SSM in e-learning team pick up Best Presentation at the University of Glasgow 9th Learning and Teaching Conference
Published: 22 April 2016
A new Special Study Module (SSM) for BDS5 students was launched this year. Five students took part, working in two groups to identify areas of the curriculum that would benefit from the development of e-learning resources. The teams then worked in partnership with academic staff and the e-learning developer to plan, develop and evaluate e-learning resources.
A new Special Study Module (SSM) for BDS5 students was launched this year. Five students, Evelyn Rennie, Shabana Hudda, Claudia Wasige, Martyn Ritchie and Amr Taha took part, working in two groups to identify areas of the curriculum that would benefit from the development of e-learning resources. The teams then worked in partnership with academic staff and the e-learning developer to plan, develop and evaluate e-learning resources.
Robert McKerlie, Evelyn Rennie, Martyn Ritchie and Wendy McAllan gave an outstanding presentation entitled ‘Student partnership in e-learning: the development of online resources for students by students in dentistry’ at the University of Glasgow 9th Learning and Teaching Conference. This was a large event focused on the theme of ‘Active student participation in learning, teaching and assessment’ attended by delegates from all subject areas within the University and other Higher Education Institutions.
This success reflects the ongoing quality enhancement of our learning and teaching activities in the Dental School together with the excellent staff-student interactions that support that enhancement, and which were very much in keeping with the theme of the conference.
The resources that these two student groups developed will be showcased at the School Meeting to be held on 25 May 2016 so that all staff members will have the opportunity to hear from the students and review the e-learning packages that they have produced in collaboration with staff members.
First published: 22 April 2016
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