (Dental School)
0141 211 9855
F28, Level 4,, Oral Surgery Department, Glasgow Dental Hospital, 378 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G2 3JZ
Craig graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2002 before completing a 2-year longitudinal general foundation training scheme in Lothian. He spent time training within General Dental Practice, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Restorative, Paediatrics and Community Dental settings (now Public Dental Service). He then spent 2 1/2 years in an OMFS unit in Fife during which time he gained his MFDS in 2005.
He was appointed to a Staff Grade role in OMFS in 2007 in Lothian, during which time was awarded the Intercollegiate Diploma in Surgical Dentistry (MSurgDent), before moving back to Glasgow in 2012 gaining Specialist recognition and being placed on the GDC Specialist List in Oral Surgery in 2013.
He was awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Professions Education (with merit) in 2014 from the University of Glasgow and took up the post of Clinical University Teacher / Honorary Specialist in Oral Surgery in 2017, and was Clinical Lead for Oral Surgery within the Public Dental Service between 2017 and 2021. He was appointed BDS3 Coordinator in 2017 having been the deputy for the proceeding 3 years and continued this role until 2023. He was the University of Glasgow representative on the Scottish Oral Surgery Specialist Training Committee (2017-20) and was awarded the Diploma of Fellowship of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (FDS) by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2019 and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2020.
In 2020 he was promoted to, and currently works as a, Senior Clinical Lecturer / Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery and continues to undertake senior leadership roles. He has recently been appointed to the role of Deputy Director of Dental Education and continues to have responsibilities including Dental School Quality Assurance and Enhancement Officer, Deputy Lead for Admissions (Dental) as well as Lead for the International Parter Dental Schools Program.
As part of his NHS remit, he is Clinical Lead for Oral Surgery within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, is an Educational Supervisor for Dental Core Trainees and Clinical Supervisor for Specialist Trainees. He is a NES approved Enhanced Medical Appraiser Trainer for Dentists and continues to be an active Appraiser.
He also hold roles within the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow including Interim Vice Dean for the Dental Faculty and is an ISFE Board member for Oral Surgery. He examines for the ISFE, MOral Surgery and MFDS examinations.
Craig is also the current President of the Glasgow Odontological Society.
As part of his remint as Deputy Director for Dental Eductaion, Craig is currently the Dental School Quality Assurance and Enhancement Officer, Lead for the International Partner Dental Schhols Program and Deputy Asdmission Officer (Dental)
Craig has been involved with the BDS3 Course Team since 2012 becoming Deputy Co-ordinator in 2014, and was the Course Co-oridnator between 2017-2023. He provides academic teaching, clinical supervision and assessment within Oral Surgery.
He was awarded a Teaching Excellence award in 2021 as part of the Dental Online Clinic Assessment Team (Team award).