Big Smile Big Band

The Dental School’s big band, rebranded as the Big Smile Big Band following their involvement in the Guinness World Record event to create the world’s biggest smile on 9 June 2017, played to a sell-out audience at the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) on the evening of Friday 20 April 2018. The concert, which was an outstanding success, was the culmination of two days of training and networking events for the College’s Regional Advisers and Dental School Tutors. The band played two one hour sets, interspersed with refreshments in the Alexandra Room,  and was joined by Professor Alastair Sloan, the Dean of Cardiff Dental School. Professor Sloan, who is well known as an outstanding saxophonist, had been visiting Glasgow Dental School for a series of research meetings earlier in the day. 

Copies of the Big Smile Big Band’s two CDs were available on the night and donations invited for the HOPE Foundation, a charitable and philanthropic fund recently established by the RCPSG. A total of £625 was raised for this very worthy cause.

First published: 25 April 2018