Honorary Status
Honorary status invitations are for colleagues who are not yet honorary members of staff at the University of Glasgow (current VS tutors are not eligible because of their employment status at the University). You are eligible if you have been on the GP performers list for 5 years prior to your application date. Colleagues on the GP performers list for less than 5 years should apply for Honorary Clinical Lecturer status.
Here is what you need to do:
- Complete the online application form at: https://frontdoor.spa.gla.ac.uk/honorary/
- Select Undergraduate Medical School
- Select Honorary Clinical Senior lecturer (or clinical lecturer as above) in the ‘status’ box and include Professor Andrea Williamson: andrea.williamson@glasgow.ac.uk in the ‘support’ box who will provide a supporting statement.
- You are required to upload an up-to-date brief CV with your application.
Appointment confers the benefits of having full access to GU library services and IT facilities and support (including courses). You are also entitled to access membership to sports facilities and to book a number of the University's facilities (such as meeting rooms) when Covid restrictions allow. You are also listed on the University's main staff pages as honorary staff recognising the significant contribution our tutors make to the academic life of the University.
If it would be helpful to discuss any aspect of this information before applying then please contact: andrea.williamson@glasgow.ac.uk