Smoking Facts
Smoking Facts
Currently, 33% of Scottish adults smoke.
There is evidence that 'brief advice' (2-3min) on smoking cessation from a health professional, during a routine visit, is a cost-effective way of increasing the number of people who stop smoking. This simple advice can result in an extra 2% of smokers abstaining. Though numbers may appear small, when multiplied up by the number of medical/dental/pharmacy consultations a year in Scotland, the total would be considerable.
Helping your Patients Change
Health professionals have a role in oral cancer prevention which includes giving advice on smoking cessation and sensible drinking to their patients.
There is a useful guide to remind you of the areas to be covered, called 'The 5 As'.
This approach was originally developed in the USA in the 1980s.
ASK your patient
ADVISE your patient
ASSESS your patient
ASSIST your patient
ARRANGE follow-up
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