Dr Alison Cairns

  • Senior Clinical University Lecturer /Honorary Consultant (Dental School)

telephone: 0141 211 9662
email: Alison.Cairns@glasgow.ac.uk

School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, G22/3 Level 5, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School, Glasgow, G2 3JZ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0009-0002-9760-1728


Dr Alison Cairns is currently the Director of Dental Education for the University of Glasgow Dental School Undergtraduate Programme. 


Dr Alison Cairns graduated BDS with Commendation in 1997. She subsequently completed General Professional Training comprising Vocational Training in High Blantyre followed by 6 months Oral Surgery and 6 months Periodontology/Oral Medicine in Glasgow Dental Hospital and School.

Alison joined the Senior House Officer rotation in 1999 with 6 month rotations in: Maxillofacial Surgery (Canniesburn Hospital); Paediatric Dentistry (including Royal Hospital for Sick Children), Conservation and Oral Surgery. During this time she completed her MFDS (RCSEd) qualification.

She became a Specialist Registrar in Paediatric Dentistry in 2002 and also started a research Masters degree. Her MSc by research was completed in 2004 followed by an M Paed Dent (RCPSG) in 2005 and was on the dental practitioners role in child protection. In 2006, she joined the University as a Clinical Lecturer and Honorary FTTA in Paediatric Dentistry. She completed her FDS Paed Dent (RCPSG) in 2007 and became Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry in 2008 . Alison completed a Diploma in Postgraduate Teaching Practice and from there went on to complete an Education based PhD in 2018 entitled ‘Introduction and evaluation of a peer observation of teaching scheme to develop the teaching practice of chair-side clinical dentistry tutors’.

Alison provides NHS clinical services at the Royal Hospital for Children and Glasgow Dental Hospital where she also provides clinical training for UG students and junior NHS staff. Alison is the Director of Dental Education at the Dental School, academic lead for Paediatric Dentistry teaching including Paediatric Outreach Clinics based in the Public Dental Service. Alison is the previous Quality Assurance and Learning Enhancement Officer for the dental school and sits on multiple dental school committees.

Research interests

Alison’s current research interests are in dental education, cleft care child protection and dental trauma.  


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Number of items: 40.


Varsou, O. , Cairns, A. , Delaney, C., Henderson, N., Nairn, N. J. , Richardson, G., Border, S. and Bell, A. (2025) Exploring the Evolution of Dental Students’ Professional and Technical Concepts: Progression and Change from BDS1 to BDS3 in the Dissection Room. Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2025, Preston, UK, 6-8 Jan 2025.


Mullan, F., Mather, H., Bateman, H., Cairns, A. , Nasseripour, M., Binnie, V., Dawson, L., McCracken, G. and Ellis, J. (2024) Recognising and supporting authentic learning in a changing world: the opportunities and threats of AI. British Dental Journal, 237(8), pp. 659-662. (doi: 10.1038/s41415-024-7948-9) (PMID:39455785) (PMCID:PMC11511663)

Nairn, N. J. and Cairns, A. (2024) Embedding Health and Wellbeing into a Professionally Regulated Degree Programme: Health and Wellbeing. ADEE Annual Meeting 2024, Leuven, Belgium, 7-10 Sept 2024.


McKay, A., Mccall, J. and Cairns, A. M. (2023) Peer assessment: Development and delivery of the OSCE. European Journal of Dental Education, 27(2), pp. 234-239. (doi: 10.1111/eje.12796) (PMID:35263022)

Elyoussfi, S. and Cairns, A. (2023) Cherubism: A Paediatric Patient Case Report. BSPD Annual Conference, Newcastle, UK, 13-15 Sept 2023.

Linden, J. and Cairns, A. (2023) Assessing Clinical Reasoning/; Introducing the Structured Clinical Reasoning (SCR) Examination. BARDES 2023, Glasgow, UK, 9-10 Nov 2023.

McGuinness, N., Bowes, H., Hennegan, M., Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2023) Investigating the Benefits of Dental Education and Social Integration for Families with Children with Cleft Lip and Palate. BSPD Annual Conference, Newcastle, UK, 13-15 Sept 2023.


Bell, A. , Cairns, A. and Binnie, V. (2022) The changing landscape of dental education - Glasgow Dental School. British Dental Journal, 233, pp. 427-429. (doi: 10.1038/s41415-022-4902-6) (PMID:36085479) (PMCID:PMC9461423)

Cairns, A. , Campbell, F., Corbett, M., Hogg, F., Surendran, S., Wright, G. and Britton, K. (2022) Scottish Cleft Dental Services in Covid 19 Times: Where are we now? Cleft Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 11-15 July 2022.

Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2022) Dental Hygiene and Therapy Students' Perceptions of Knowledge and Clinical Experience Gained During a Placement in the Children's Cleft Clinic. National Cleft Study Day, Stirling, UK, 2022.

Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2022) Dental Management of Children with Cleft in a Multidisciplinary Team. Joint East and West of Scotland Study Day, Glasgow, UK, 2022.

Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2022) "Glasgow Children's Cleft Clinic" A Service Evaluation of the Dental Impact of the Glasgow Children's Cleft Clinic. BSPD 2022 National Conference, Sheffield, UK

Campbell, F., Campbell, L., Crampin, L., Hunter, K., Weale, C. and Cairns, A. (2022) Implementation and Evaluation of the Glasgow Children’s Cleft Clinic. Cleft 2022, Edinburgh, UK, 11-15 July 2022.


Cairns, A. and Park, C. (2021) Safeguarding for the paediatric patient. In: Albadri, S. and Stevens, C.L. (eds.) Paediatric Dentistry for the General Dental Practitioner. Series: BDJ clinician's guides. Springer: Cham, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9783030663728 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-66372-8_7)

O'Driscoll, J.A., McCann, C. and Cairns, A. (2021) Review of Long-term Outcomes for Non-vital Immature Permanent Incisors Treated with MTA. 28th Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, 10-13 June 2021.

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2021) Paediatric dentistry I. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry [4th ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited, pp. 163-188.

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2021) Paediatric dentistry II. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry [4th ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited.


Freeman, Z., Cairns, A. , Binnie, V. , McAndrew, R. and Ellis, J. (2020) Understanding dental students’ use of feedback. European Journal of Dental Education, 24(3), pp. 465-475. (doi: 10.1111/eje.12524) (PMID:32159894)


Cairns, A.M. (2019) Child physical abuse and neglect. In: Andreasen, J.O., Andreasen, Frances M. and Andersson, Lars (eds.) Textbook and Color Atlas ofTraumatic Injuries to the Teeth. Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ. ISBN 9781119167068


Park, C.M. , Welbury, R., Herbison, J. and Cairns, A. (2015) Establishing comprehensive oral assessments for children with safeguarding concerns. British Dental Journal, 219(5), pp. 231-236. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.689) (PMID:26361125)


Cairns, A.M. , Bissell, V. and Bovill, C. (2013) Evaluation of a pilot peer observation of teaching scheme for chair-side tutors at Glasgow University dental school. British Dental Journal, 214(11), pp. 573-576. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.527)

Harris, C., Cairns, A. and Welbury, R. (2013) Helping families access care. British Dental Journal, 214(2), pp. 45-46. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.60) (PMID:23348432)

Harris, C. M. , Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. M. (2013) The Scottish dental practitioner's role in managing child abuse and neglect. British Dental Journal, 214(9), E24-E24. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.435) (PMID:23660928)

Hogg, F., Harrison, N., Cairns, A. , Keightley, A., Irving, G. and Campbell, C. (2013) Audit to assess delivery of caries preventive care in undergraduate outreach clinics. Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin,

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2013) Paediatric dentistry I. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry. Volume 2, Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics [3rd Ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited. ISBN 9780702045974

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2013) Paediatric dentistry II. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry. Volume 2, Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics [3rd Ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited. ISBN 9780702045974


Dean, A.A., Bark, J.E., Macpherson, L.M.D. , Sherriff, A. and Cairns, A. (2011) Use of the "Hall Technique" for management of carious primary molars among Scottish General Dental Practitioners. European Archive of Paediatric Dentistry, 12(3), pp. 159-162. (doi: 10.1007/BF03262798)

Cairns, A. (2011) Brush up on your technique: good habits start young. Journal of Family Health Care, 21(3),

Cairns, A. (2011) Reality bites: good dental habits for life. Journal of Family Health Care, 21(6), pp. 30-33.


Cairns, A.M. and Welbury, R.R. (2009) The Role of the Dental Team in Child Protection- A Review. Scottish Medical Journal, 54(2), pp. 37-40. (doi: 10.1258/rsmsmj.54.2.37)


Borrie, F. and Cairns, A.M. (2007) Patient with a macrodont, transposition, and supplemental tooth in the upper anterior segment – a case report. Dental Update, 34(6), pp. 352-354.

Cairns, A. , Gilchrist, F. and Leitch, J. (2007) The use of intranasal midazolam in the treatment of paediatric dental patients. Anaesthesia, 62, pp. 1262-1265. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2007.05260.x)

Gilchrist, F., Whitters, C., Simpson, M., Cairns, A.M. and Hosey, M. (2007) Exposure to nitrous oxide in a paediatric dental unit. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 17, pp. 116-122. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2007.00797.x)


Cairns, A.M. , Mok, J.Y.Q. and Welbury, R. (2005) The dental practitioner and child protection in Scotland. British Dental Journal, 199, pp. 517-520. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4812809)

Cairns, A.M. (2005) The Management of Abuse: A Resource Manual for the Dental Team, by J.T Newton and E. Bower. 112 pp, paperback, published 2005 ISBN: 978 0 954614 53 9. Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 6(2), pp. 98-99. [Book Review]

Cairns, A.M. (2005) The Management of Abuse: A Resource Manual for the Dental Team, by J.T Newton and E. Bower. 112 pp, paperback, published 2005 ISBN: 978 0 954614 53 9. British Dental Journal, 200, [Book Review]

Cairns, A.M. , Mok, J.Y.Q. and Welbury, R.R. (2005) Injuries to the head, face, mouth and neck in physically abused children in a community setting. British Dental Journal, 199(12), p. 776. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4813072)


Cairns, A.M. , Murphy, J.M. and Welbury, R. (2004) An overview and pilot study of the dental practitioner's role in child protection. Child Abuse Review, 13(1), 65 -72. (doi: 10.1002/car.833)


Cairns, A.M. and Hosey, M.T. (2003) Current trends in the scavenging of nitrous oxide for inhalation sedation. Dentistry, 35,


Cairns, A. , Watson, M., Creanor, S. and Foye, R.H. (2002) The pH and titratable acidity of a range of diluting drinks and their potential effect on dental erosion. Journal of Dentistry, 30(7-8), 313 -317. (doi: 10.1016/S0300-5712(02)00044-1) (PMID:12554112)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 07:01:40 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 40.


Mullan, F., Mather, H., Bateman, H., Cairns, A. , Nasseripour, M., Binnie, V., Dawson, L., McCracken, G. and Ellis, J. (2024) Recognising and supporting authentic learning in a changing world: the opportunities and threats of AI. British Dental Journal, 237(8), pp. 659-662. (doi: 10.1038/s41415-024-7948-9) (PMID:39455785) (PMCID:PMC11511663)

McKay, A., Mccall, J. and Cairns, A. M. (2023) Peer assessment: Development and delivery of the OSCE. European Journal of Dental Education, 27(2), pp. 234-239. (doi: 10.1111/eje.12796) (PMID:35263022)

Bell, A. , Cairns, A. and Binnie, V. (2022) The changing landscape of dental education - Glasgow Dental School. British Dental Journal, 233, pp. 427-429. (doi: 10.1038/s41415-022-4902-6) (PMID:36085479) (PMCID:PMC9461423)

Freeman, Z., Cairns, A. , Binnie, V. , McAndrew, R. and Ellis, J. (2020) Understanding dental students’ use of feedback. European Journal of Dental Education, 24(3), pp. 465-475. (doi: 10.1111/eje.12524) (PMID:32159894)

Park, C.M. , Welbury, R., Herbison, J. and Cairns, A. (2015) Establishing comprehensive oral assessments for children with safeguarding concerns. British Dental Journal, 219(5), pp. 231-236. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.689) (PMID:26361125)

Cairns, A.M. , Bissell, V. and Bovill, C. (2013) Evaluation of a pilot peer observation of teaching scheme for chair-side tutors at Glasgow University dental school. British Dental Journal, 214(11), pp. 573-576. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.527)

Harris, C., Cairns, A. and Welbury, R. (2013) Helping families access care. British Dental Journal, 214(2), pp. 45-46. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.60) (PMID:23348432)

Harris, C. M. , Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. M. (2013) The Scottish dental practitioner's role in managing child abuse and neglect. British Dental Journal, 214(9), E24-E24. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.435) (PMID:23660928)

Hogg, F., Harrison, N., Cairns, A. , Keightley, A., Irving, G. and Campbell, C. (2013) Audit to assess delivery of caries preventive care in undergraduate outreach clinics. Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin,

Dean, A.A., Bark, J.E., Macpherson, L.M.D. , Sherriff, A. and Cairns, A. (2011) Use of the "Hall Technique" for management of carious primary molars among Scottish General Dental Practitioners. European Archive of Paediatric Dentistry, 12(3), pp. 159-162. (doi: 10.1007/BF03262798)

Cairns, A. (2011) Brush up on your technique: good habits start young. Journal of Family Health Care, 21(3),

Cairns, A. (2011) Reality bites: good dental habits for life. Journal of Family Health Care, 21(6), pp. 30-33.

Cairns, A.M. and Welbury, R.R. (2009) The Role of the Dental Team in Child Protection- A Review. Scottish Medical Journal, 54(2), pp. 37-40. (doi: 10.1258/rsmsmj.54.2.37)

Borrie, F. and Cairns, A.M. (2007) Patient with a macrodont, transposition, and supplemental tooth in the upper anterior segment – a case report. Dental Update, 34(6), pp. 352-354.

Cairns, A. , Gilchrist, F. and Leitch, J. (2007) The use of intranasal midazolam in the treatment of paediatric dental patients. Anaesthesia, 62, pp. 1262-1265. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2007.05260.x)

Gilchrist, F., Whitters, C., Simpson, M., Cairns, A.M. and Hosey, M. (2007) Exposure to nitrous oxide in a paediatric dental unit. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 17, pp. 116-122. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2007.00797.x)

Cairns, A.M. , Mok, J.Y.Q. and Welbury, R. (2005) The dental practitioner and child protection in Scotland. British Dental Journal, 199, pp. 517-520. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4812809)

Cairns, A.M. , Mok, J.Y.Q. and Welbury, R.R. (2005) Injuries to the head, face, mouth and neck in physically abused children in a community setting. British Dental Journal, 199(12), p. 776. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4813072)

Cairns, A.M. , Murphy, J.M. and Welbury, R. (2004) An overview and pilot study of the dental practitioner's role in child protection. Child Abuse Review, 13(1), 65 -72. (doi: 10.1002/car.833)

Cairns, A.M. and Hosey, M.T. (2003) Current trends in the scavenging of nitrous oxide for inhalation sedation. Dentistry, 35,

Cairns, A. , Watson, M., Creanor, S. and Foye, R.H. (2002) The pH and titratable acidity of a range of diluting drinks and their potential effect on dental erosion. Journal of Dentistry, 30(7-8), 313 -317. (doi: 10.1016/S0300-5712(02)00044-1) (PMID:12554112)

Book Sections

Cairns, A. and Park, C. (2021) Safeguarding for the paediatric patient. In: Albadri, S. and Stevens, C.L. (eds.) Paediatric Dentistry for the General Dental Practitioner. Series: BDJ clinician's guides. Springer: Cham, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9783030663728 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-66372-8_7)

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2021) Paediatric dentistry I. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry [4th ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited, pp. 163-188.

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2021) Paediatric dentistry II. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry [4th ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited.

Cairns, A.M. (2019) Child physical abuse and neglect. In: Andreasen, J.O., Andreasen, Frances M. and Andersson, Lars (eds.) Textbook and Color Atlas ofTraumatic Injuries to the Teeth. Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ. ISBN 9781119167068

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2013) Paediatric dentistry I. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry. Volume 2, Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics [3rd Ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited. ISBN 9780702045974

Welbury, R. and Cairns, A. (2013) Paediatric dentistry II. In: Heasman, Peter (ed.) Master Dentistry. Volume 2, Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics [3rd Ed.]. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Limited. ISBN 9780702045974

Book Reviews

Cairns, A.M. (2005) The Management of Abuse: A Resource Manual for the Dental Team, by J.T Newton and E. Bower. 112 pp, paperback, published 2005 ISBN: 978 0 954614 53 9. Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 6(2), pp. 98-99. [Book Review]

Cairns, A.M. (2005) The Management of Abuse: A Resource Manual for the Dental Team, by J.T Newton and E. Bower. 112 pp, paperback, published 2005 ISBN: 978 0 954614 53 9. British Dental Journal, 200, [Book Review]

Conference or Workshop Item

Varsou, O. , Cairns, A. , Delaney, C., Henderson, N., Nairn, N. J. , Richardson, G., Border, S. and Bell, A. (2025) Exploring the Evolution of Dental Students’ Professional and Technical Concepts: Progression and Change from BDS1 to BDS3 in the Dissection Room. Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2025, Preston, UK, 6-8 Jan 2025.

Nairn, N. J. and Cairns, A. (2024) Embedding Health and Wellbeing into a Professionally Regulated Degree Programme: Health and Wellbeing. ADEE Annual Meeting 2024, Leuven, Belgium, 7-10 Sept 2024.

Elyoussfi, S. and Cairns, A. (2023) Cherubism: A Paediatric Patient Case Report. BSPD Annual Conference, Newcastle, UK, 13-15 Sept 2023.

Linden, J. and Cairns, A. (2023) Assessing Clinical Reasoning/; Introducing the Structured Clinical Reasoning (SCR) Examination. BARDES 2023, Glasgow, UK, 9-10 Nov 2023.

McGuinness, N., Bowes, H., Hennegan, M., Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2023) Investigating the Benefits of Dental Education and Social Integration for Families with Children with Cleft Lip and Palate. BSPD Annual Conference, Newcastle, UK, 13-15 Sept 2023.

Cairns, A. , Campbell, F., Corbett, M., Hogg, F., Surendran, S., Wright, G. and Britton, K. (2022) Scottish Cleft Dental Services in Covid 19 Times: Where are we now? Cleft Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 11-15 July 2022.

Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2022) Dental Hygiene and Therapy Students' Perceptions of Knowledge and Clinical Experience Gained During a Placement in the Children's Cleft Clinic. National Cleft Study Day, Stirling, UK, 2022.

Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2022) Dental Management of Children with Cleft in a Multidisciplinary Team. Joint East and West of Scotland Study Day, Glasgow, UK, 2022.

Campbell, F. and Cairns, A. (2022) "Glasgow Children's Cleft Clinic" A Service Evaluation of the Dental Impact of the Glasgow Children's Cleft Clinic. BSPD 2022 National Conference, Sheffield, UK

Campbell, F., Campbell, L., Crampin, L., Hunter, K., Weale, C. and Cairns, A. (2022) Implementation and Evaluation of the Glasgow Children’s Cleft Clinic. Cleft 2022, Edinburgh, UK, 11-15 July 2022.

O'Driscoll, J.A., McCann, C. and Cairns, A. (2021) Review of Long-term Outcomes for Non-vital Immature Permanent Incisors Treated with MTA. 28th Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, 10-13 June 2021.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 07:01:40 2025 GMT.


Papers in refereed journals

McCall, J., McKay, A., Cairns. AM. Peer Assessment in Development and Delivery of an OSCE. European Journal of Dental Education June 2023.
Freeman, Z., Cairns, A., Binnie, V., McAndrew, R. and Ellis, J. (2020). Understanding dental students’ use of feedback. European Journal of Dental Education, 24(3) 465-475.
Park C.M., Welbury R., Herbison J., Cairns A. M. (2015). Establishing comprehensive oral assessments for children with safeguarding concerns. British Dental Journal: 2015 Sep 11;219(5):231-6. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.689.

Cairns, A.M., Bissell, V., Bovill, C. (2013) Evaluation of a pilot peer observation of teaching scheme for chair-side tutors at Glasgow University Dental School. British Dental Journal; 214:573-576.

Harris C, Cairns AM, Welbury RR (2013).
British dental journal official journal of the British Dental Association: BDJ online (Impact Factor: 1.09). 01/2013; 214(2):45-6. DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.60
Source: PubMed

Hogg, F., Harrison.N., Cairns, A.M., Keightley, A. , Irving, G. , C Campbell, C. (2013)
Audit to assess delivery of caries preventive care in undergraduate outreach clinics. BSPD Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin.

Harris, C., Welbury, R.R., Cairns, A.M. (2013) Scottish dental practitioner and their role in child abuse and neglect. British Dental Journal: 214 10th May.

Cairns, A.M. (2011) Reality bites: good dental habits for life. Journal of Family Health Care, 21(6) pg 30-33.

Cairns, A.M. (2011) Brush up on your technique: good habits start young. Journal of Family Health Care, 21 (3).

Dean, A.A., Bark, J.E., Sherriff, A., Macpherson, L.M.D., Cairns, A.M. (2011). Use of the "Hall Technique" for management of carious primary molars among Scottish general dental practitioners. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 12 (3):159-162.

Gilchrist F, Cairns AM, Leitch JA (2007) The use of intranasal midazolam in the treatment of paediatric outpatients. Anaesthesia 62(12):1262-65.

Borrie, F., Cairns, A.M. (2007) Patient with a macrodont, transposition, and supplemental tooth in the upper anterior segment – a case report. Dental Update, 34(6):352-4.

Gilchrist, F., Hosey, M.T., Whitters, C.J., Cairns, A.M., Simpson M.S. (2007) Exposure to nitrous oxide in a paediatric dental unit. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 17(2):116-22.

Cairns, A.M., Mok, J. Y. Q., Welbury, R.R. (2005) The Dental Practitioner and Child Protection in Scotland. British Dental Journal 199:517-520.

Cairns, A.M., Mok, J. Y. Q., Welbury, R.R. (2005) Injuries to the head, face, mouth and neck in physically abused children in a community setting. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 15:311-319.

Cairns, A.M., Murphy, M., Welbury, R.R. (2004) An overview and pilot study of the dental practitioner’s role in child protection. Child Abuse Review 13:65-72.

Cairns, A.M., Watson, M., Creanor, S.L., Foye, R.H. (2002) The pH and acidity of a range of diluting drinks and their potential effect on dental erosion. Journal of Dentistry 30:313-317.

Abstracts in refereed journals

O’Driscoll, JA., McCann, C., Cairns AM. (2021). Review of long-term outcomes for non-vital immature permanent incisors treated with MTA. Abstracts of the 28th Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry. Vol 31, issue 52, p45.

Cairns. AM, McCall. J, McKay. A, Hamid. R. (2018). Peer Assessment in Development and Delivery of an OSCE. ADEE - Dental Education in a Changing Society, Oslo. Conference booklet pg 2.

Cairns, A., Bissell V., Bovill, C. (2018). Peer observation of teaching. ADEE - Dental Education in a Changing Society, Oslo. Conference booklet.

Binnie V, Rogerson N and Cairns A (2017). Peer assisted learning (PAL) a novel approach for the teaching of pre-clinical and clinical skills. Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) Scientific Conference, Learning together to improve oral health, Vilnius, Lithuania 23-25 Aug 2017.

Morison, H., Skene, M., O’Murchu, N., Cairns, AM. (2017). Bleaching young people’s teeth- are patients fully informed and consented? BSPD Conferences Supplement. Found at http://www.bspdconference.org/poster-presentations

Rehman, I. Iqbal, M. Lee, Y.W. Matadar, I. Cairns, A.M. (2017). Impact of a new protocol on improving efficiency of a specialist paediatric trauma clinic. BSPD Conferences Supplement. Found at http://www.bspdconference.org/poster-presentations

Taylor G, Welbury R, Cairns AM. Resorption of Lateral Incisor: Orthodontically Induced Inflammatory Resorption, External Surface or both? British Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Abstract Book. Sept 2016 conference proceedings Leeds.

Hogg FE, Binnie V, Cairns, AM. Peer Teaching: Its role in the transition from student to professional. International Association for Medical Education, Abstract Book. Aug 2016 #4DD05, p251

Hogg, FE., Binnie, V., Cairns, AM. When did I become a Professional? International Association for Medical Education, Abstract Book. 2015 #4DD05, p251


McGowan R, McCann A, Whitelaw R, Cairns AM (2015) Demographics, management and long-term outcomes for a group of children experiencing dental trauma a Glasgow Dental Hospital and School. International Association of Paediatric Dentistry Conference Abstract Supplement.

Park CM, Millar LM, Cairns AM (2015) The burden of oral disease in children with welfare concerns in Glasgow, Scotland: the work continues. International Association of Paediatric Dentistry Conference Abstract Supplement.

Bryce, L., Noble, F., Cairns, A., Devlin, M. (2014). ‘Surgical access to an ossifying fibroma in the maxilla’. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Special Issue: Abstracts of the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry Annual Scientific Meeting 17-19 September 2014, London, UK.

Bovill,C., and Cairns, A.M. (2014). Peer observation of teaching as part of strategic academic development. www.iced2014.se/proceedings/1576_Bovill.pdf

Cairns A, Bissell V, Bovill C. Evaluation of a pilot peer observation of teaching scheme for chair-side tutors at Glasgow University Dental School. Journal of Islamic International Medical College, International Conference on Medical Education, 2013, 61.

O’Raw, S., O’Murchu, N., Cairns, A.M. (2013). Use of a faces scale to measure satisfaction with aesthetic treatments on the paediatric dental clinic.

O’Murchu, N., McLaughlin, M., Coey, S., Docherty, N., Cairns, A.M. (2013).
SHADE Project

Cairns, A. M., Bissell, V., Bovill, C. (2013) Evaluation of a Pilot Peer Observation of Teaching Scheme for Chair-side Tutors at Glasgow University Dental School. University of Glasgow Teaching Conference April 2013.

A Wallace. A, Brocklebank. L, Goodall. C, Cairns. A.M.(2012).
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry: 22 (Suppl.2) pg 9.

Keys, W., Mooney, P., Cairns, A. The Use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate for Apexification of Immature Roots: A Case Series. 11th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry Abstracts Book. May 2012 pg. 85.

Campbell, C., Cairns, AM., Hogg, F., Harrison, N., Irving, G., Keightley, A., O’Morain, D. (2011) Combined Audit to Assess Fluoride Varnish Application Rates on Undergraduate Dental Outreach Clinics and Glasgow Dental Hospital - RCPSG Conference

Campbell, C., Cairns, AM., Hogg, F., Harrison, N., Irving, G., Keightley, A., O’Morain, D. (2011) Combined Audit to Monitor Preventive Packages and CARE Documentation on Undergraduate Paediatric Outreach Dental Clinics- RCPSG Conference


Harris C.M, Welbury R.R, Cairns A.M (2011) The Scottish Dental
Practitioner and their Role in Child Abuse and Neglect. International
Journal of Paediatric Dentistry; 21 (Suppl 1): 11

Harris C.M, Welbury R.R, Cairns A.M. (2011) Establishing comprehensive
oral assessments for children with "welfare concerns". International
Journal of Paediatric Dentistry; 21 (Suppl 2); 3

McKinney, A., Britton, K.F.M., Innes,N.P.T., Cairns, A.M. (2011) The success of Hall Technique crowns on a student outreach clinic. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 21(suppl 2);8.

Use of the “Hall Technique” for management of carious primary molars among Scottish General Dental Practitioner’s.
Dean A.A, Bark J.E., Macpherson L., Sherriff A., Cairns A.M
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2010; June.

Bark J E, Dean A A, Cairns A M, 2009. Opinion and usage of the “Hall Technique” amongst paediatric dental specialists in Scotland. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2009; 19 (Suppl. 2);11

Clark, S. Hunter, KD. Cairns AM. (2008) A comparison of regional odontodysplasia and segmental maxillary dysplasia. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry June.

Gilchrist, F., Cairns, A.M., Leitch, J.A. (2005) Intranasal midazolam in the treatment of paediatric dental patients. British Society of Dental Research, Dundee.
Anaesthesia 62(12):1262-65

Gilchrist, F., Hosey, M.T., Whitters, C.J., Cairns, A.M., Simpson M.S. (2004) Exposure to nitrous oxide in a paediatric dental unit. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 14(5), p390.

Welbury R.R, Cairns A.M, Mok J.Y.Q. (2004) Dentist’s education, experience, and knowledge of child protection procedures. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 89(Suppl 1), p 6.

Cairns A.M, Mok J.Y.Q., Welbury R.R. (2004) Orofacial signs of abuse in physically abused children. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 89(Suppl 1), p 41.

Cairns, A.M., Welbury, R.R. (2003) Reasons for general dental practitioners’ failure to refer suspected cases of child physical abuse to the child protection services. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 13 (Suppl 1), p 23.

Cairns, A.M., & Welbury, R.R. (2003) General Dental Practitioners Experience and Education in Child Protection. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 13 (Suppl No 5), p 10.

Cairns, A.M., & Welbury, R.R. (2006) Child Protection training for dentists in Europe. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 7 (No3, abstract PD Y-1).

Cairns, A.M., Welbury, R.R. (2006). Increasing the awareness of the role of the dental team in child protection. Abstract, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 16 (Suppl No 1), p 1.

Published articles

Cairns, A.M., Welbury, R.R. (2009). A review of the role of the dental team in Child Protection. Scottish Medical Journal, May Edition.

Cairns, A.M., Welbury, R.R. (2005). The role of the dental team in Child Protection. British Dental Journal, Vital Supplement in Press for Autumn edition 26th Nov 2005.

Cairns, A.M., Hosey, M.T. (2003) Current trends in the scavenging of nitrous oxide for inhalation sedation. Dentistry 5 June, 35.


Published book reviews

Cairns, A.M. (2005) Review on-the management of abuse: A Resource Manual for the Dental Team. Journal of Disability and Oral Health 6(2): 98-99.

Cairns, A.M. (2005) Review on-the management of abuse: A Resource Manual for the Dental Team. British Dental Journal, Volume 200.

Other Publications

PhD (Research) Introduction and evaluation of a peer observation of teaching scheme to develop the teaching practice of chair-side clinical dentistry tutors. 2018. Main Library, University of Glasgow.

MSc (Research) The Role of the Dental Practitioner in Child Protection. 2004.
James Ireland Memorial Library, University of Glasgow Dental School.

Textbook Chapters

Master Dentistry, Peter Heasman, Churchill Livingstone. Co-editor of the Paediatric Dentistry Chapters (7 and 8). Publication 2021. 4th Ed.

Paediatric dentistry for the general dental practitioner, Springer. Eds Albadri and Stevens. Chapter 7- Safeguarding and the Paediatric Patient. Publication 2021.
Textbook and Colour Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth 5th Ed 2019, Wiley Blackwell. Chapter 7-Child Physical Abuse and Neglect.

A Colour Atlas of Hutchinson’s Paediatrics, 2014

Master Dentistry, Peter Heasman, Churchill Livingstone. Co-editor of the Paediatric Dentistry Chapters (7 and 8). Publication 2013. 3rd Ed.

Co-author of Paediatric Dentistry Chapter in Hutchinson’s Paediatrics aimed at undergraduate medical Students. Publication 2008.
Master Dentistry, Peter Heasman, Churchill Livingstone. Co-editor of the Paediatric Dentistry Chapters (6 and 7). Publication May 2008. 2nd Ed.