Current PGR Students

Image of group of students sitting outside

Name: Azzah Mohammed Alaklabi

Degree: PhD

Project title: Simulation in performing urinary catheterisation

Supervisor 1: Dr Clare McFeely

Supervisor 2: Dr Rosemary Mullen

Supervisor 3: Dr William Miller

Funding: Royal Saudi Embassy

Start year: 2024

Name: Maha Almutairi

Degree: PhD, full-time

Project title: A multiple-case study to expore views on nursing care practices for people affected by advanced cancer and their family members in Saudi Arabia: Perspectives of patients, family members, nurses, and other healthcare professionals

Supervisor 1: Dr Grigorios Kotronoulas

Supervisor 2: Dr Ashleigh Ward

Supervisor 3: Professor Bridget Johnston

Funding: Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London

Start year: 2023

Name: Manal Maqeet M Alsehaimi

Degree: PhD

Project title: Stress reduction in undergraduate nursing students (mindfulness)

Supervisor 1: Dr Clare McFeely

Supervisor 2: Prof Eileen Cowey

Funding: Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Start year: 2025

Name: Zainab Abdullah A Awal

Degree: PhD, full-time

Project title: Factors influencing healthcare workers' adherence to infection prevention and control in Saudi Arabia

Supervisor 1: Dr Clare McFeely

Supervisor 2: Professor Lisa Kidd


Funding: Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia


Start year: 2019

Name: Noppanan Chaiyapoom

Degree: PhD, full-time

Project title: The provision of community-based stroke care in rural Thailand

Supervisor 1: Dr Anne Rowat

Supervisor 2: Professor Lisa Kidd

Supervisor 3: Dr David Hunter

Funding: Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Start year: 2021

Name: Lin Cheng (Crystal)

Degree: PhD, full-time

Project title: Understanding healthcare needs, experiences of cancer care, and attitudes towards cancer among ethnic Chiense immigrants in Scotland

Supervisor 1: Dr Grigorios Kotronoulas

Supervisor 2: Professor Deborah Cairns

Funding: China Scholarship Council

Start year: 2022

Name: Muna D Hassan

Degree: Phd, Full-time

Project title: Exploring the Palliative Care experiences of Black Caribbean and African children and their families in the UK

Supervisor 1: Professor Bridget Johnston

Supervisor 2: Professor Jane Coad (Nottingham University)

Funding: James McCune Smith

Start year: 2024

Name: Charlotte Marshall

Degree: PhD, Part-time

Project title: Narrative in Palliative & End-of-life Care

Supervisor 1: Professor Bridget Johnston

Supervisor 2: Dr Chris McParland

Funding: ½ funded, ½ self-funded

Start year: 2024

Name: Lindy Morrison

Degree: PhD

Title: Clinical research culture in nurse led minor injury units

Supervisor 1: Prof Bridget Johnston 

Supervisor 2: Dr Mark Cooper 

Funding: University of the West of Scotland

Start year: 2017

Name: Arina Nurfianti

Degree: PhD, full-time

Project title: Post-Stroke Cognitive Impairment: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study of nursing practice in Indonesia

Supervisor 1: Professor Lisa Kidd

Supervisor 2: Dr Grigorios Kotronoulas

Supervisor 3: Professor Terence J Quinn

Funding: Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

Start year: 2020

Photo of Saengrawee ThanthongName: Saengrawee Thantong
Degree: PhD
Title: Predictors of the symptom experience in patients with lung cancer and family caregivers receiving radiation therapy
Supervisor 1: Professor Bridget Johnston 
Supervisor 2: Dr Grigorios Kotronoulas 
Funding: The Chulabhorn Royal Academy Scholarship
Start year: 2018