ORC Registries Drop-In Sessions
Drop-in sessions occur twice per month on the 1st Friday of the month at 9-10am (UK) and the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4-5pm (UK). Ad hoc sessions can be arranged at other times by contacting info@sdmregistries.org or info@globe-reg.net
Anyone interested in learning more about the SDMregistries (formerly I-DSD/I-CAH/I-TS) or GloBE-Reg and the activities they support can join by Zoom. New users are particularly encouraged to attend. No need to register for the session, just drop-in!
Meeting ID: 882 1713 4707
Passcode: 872372
Scheduled sessions in 2024 (use the above zoom link for all sessions – all times UK)
Tuesday 19th November (4-5 pm)
Friday 6th December (9-10 am)
Tuesday 17th December (4-5 pm)
Scheduled sessions in 2025 (use the above zoom link for all sessions – all times UK)
Friday 3rd January (9-10am)
Tuesday 21st January (4-5pm)
Friday 7th February (9-10am)
Tuesday 18th February (4-5pm)
Friday 7th March (9-10am)
Tuesday 18th March (4-5pm)
Friday 4th April (9-10am)
Tuesday 15th April (4-5pm)
Friday 2nd May (9-10am)
Tuesday 20th May (4-5pm)
Friday 6th June (9-10am)
Tues 17th June (4-5pm)
Friday 4th July (9-10am)
Tuesday 15th July (4-5pm)
Friday 1st August (9-10am)
Tuesday 19th August (4-5pm)
Friday 5th September (9-10am)
Tuesday 16th September (4-5pm)
Friday 3rd October (9-10am)
Tuesday 21st October (4-5pm)
Friday 7th November (9-10am)
Tuesday 18th November (4-5pm)
Friday 5th December (9-10am)
Tuesday 16th December (4-5pm)
Updated 06/12/24