The Dental School held its inaugural prize-giving event on the afternoon of Thursday 3 July 2014, ahead of Graduation the following day. Students in BDS 5 who had won prizes at any stage of the five year course were invited to attend with friends and relatives. An open invitation was also extended to all other BDS 5 students and to staff members.

After a welcome from Professor Jeremy Bagg, the Head of the School, Professor John Gibson gave an inspirational address to the prize winners, reminding them of the privileged position they would hold as dental professionals, the challenges of working in healthcare and the importance of focusing on patients and their needs.

The prize-winners were then announced by Dr Aileen Bell, Director of Dental Education, and the undergraduate academic prizes were presented by Mr David Still, President of the Glasgow Dental Alumnus Association.

The Tristan Manji Prize, awarded to the student who has been voted by fellow students and staff as having contributed most to the year, was presented by Mrs Champa Manji, in memory of her son.

The GSK Prize, awarded to the student on the postgraduate MSc in Primary Dental Care course who has given the best presentation of their research project was presented by Mrs Katy Harris from GSK.

The formal proceedings closed with a personal congratulation to all the prize-winners from the Head of School, who also thanked those involved in the organisation of the event.

Refreshments, courtesy of GSK and the Dental School, were then served in the Student Common Room.

The prize-winners are pictured with Mrs Champa Manji, Mrs Katy Harris and Mr David still

First published: 16 July 2014