Project Advice

Patient / Healthy Volunteer Recruitment / Sample Collection Studies 

The project lead (either NHS or University staff) should complete the Patient Volunteer Recruitment Study Form. This will inform University and NHS on clinical / patient research ie research involving patient / volunteer recruitment (data/samples in GDH&S). It will be reviewed by:

  •  NHS Manager(s) who will consider any impact of the proposed work may have on NHS service at GDH / OHD
  • Lead for Dental Clinical Research Facility (CRF) who will consider the role of the dental CRF in the study.
  • Director of Dental Research / Lead for Oral Sciences who will consider the role of the University/Research Labs (level 9).

Staff and Students: for general advice on the following areas please make contact directly:

Patient / Healthy Volunteer Reserach & Dental Clinical Research Facility Prof Shauna Culshaw
Research requiring laboratory use (Level 9) Prof Gordon Ramage
Public Health Research Prof David Conway 
Statistics Advice Dr Andrea Sherriff

Dr Alex McMahon 
Initial Research Ethics / R&D / Information Governance Prof David Conway 
University Research Administration / Scottish Oral Health Research Collaboration Ms Deirdre Kelliher
NHS Quality Improvement Project Please go through NHS GG&C Clinician to access and complete forms.

Research at the Dental School is managed by the Glasgow Dental School Research Committee