Child Health Prizes and Awards

Undergraduate Prizes

RCPCH Medical Student Prize

This prize is advertised annually by the RCPCH, via the Child Health administrator, for nomination to attend the RCPCH annual conference. The prize is open to Year 5 medical students with a special interest in paediatrics.

Applicants should submit a CV, a brief personal statement (maximum 500 words - please do not exceed the word count).  Applicants should also include one reference from an RCPCH member.

Further details on the prize can be obtained from Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Applications should be emailed to Karyn Cooper by the advertised closing date each year.

Yorkhill Portfolio Prize

This prize of £750, and Yorkhill Medal, is awarded annually for the best paediatric portfolio submission by a final year MB ChB student.  Runner up prize is £250.  This prize is advertised on the first Friday in January with a closing date of the last Friday in May each year.

Yorkhill Essay Prize

This prize of £750 is awarded annually for best essay of 2500 words on any aspect of paediatrics submitted by a Year 1 or Year 2 MBChB student.  Runner up prize is £250.   This prize is advertised on the first Friday in January with a closing date of the last Friday in May each year.

Hall Prize In Child Health

This prize of £500 is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health on the basis of the class examinations and the final professional examination in Child Health and an MB ChB year 5 viva.

Postgraduate Prizes 

Harry Stewart Hutchinson Prize

This prize awarded annually by Senate, is open to medical clinicians up to fifteen years post-graduation. It now includes an allowance of £1500 which will be made available to the prize winner for attendance at scientific meetings or exchange programmes related to the submitted work.  All expenses claimed as part of this prize will be administered by Child Health and should be incurred and claimed between April 2025 and April 2026.

Applicants should submit an original piece of research work in a branch of medical science related to children, together with a short personal statement to Karyn Cooper.  The submitted piece of work should demonstrate that a substantial proportion of the research has been performed in Glasgow, the applicant's author affiliation includes Glasgow and there is clear evidence of the involvement of healthcare professionals in Glasgow.

Submissions will be judged by the Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health

This prize will be advertised on the first Friday in February with a closing date of the last Friday in March each year.

Yorkhill Postgraduate Research Prize

This prize of £500 will be awarded annually for excellence in the area of paediatrics, for a successfully completed research or audit project in which the author is named first on a peer-reviewed paper in press or published within the year preceding the application.  Please note that the submitted piece of work should demonstrate that a substantial part of the work has been performed in Glasgow, the applicant's author affiliation includes Glasgow and there is clear evidence of the involvement of healthcare professionals delivering paediatric care in Glasgow. 

Applications should be emailed to Karyn Cooper.    Prize winners will be determined by the Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health.  This prize will be advertised on the first Friday in August with a closing date of the last Friday in September each year.  At the discretion of Professor Faisal Ahmed, prize money may be split and awarded to more than one prize winner.

For enquiries related to Child Health prizes and awards, please contact Karyn Cooper, Child Health Administrator.

 Updated 28/2/2025