Glasgow Undergraduate Medical ePortfolio

All Phase 4 students on Clinical Attachments are required to use the Glasgow Undergraduate Medical ePortfolio (GUMeP) to request and store End of Block Assessments. 

Using the GUMeP for End of Block Assessments is compulsory, with paper copies no longer being in use. The GUMeP is similar to the Foundation ePortfolio - developing the habit of recording professional development activities within this will help our students in their Foundation Years. 

End of Block Assessments are known as an 'End of Block Assessment Form' in ePortfolio.  To request an End of Block Assessment Form from their Educational Supervisor, students will use the ePortfolio’s ticket system, which will send an email directly to their supervisor - this email contains a link, which allows direct access to that form (but not the student's full account).  Supervisors are not required to log into their own account to complete this assessment.

Although Educational Supervisors do not have access to a student's full account, students can make forms and other saved content available to supervisors as a time-limited PDF by selecting 'Download Portfolio' from their Profile menu.

Students must ticket Mini-CEX and CBD assessments via their ePortfolio account as well.

If you have any questions or queries with regards to using the GUMeP please email respective clinical year administrator:

MBChB3 -

MBChB4 -

MBChB5 -